If you missed our first couple shows don’t worry there will be many more. Keep an eye on this page for future show announcements.
Proud to announce our newest member of Pisonia, Calum Osbaldiston.
Proud to announce our newest member of Pisonia, Calum Osbaldiston.
Allot more band and show announcements coming very soon, like our page To keep up to date with all Pisonia news.
We are sad to announce our drummer Valerio Pompili is leaving Pisonia.
We are sad to announce our drummer Valerio Pompili is leaving Pisonia to focus on his final year of university. We will miss you Val and we wish you the best of luck in your final year and future music career.
Matt working on our brand new 7 string setlist we will be playing this summer!
Our bass player Seth phillips is in the current April issue of Bass Guitar Magazine AVAILABLE NOW AT WHSMITH.
Our bass player Seth Phillips has been featured in this months issue of Bass Guitar Magazine, go show your support of this great magazine by picking up a copy at your local WHSmiths.
New Music Coming Soon
We have a lot planned for 2018. Give our page a like to stay updated.