Smaller #galaxy #stones we uploaded to the #etsy #shop last week due to customer demand. These #vesicular #basalt rocks are all under 30g or thereabouts. Smaller rocks means they are cheaper than the big ones. Everyone can have a taste of Scotland. But please do not lick the rocks.
Just 4 seconds of quartz drusy in the Scottish hills.
#quartzdrusy #crystals #mineeals #scotlandforever
Copper minerals often stain the rock around them green. Malachite and chrysocolla are always possible.
#greenrocks #copper #copperite #greengems #britidhminerals #mineralspecimen
Yesterday's quartz hunt turned into a garnet hunt once I put my thinking brain on...
#garnets #rockhunting #Scotland #almondine #cuterock #minerals #scotland #scottishcrystals
Old lava field in #Scotland which cooled with bubbles in it. The bubbles slowly picked up new sediments over time.
#thestonecircle #rocksandminerals #lavafield #ancient #coolrocks
We picked up this Copper as part of an old crystal collection we bought in December 2022. It's as close to gold as you can get in terms of rich and beautiful shine.
We have spent the morning reading about copper as a healing crystal....or at least as a mineral. It is said to soothe inflammation, which is why people wear copper bracelets.
#nativecopper #copper #nugget #coppernugget #crystalvollection #mineralspeciken #TheStoneCircle
Get it at:
Says it all really 😂 love the #rocks but hate to carry them!
#Heavy #quartzcrystal #pocket #basalt #scotland #dammit
Cute bluebie! #cuterockifound #scottishagate #rockhuntingscotland
When #rockhounding goes wrong and the camera won't focus!
Could be flint, could be agate, nobody knows!
#chert #flint #agate #minerals #scotland
One of our recent finds from Ayrshire...