Ample Wine 誠意推介哩款飲酒護肝解酒丸– 乾啦, 專為酒友們研製, 兼顧飲酒又能保護肝臟健康。
新一代乾啦兩隻解酒蛋白酶, 絕對喺助你保護肝臟, 降解乙醛排出體外達至健康嘅最佳選擇。
😘Ample Wine Best Wish Happy Mother's Day😘
❤️"You are the finest, loveliest, tenderest and most beautiful person I have ever known -- and even that is an understatement."❤️ by F. Scott Fitzerald
😍現凡購買Alcolear乾啦®十包或一樽60粒庄, 即享免運費送貨優惠😍
😍Free Delivery for any purchase of 10packs of 3pcs or 1 bottle of 60pcs Alcolear Hanggone😍
👉Ample wine 的酒友們, 飲酒都需要健康 , Alcolear乾啦®係新一代助你護肝降解乙醛達至健康的Best Choice👈
✨High Efficiency Liver Detox / Degradation of Protein✨
✨Enteric Capsule Protection, ensure effectiveness of degrading most of the alcohol in the small intestine✨
✨Hang over free✨
✨Chemical Additive Free✨
如欲選購,請瀏覽AmpleWineStore如欲選購,請瀏覽AmpleWineStore#drunkHK 網站
☎️ +852 54099034
#Alcolear #乾啦 #Hanggone #hanggone乾啦 #AmpleWine #解酒丸 #Alcolear乾啦 #winelovers #Hongkongwinelovers #bback #酒筲箕 #乙醛 #乙醇 #乙酸 #ADH #ALDH #Beerlover #RedWine #Whitewine #Drunk
🎉現時最Trendy 最 Chill的酒杯類型, 你地買左未呀?🎉
Ample Wine現正推出Combo特別版, 為酒友們提供彈性可一次2款各2隻組合的giftset呀!
👉Ample Wine相信, 傳統有腳酒杯大家都一定有, 但Stemless 嘅酒杯大家有冇用過呀? 😉最近佢嘅大熱情度賣到斷市就可見一班, 拒嘅方便同好處都幾多架, 好多場合適用, 容易攜帶又無咁易打爛, 亦可放入洗碗機高溫清潔都無問題。今日Ample Wine 介紹哩款 LUCARIS 嘅Stemless 紅酒及白酒杯比大家試下佢嘅好處啦。👉當然Stemless酒杯同一般水杯設計上有所不同, 在聞上去的葡萄酒AROMA 上實在兩回事, 避免大家誤會, 都係提一提比較好😅。
👉Lavish Stemless: Volume: 620ml, Height: 125mm x2👈
👉Hong Kong Hip Stemless: Volume: 625ml, Height: 125mm x2👈
☎️ +852 54099034
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🎖一家被澳洲首屈一指的酒評家 James Halliday 評為 'Best Value Winery’ 的酒莊 - Larry Cherubino Winery.🎖
👉Larry Cherubino Winery 成立於2005年 根據過往於澳洲20年嘅釀酒熱誠同經驗及酒莊對品質一絲不苟嘅努力,加上優質現代化管理,實行簡單而著重細節的葡萄酒生產流程, 成就出真實反映西澳風土特色的Larry Cherubino 葡萄酒。
☎️ +852 54099034
#LarryCherubino #TheYard #FOLKLORE #CabernetSauvignon #Shiraz #RIVERDALE #WESTERNAustralia #Frankriver #NewWorld #AmpleWine #Christmasgift2023 #Chardonnary #Shiraz
👉Ample wine 今日介紹一款新產品, 護肝解酒丸– Alcolear “乾啦! Hang gone!“, 它可以在酒精進入肝臟前就開始分解代謝工作,發揮解酒護肝功效。
酒精(乙醇)在人體內會經歷兩個代謝過程。首先,是在「乙醇脫氫酶」(ADH) 的作用下,乙醇降解成為乙醛。之後,再在「乙醛脫氫酶」(ALDH) 的作用下,乙醛降解成為乙酸。縮短乙醛存在時間是關鍵, 減低危害。
💊Alcolear ”乾啦!” HANGGONE 的運作原理完全不同,不但可真正減少肝臟工作負荷, 而且達到護肝降解乙醛功效。只要在喝酒前或喝酒時服用3粒,通常在喝酒後1.5小時至2小時,大部分酒精的影響就會消除。如果喝酒量較大,可以按需要再服用3粒加強降解 。至於製造Alcolear「乾啦」的主要原材料是由澳洲直接入口的優質牛肝, 牛肝的解酒酶含量特別高, 所以制成的乾啦膠囊功效顯著。💊
如欲選購,請瀏覽AmpleWineStoreHK 網站
☎️ +852 54099034
#Alcolear #乾啦 #Hanggone #hanggone乾啦 #AmpleWine #解酒丸 #Alcolear乾啦
🍷Castello Fonterutoli Philip Toscana IGT 2018 - Cabernet Sauvignon🍷
👉Ample Wine今日介紹一支意大利Tuscany嘅紅酒但用上100%最頂級的Cabernet Sauvignon 葡萄釀造的, 酒色深紅,帶上紅黑果、及花香,層次豐富,酒體飽滿。整體絲滑柔順,餘韻長而回味,絕對不能錯過。👈
🇮🇹Tuscany 是整年陽光充沛,當中以丘陵地貌為主,擁有美麗的海岸線,是意大利最有名的葡萄酒產區之一。 而今次要出埸嘅主角就係 -- Mazzei家族, 他們在Tuscany 產區相當出名,自14世紀起已傳承葡萄種植和釀酒,傳說Mazzei家族是第一個用上"Chianti"作為酒區釀酒的。現在已傳到24代了。🇮🇹
提起Mazzei家族,不得不提Philip Mazzei,他是一位充滿熱情的葡萄種植者,一位自由思想家,更是一位世界公民,他完美呈現了革新遠見與創業精神。 同時也是首位引進Toscana與其他歐洲種葡萄至美國的第一人。他對於平等理念的倡導,啟發了Thomas Jefferson (美國第三任總統)於<<美國獨立宣言>> (United States Declaration of Independence) 的引言: 「人皆生而平等,享有造物主賦予他們的不可剝奪的權利,包括生命、自由和追求幸福的權利。」為了表彰Philip,美國在其誕辰250週年的1980年,發行了 「緬懷的愛國者」 (Philip Mazzei Patriot Remembered) 紀念郵票。
