Not changing my page name on Facebook because I'd lose you all but this is my new Instagram name...
When I first set up my business I was told to name it after something that meant something to me. So I did. Ellie and the Rubester are my daughters - amazing girls and the loves of my life obviously. It made sense, I had no plan for my work or had any idea where I was going with it.
10 years later I still don't have much idea but I DO have a plan and since those little darlings have grown into big darlings and left home, I think it's time for me to strike out on my own.
Three years ago I made a page of this name. Again no plan, no real reason, just an itch. It was catchy, absolutely me and probably most important of all - something folk might actually remember without me having to spell it out endlessly. Also I won't be called Ellie all the time, didn't think that obvious fault through at the beginning either.
So here we are - low key, slightly nervous drum roll please - let me introduce Papercut Punk. Punk has been with me since I stole Easy Jim's first S*x Pistols single age 11. It's not about the music for me, it's about the attitude and ethos. The do-it-yourself ethic - just diving in and giving it a go. Ever since I first tippexed band names on the back of a donkey jacket I've loved making stuff that expresses who I am and this year I want to share that joy even more and show you how much fun can be had with just a bit of paper and a sharp knife.
I really hope you'll stick around (and no, I don't look like that no matter what filter I use!) 🖤