JoliSoleil Wine Club USA

JoliSoleil Wine Club USA Americans are missing a lot of French and Italian quality wines for a good price, because they canno As you not pay the TVA tax you sponsor your shipping costs.

We buy and ship wines for you from Alsace, Burgundy or Tuscany for your private use (also for a Zoom tasting) and ship them to your door in the USA. In our wine club we select the wines for you that are not available on the USA market because there is no official importer. We collect the wines personally at the wineries in Alsace, Burgundy and Tuscany. For Alsace they normally will be lieu-dits an

d grand cru's. For Burgundy premier or grand cru's; For Italy DOC, DOCG and also IGT wines. Per 12 bottles each time you will find 2 wines of 6 different wineries. Sometimes they will be 2 bottles of the same wine, sometimes they will be 2 different wines from that specific winery.


Route De Lambertfeing
La Forge


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Our Story

We buy and ship wines for you from Alsace, Burgundy or Tuscany for your private use and ship them to your door in the USA in collaboration with MBE. We collect the wines personally at the wineries in Alsace, Burgundy and Tuscany. For Alsace they normally will be lieu-dits and grand cru's. For Burgundy premier or grand cru's; For Italy DOC, DOCG and also IGT wines.

You can order the selected wines in our shop in boxes of 6. Of course there are shipping costs but as the wines are not consumed in France or Italy, you do NOT pay the 20% French (VAT) or Italian taxes on the bottle. All and all shipping wines has become easy and affordable now!

Keeping the tax advantage in mind: the shipping price for 6 bottles already drops to about Euro 16,= per bottle instead of +/- Euro 21,= (including all insurances). BUT if you ship a total of 5 boxes (30 bottles) or more of any wine/winery in our shop, your net shipping costs drop to +/- Euro 5,= (or less) per bottle. So, your costs per bottle are about the same as would pay at the winemaker in France or Italy.

You simply will not find a better offer anywhere in the USA for these high quality wines from Alsace, Burgundy and Tuscany.