Walking in a winter wonderland… with some of our favourite reds for company.
The LCDP hq just happens to be next to a very beautiful stretch of the river Wey. So naturally we had so get some icy pics of things we’d like to drink in the current conditions.
The wines pictured are Clos de Gamot Centenaires Cahors, Chateau Pibarnon Bandol Rouge and Eliza Guerin’s ‘Les Thorins’ Moulin a Vent. We could talk all day about their respective merits, but if you’re after some cold weather tipples, you could do a lot worse. All qualify as fine wines in our humble opinion and, more importantly, are guaranteed to put a smile on your face in any conditions.
Wrap up well folks, and let us know what your warming yer cockles with this weekend 😉