Check page for ride plans, all rides will be set out on the page beforehand. Winter Rides - The Road Race Team meet on Tuesdays at 1800 at Peterculter bus stop, opposite Spar. Now into winter we will be doing night rides, 40 miles at Z2-Z3, starting steady in October building up to spring. Lights and mudguards are essential, as are good group riding skills. Please ensure your bike is in
good working order and carry appropriate spares / tools. Route -
Summer Rides - The Road Race Team meet at 1800 at Peterculter bus stop, opposite Peterculter Spar. Spin out to Floras where two sets of two laps, APR style, on the circuit will be covered. The last Tuesday of the month will be a longer ride, to keep things fresh. Handicapping means the rides are suited to a range of abilities. The training is road race orientated, good group riding skills are essential. Mechanicals, nature breaks and dropped riders will not be waited on by the group (emergencies / injuries excepted). Thursday in winter CX rides - 6pm on the deeside line at the location in the link below (under the bridge, in the spooky darkness). Around 1.5 hours taking in Countesswells woods, Brimmond hill, Tyrebagger woods, the coast path to Cove, Tullos hill, Kincorth hill and Tollohill woods (not all on the same night!). Not usually any formal CX racing drills, just a cruise around the woods. Routes will be with a CX bike in mind, but a light xc mtb would do too (could argue it’s more appropriate in some instances…).'00.0%22N+2%C2%B010'27.1%22W/@57.1167845,-2.1824022,15z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x0!7e2!8m2!3d57.1166721!4d-2.1742056