😍Alcolear “乾啦! Hang gone!“ 專為酒友們研製, 兼顧飲酒又能保護健康 , 新一代Alcolear乾啦®係助你護肝降解乙醛達至健康的Best Choice, 能幫助你擊退酒後臉紅及宿醉😍
Ample Wine 誠意推介哩款飲酒護肝解酒丸– 乾啦, 專為酒友們研製, 兼顧飲酒又能保護肝臟健康。
新一代乾啦兩隻解酒蛋白酶, 絕對喺助你保護肝臟, 降解乙醛排出體外達至健康嘅最佳選擇。
😘Ample Wine Best Wish Happy Mother's Day😘
❤️"You are the finest, loveliest, tenderest and most beautiful person I have ever known -- and even that is an understatement."❤️ by F. Scott Fitzerald
😍現凡購買Alcolear乾啦®十包或一樽60粒庄, 即享免運費送貨優惠😍
😍Free Delivery for any purchase of 10packs of 3pcs or 1 bottle of 60pcs Alcolear Hanggone😍
👉Ample wine 的酒友們, 飲酒都需要健康 , Alcolear乾啦®係新一代助你護肝降解乙醛達至健康的Best Choice👈
✨High Efficiency Liver Detox / Degradation of Protein✨
✨Enteric Capsule Protection, ensure effectiveness of degrading most of the alcohol in the small intestine✨
✨Hang over free✨
✨Chemical Additive Free✨
如欲選購,請瀏覽AmpleWineStore如欲選購,請瀏覽AmpleWineStore#drunkHK 網站
WhatsApp: https://wa.me/85254099034
☎️ +852 54099034
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🎉現時最Trendy 最 Chill的酒杯類型, 你地買左未呀?🎉
Ample Wine現正推出Combo特別版, 為酒友們提供彈性可一次2款各2隻組合的giftset呀!
👉Ample Wine相信, 傳統有腳酒杯大家都一定有, 但Stemless 嘅酒杯大家有冇用過呀? 😉最近佢嘅大熱情度賣到斷市就可見一班, 拒嘅方便同好處都幾多架, 好多場合適用, 容易攜帶又無咁易打爛, 亦可放入洗碗機高溫清潔都無問題。今日Ample Wine 介紹哩款 LUCARIS 嘅Stemless 紅酒及白酒杯比大家試下佢嘅好處啦。👉當然Stemless酒杯同一般水杯設計上有所不同, 在聞上去的葡萄酒AROMA 上實在兩回事, 避免大家誤會, 都係提一提比較好😅。
👉Lavish Stemless: Volume: 620ml, Height: 125mm x2👈
👉Hong Kong Hip Stemless: Volume: 625ml, Height: 125mm x2👈
WhatsApp: https://wa.me/85254099034
☎️ +852 54099034
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