Côte-Rôtie is known for its distinct and complex flavors, making it a truly unique wine. The taste is a combination of various aromas and flavors, including dark fruits like blackberry, raspberry, and blueberry, as well as spices like black pepper, clove, and nutmeg. The wine is full-bodied and smooth, with a long lasting finish. It also has a high tannin content, which gives it a spicy and earthy character. This wine reminds us to go outside, to enjoy spring and a leisurely picnic lunch paired with a glass of the wine.
Côte-Rôtie的獨特之處在於它獨特而複雜的口感,其味道是各種果香和香料的組合。包括黑莓、覆盆子和藍莓等深色水果,以及黑胡椒、丁香和肉荳蔻等香料。 該酒酒體飽滿、柔滑,餘韻悠長。 它還具有高單寧含量,賦予它辛辣和泥土的特性。看到這瓶酒,我們就忍不住想外出,享受春天,來一杯Côte-Rôtie去享受一頓簡單的野餐。
-Rôtie #紅酒推薦 #野餐配酒