OK for those of you who didn't see the tractors last night, I've been sent this.....merry Christmas
I am going straight to hell. A rep from one of the beer companies just came in, but he sounded and looked like the Police man from Allo Allo.....his pronunciation was spot on.....I have bit my lip to stop laughing at him....bless
My youngest daughter was in our kitchen when I got up yesterday morning ( she helps Norris deliver the papers she had had a parcel delivered to ours and was picking it up). She made me feel so wonderful, beautiful and young, the greeting was:
" Morning Hagrid"
Got my physio appointment tomorrow.....I have to shave my legs or they will think the grinch has walked in. Got to borrow some shorts too, I'm not sitting there just in my knickers!!!! Might treat my armpits to a shave too....although they'll be in the wrong place if they go under there
I promised after Bonfire Night they'd come....the Rolls Royce of the Mince Pie Kingdom....and they are here.....and a pack is mine......
forget mothers day at your peril...we have a few bunches of flowers with a wee Teddy....and some cards.
I'll remind everyone nearer the time to support this.
RITA'S RANTS (hoolie edition)
Continued from stupid people post yesterday.
A camera caught these two likely lads knocking over a glass recycling box deliberately and breaking the glass. I was told the glass hit a neighbours car....could these two be related to some of the other damage around the village??? You see from the time it's not late and was done with purpose....