而酒莊推出的Castello Fonterutoli Philip Toscana 紅酒,就係向這位偉大的Philip致敬。精選了Mazzei家族旗下兩大莊園 Fonterutoli 與 Belgurdo 最頂級的 Cabernet Sauvignon。 這莊園是用全人手採收,在攝氏25-27度溫控發酵。完成發酵後酒液會於法國及美國橡木桶中陳熟18個月才推出市場。
🍷Taste Note: 深紅酒色,帶上紅黑果、黑加倫子、橡木、香料及花香。層次豐富,酒體飽滿,入口能感受到朱古力、黑橄欖、肉桂、薄荷、香草等。整體絲滑
🥂Snapper Rock Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2022, New Zealand🥂
👉Ample Wine bring you a valuable aromatic white wine today. Snapper Rock from most famous New Zealand wine region, it has become synonymous with the Sauvignon Blanc grape variety.👈
In recent years, it becomes the most popular New World region for - Sauvignon Blanc and affordable than France Loire Valley, while offering zippy acidity and refreshing tropical fruit flavors that make for very easy-drinking, crowd-pleasing white wine. Such a high CP rate of “Snapper Rock Sauvignon Blanc”, I can’t wait to have a big sip.
🏆Vivino 4.1🏆
🏆Wine Orbit 93🏆
Pls access Ample Wine Store webpage order the wine as below
☎️+852 54099034
#SnapperRock #Marlborough #SauvignonBlanc #AmpleWineStore #ConsumptionVoucher
🇮🇹Ample Wine 為大家帶來一瓶意大利高分高CP值嘅紅酒 -- The Domini Veneti Valpolicella Ripasso Classico Superiore La Casetta 2017🇮🇹
🍷意大利東北部Veneto的Valpolicella紅酒, 它是利用意大利酒王Amarone 釀酒後果皮和果核放進Valpolicella酒中進行第二次發酵, 並陳年最少一年助Valpolicella嘅葡萄添多點風味和複雜性, 有較多層次達到一定水平要求,因此酒体會比較複雜和豐厚,可口非常。
🍷Taste Note:🍷
The Domini Veneti Valpolicella Ripasso DOC Classico Superiore La Casetta 2017呈現深紅寶石色澤,散發出柔和優雅的紫羅蘭花香、Black cherry與Sweet Spice的味道, 亦帶有雲呢拿, Tobacco 及 smoky 等後味, 單寧成熟及細滑, 酒體輕柔與酸度極至平行, 尾韻悠長迷人。
👉93points James Suckling👈
👉92points Luca Maroni👈
👉91points Gilbert & Gaillard👈
👉Silver Medal Berliner Wine Trophy👈
👉Silver Medal Decanter World Wine Awards👈
👉Silver Medal WOW! The Italian Wine Competition👈
產地: Veneto, Italy
混釀葡萄: Corvina, Molinara & Rondinella
如有興趣選購或查詢,歡迎瀏覽Ample Wine 網頁
☎️+852 54099034
#DOMINIVENETI #ValpolicellaRipassoDOC #LaCassetta #消費卷計劃 #AmpleWineStore #紅酒推薦香港
🍷🇮🇹Doppio Passo Primitivo Salento 2021🇮🇹🍷
👉Ample Wine 今日介紹一支高CP的紅酒, Doppio Passo Primitivo Salento.👈
他來自意大利Puglia Salento, 是意大利南部最重要的產區,屬地中海氣候,充足的光照和適宜的海風使得它成為理想的葡萄種植之地。 Puglia南部經海水沖刷,形成一個細長的半島,也就是最知名的Salento半島,位於意大利的“鞋踭”部分。Salento多山, 而Puglia卻相當平坦。該產區主要為多石的山丘和平原,土壤多為富含鐵元素的沉積層的白堊石灰石, 這樣釀得的葡萄酒具有複雜的結構。
🍷Doppio Passo Primitivo Salento 口感順滑和平衡的特性歸功於酒莊的特別混釀方法, 釀酒師刻意分別在兩個不同時間採摘葡萄並進行混釀而成 :第一輪是葡萄完全成熟的時候, 而第二輪是葡萄完全成熟後2~3 週。 結果釀造出一款飽滿酒體, 濃郁,帶有黑莓、櫻桃和森林水果香氣的葡萄酒。 希望大家唔好錯過哩支好底飲又有意大利南部風土的 Primitivo 紅酒啦。🍷
👉Luca Maroni: 96pts 2020 vintage👈
👉Gilbert & Gaillard: 2020 vintage Gold medal👈
👉Berlin Wine Trophy (Winter tasting): GOLD 2021 vintage👈
👉Vivino 4.2👈
如有興趣選購或查詢,歡迎瀏覽Ample Wine 網頁
☎️+852 54099034
#Primitivo #DoppioPasso #Puglia #Salento #消費卷計劃 #AmpleWineStore #意大利酒 #意大利酒推薦
World Most Admired Wine Brand 2022
How many brands that you had try? The World most Admired Wine Brand of 2022. 🍷🍷
🎊Ample Wine introduce high quality Italian brand wine glasses - 🍷Italesse🍷🎊
🥂🍷Italesse presents Wine glasses in a new era of tasting🍷🥂
