Hi all, would just like to clear some things up regarding a post circling several Facebook community groups as it is becoming really detrimental on certain family members.
Firstly there is a lot of false information written in this circling post regarding our returns policy, a bodyboard that we did facilitate a return for after being used the week before and the false claim that we don’t refund products if they are faulty. This product was supplied through Henderson’s and will have been the same snorkel set on sale within other SPAR stores as well as at the same retail price. There have been no other complaints to us regarding this product and packaging was not damaged or worn when sold to suggest that it was not of the quality for us to proceed with the sale. Thankfully, this situation will however now be resolved via Henderson’s headquarters.
Nevertheless, the justification of shaming a small local business in several community groups in the area and singling out business owners who have worked 7 days a week their entire life is concerning. To see Facebook users who have never ever raised a problem with customer service etc. to then publish them on social media would make anyone understand how local businesses fail.
These judgements and opinions shared online are always quick to focus on the negative things and never on the positive. It is extremely disheartening and not helpful to anyone involved and is something we would never consider justifiable in our own personal lives. We have never claimed to be perfect, nor should we be expected to be.
If you have any queries, concerns or questions to register regarding returns or other issues, please feel free to message our page as we are happy to respond to these anytime.