Many customers have been asking about Sai Liquor, Hey Liquor, Ktown Liquor and Online Liquor.
What is the difference between each Liquor Shop?
We take this opportunity to introduce our Liquor Shops so you know where to get your Liquor to quench your thirst.
Our largest Liquor Shop 𝓢𝓪𝓲 𝓛𝓲𝓺𝓾𝓸𝓻 is situated on High Street, a street bursting with a wealth of delightful restaurants, cool cafés, and eclectic bars, is home to many local and international Craft Beers, Ciders, Cocktails, Seltzers, Wines, Bubbles, Sake, Gin and Liqueurs. Here, shelves are aesthetically decorated with novelty and outlandish selection of red wines, gin, liqueurs, and big fridges are hoarded with noteworthy and fresh selection of craft beers, ciders, cocktails, seltzers, white wines, bubbles and sake.
If you are craving an esoteric beer, 𝓢𝓪𝓲 𝓛𝓲𝓺𝓾𝓸𝓻 is where you should head. Housing Chilled craft brews from around the world in our lofty fridges, it is just grab and drink with our regulars.
Aside from craft brews, 𝓢𝓪𝓲 𝓛𝓲𝓺𝓾𝓸𝓻 also has a collection of nostalgic Novelty gifts which will bring back memories of old Hong Kong. Do bring one home for safe keep sake.
And, if you still cannot find what you want? Let us know, we will find it for you.
有好多顧客詢問 西•酒檔, 囍•酒檔, 堅•酒檔 同 網•酒檔有咩區別?
我哋最大的酒檔 西•酒檔 位於高街, 條街遍布好多餐廳, 咖啡館和及不拘一格的酒吧. 酒檔住宿好多本地及國際精釀手工啤, 蘋果酒, 雞尾酒, 葡萄酒, 泡泡酒, 清酒, 氈酒和利口酒.
架上擺滿新穎別緻的紅葡萄酒, 氈酒, 利口酒, 而大雪櫃就擺滿值得一提的新鮮精選精釀手工啤, 蘋果酒, 雞尾酒, 白葡萄酒, 泡泡酒及清酒.
如果你渴望深奧的啤酒, 西•酒檔 就係你一定要去的酒檔