Imaging the Best Shape to bring out the 🩸Uniqueness of Wine🩸
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Studying Terroir and Designing around aromas that are your senses
If you are interest on Italesse Glassware products please contact us for enquiry and details
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Wine Lovers! Are you looking for more interesting topics regarding wine?
Ample Wine eager to search for you, bring you an old information but wonder how our wine lovers understand the moderate drinking benefits. Pls see brief information and watch a 2mins VIDEO below:
DOCTORS define moderate drinking as having one glass of wine per day. (Don't excessive drinking)
Here are 5 key health benefits to drinking red wine
1. Wine, wine it's good for your heart
According to the Mayo Clinic, certain antioxidants found in red wine can help protect the blood vessels inside your heart.
2. Live long and prosper
According to a study from the Center for Biotechnology and Information, drinking wine in moderation has been linked to living longer. Researchers found it is even more beneficial when paired with a nutrient-rich diet, such as the Mediterranean diet.
3. It'll keep your mind sharp
Scientists say flavanols in red wine may help keep blood flowing through your body. This could improve blood flow to the brain, which may prevent age-related memory decline.
4. Immune booster
The antioxidants in red wine don't just help your heart, they can boost your immune system. Experts say they will help keep your immune system in check if consumed in moderation, of course.
5. It makes you feel good
A 2014 study found that people who drank a glass of wine, even in a bad environment, got the same amount of happiness as people who drank it in a positive environment.
Information provided by: WCNC Charlotte at National Wine Day 2021.
If you feel interest to our wine picks, pls browse Ample Wine website as below or contact us by phone / Whatsapp etc.
☎️Whatsapp: +852 54099034
#WineBenefits #Flavanols #Antioxidants #REDWINE #AMPLEWINESTOREHK #ITALIANWINE
吾有事 雲の上 純米大吟醸
👉🏻山形県 吾有事 雲の上 純米大吟醸 👈
🍶今日午餐開左呢支「吾有事」雲之上純米大吟釀,呢支清酒使用山形県有機栽培的「出羽燦々」酒米命名「雲の上」,在酒標的「吾」字特別只留一半,代表像煙一般飄渺,也是對此酒款寄予高表現的厚望 ,的確好有驚喜。
Taste Note: 擁有濃厚米香,又有香蕉🍌與哈密瓜🍈的華麗奔放的香氣,入口滑順柔軟,亦能感受到生酒的新鮮和濁酒微弱二次發酵的
如欲選購請瀏覽Ample Wine Store HK 網站日本清酒吾有事雲之上
or Whatsapp 54099034
#吾有事雲の上 #出羽燦々 #純米大吟醸 #amplewine
Wine tasting and Riedel glass
👉How do you think the Wine and Glass also need pairing?
👉Do you use Old World Syrah/Shiraz glass? It is not only for Syrah wine but Great for Italian grape /Wine too. i.e.
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🍇Amarone della Valpolicella,
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👉Do you have Pinot Noir/Burgundy glass?
🍇It is Great for Nebbiolo / Barolo and Barbarresco and ROSE too.
Do you enjoy your wine by glass pairing too? Yes or No? Pls share with us.
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#AmpleWine #RiedelVeritas #Syrah #Sangiovese #Nebbiolo