Today gave me a unique experience, delivering the Westmorland Gazette for the first (and last) time on February the 29th!
The last time this occurred was back in 2008, when it was published on a Friday and was a broadsheet costing 55p. I hadn't begun delivering papers until later that year, having acquired the shop in 2007. I recall Muriel Hawkes badgering me constantly to re-establish the rounds and how much I was going to charge for delivery. 15p per day and 20p at weekends was the initial rate.
The paper now costs nearly triple that now (£1.60), though delivery charges haven't even doubled. That is about to change with an increase of 5p per day, making the new rates 30p weekdays and 35p at weekends, still way under the national average, and hopefully still affordable for the local readership!
This gives my paperboys and papergirls a little more incentive to get up early, regardless of the weather to earn a crust.
Over the last decade and a half, newspaper readership has declined dramatically as the older generations die out and the media circus moves to online platforms, reducing the need for delivery staff.
The day will come (though hopefully not so soon) when newspaper delivery will become a thing of the past, which will be a great shame for the up and coming generations.
There's a lot to admire about being a paperboy/girl. It's not for all kids, some choose to stay in bed for just a little longer, but for those that do, it gives them a routine, a little organisation is required, time limits to adhere to, otherwise they may miss the school bus/ train, a change of clothes into school uniform, a bike to maintain, a route to follow. The skills, independence and experience they acquire are hard to replicate. Also, something that shouldn't be overlooked is that the money they get is hard earned and whatever they choose to spend it on tends to be looked after because of this, teaching them a form of respect that they wouldn't get from pocket money.
There's probably more,... social interaction, being polite, raising an alarm when yesterday's paper is still in the letterbox, the list goes on.
So, if you want to help prolong paper rounds in Staveley (and surrounding areas) now is the time to stop gawping at snippets online and help out this "social service" and order a paper, it might just help your mobile phone from going flat half way through the day!
Or maybe you know an elderly/infirm neighbour who doesn't even realise that someone is cycling past their door at daft o'clock!