Why not try today and buy in store now for £19?!? Ask a member of staff on your next visit for the benefits of switching.
One of the things Mitch likes about IQOS is how much money he has been able to save.
Did you know you can save up to £3,300 a year when you switch to IQOS?*
*Claim compares the cost of smoking an average pack of ci******es (with king-size filter) per day, and (i) the cost of buying IQOS ILUMA ONE Starter Kit (RRP £39) and then consuming one pack of TEREA daily (RRP £6). In February 2024, the average pack of ci******es with king-size filter was £15.45 (ONS data). Savings will vary depending on IQOS ILUMA model and Starter Kit selected. For further information, visit www.iqos.com/legal.