So, the snow and ice has disappeared.
And you know what that means...
Thats right.
It's nearly Easter!!!
And we are all prepared.
We've got Chocalate Eggs and Bars of all shapes and sizes.
With more on the way.
While not call in and see what we've got....
You know its nearly Christmas when Santa's Coca Cola truck arrives!
And you can claim your free santa hat, when purchasing two big bottles of Cola.
(While stock lasts).
Whose going to be the first to have their picture taken driving the truck with Santa?
Go on, you know you want to...
This fella has to be our most prolific shoplifter!
Over the Sumner we've caught and barred him more times than we care to mention.
We even caught him on Thursday trying to walk right past us, but we'd already spotted him, so we recovered our stock and reminded him that he is still barred.
But he just won't take no for an answer!
So yesterday, he got lucky and got away with yet another bottle of wine!
And that means he gets to make yet another appearance on Facebook, followed by another report to the Police..
We are in countdown mode!
Only two days to go now!!!
Four Loko UK
Crikey, it's Snowing and FREEZING out there today!!!
But if you need something to warm you right up.
Why not try our new range of frozen curries.
We've got Chicken Madras, Chicken Tiika Masala and for those brave enough Chicken Vindaloo (it's a Hot one)!
Only £2.59 each.
And we've got all the extras, Rice, Bhajis and Naans too....
Presumably these two are stealing cleaning stuff for order.
Had a car facing the wrong way down a one way street for a quick getaway too.
Don't be tempted to buy anything from them though.
Handling stolen goods is never a good thing.
Especially when they've been tucked down their sweaty pants!!!
The day has arrived!
It's the great Biotiful Kefir Drink tryout day.
Grab your free bottle from the beautiful people at Biotiful, here today between 11.00 and 5.00pm, while stock lasts.
And it's good for you too!!!