Höfer Sekt

Höfer Sekt Immer in Sektlaune. Edle Sekte nach Champagnermethode

Seit über 25 Jahren machen die Höfers auf dem denkmalgeschützten Brauereigelände in Würzburg Sekt der Premiumklasse. Auf dem Industrieareal aus der Gründerzeit kombiniert die Sektkellerei solides Handwerk mit modernen Betriebsstrukturen und strebt nach einem regionalen Produkt höchster Qualität. Aus heimischen Silvaner-, Riesling- und Burgundertrauben entstehen feinste Kreationen sortenreiner Sekt

e und klassischer Prestige-Cuvées. In tiefen Gewölbekellern gereift und nach der hochwertigen Champagnermethode hergestellt - eine Entdeckung für jeden Schaumwein-Liebhaber!

Sektkellerei Höfer supports the local Farmers’ Market (Bürgerbräu Bauernmarkt) by providing the outdoor grounds for the ...

Sektkellerei Höfer supports the local Farmers’ Market (Bürgerbräu Bauernmarkt) by providing the outdoor grounds for the stalls every first Saturday of the month. This tradition of farm-to-fork has been around for years and is a part of the many events happening at Bürgerbräu. ! ̈rgerbräuwürzburg ̈rzburg

RUSTY BERTHA Part 4: Teamwork is behind every success story, also in this case. We hope you’ll enjoy a lot of fun and me...

RUSTY BERTHA Part 4: Teamwork is behind every success story, also in this case. We hope you’ll enjoy a lot of fun and memorable moments with our Rusty Bertha soon at Bürgerbräu!" ! ̈rgerbräuwürzburg ̈rzburg

RUSTY BERTHA Part 3: "... and hop, there she flies over Bürgerbräu!"  !                                  ̈rgerbräuwürz...

RUSTY BERTHA Part 3: "... and hop, there she flies over Bürgerbräu!" ! ̈rgerbräuwürzburg ̈rzburg

RUSTY BERTHA Part 2: "What?!!! We’re NOT going to pull this into place on these rollers?!!!" The Man: "No, of course not...

RUSTY BERTHA Part 2: "What?!!! We’re NOT going to pull this into place on these rollers?!!!" The Man: "No, of course not. Don’t be silly. I have my BIG gun with me. We’ll make it just fine!" ! ̈rgerbräuwürzburg ̈rzburg

RUSTY BERTHA Part 1: Introducing our mobile container kitchen, the fabulous Rusty Bertha. It needs to be shifted to a ne...

RUSTY BERTHA Part 1: Introducing our mobile container kitchen, the fabulous Rusty Bertha. It needs to be shifted to a new location in the front garden of at the Old Generator House at Bürgerbräu - but Carsten’s tiny forklift is not powerful enough... so what to do next? "Hey, I’ll call a guy who has the right gear for this job!" ! ̈rgerbräuwürzburg ̈rzburg

DIE MASCHINE: Summertime!!! Finally the weather is turning sunnier and warmer than for past few weeks, and it’s perfect ...

DIE MASCHINE: Summertime!!! Finally the weather is turning sunnier and warmer than for past few weeks, and it’s perfect moment to enjoy a chilled glass of our golden bubbles. We’re looking forward to seeing you the Sektothek at the Old Generator House 🥂 ! ̈rgerbräuwürzburg ̈rzburg

DIE MASCHINE: Introducing our Sekt Chapel "SektKapelle", the innermost sanctuary for enjoying our very best products at ...

DIE MASCHINE: Introducing our Sekt Chapel "SektKapelle", the innermost sanctuary for enjoying our very best products at the Old Generator House at Bürgerbräu. ! ̈rgerbräuwürzburg ̈rzburg

DIE MASCHINE: All our products will be on show at this custom made Wall of Bubbles located on the main floor of the Old ...

DIE MASCHINE: All our products will be on show at this custom made Wall of Bubbles located on the main floor of the Old Generator House at Bürgerbräu. ! ̈rgerbräuwürzburg ̈rzburg

DIE MASCHINE: We’re testing at the Old Generator House if we should have just a simple passover counter to sell our prod...

DIE MASCHINE: We’re testing at the Old Generator House if we should have just a simple passover counter to sell our products or a groovy Sektbar to discover the deeper meaning of bubbles. What do you think? We’d appreciate your opinion 🥂 ! ̈rgerbräuwürzburg ̈rzburg

DIE MASCHINE: Our new chairs have arrived!!! Yes, these are for you to enjoy when visiting us. These Mid-Century Danish ...

DIE MASCHINE: Our new chairs have arrived!!! Yes, these are for you to enjoy when visiting us. These Mid-Century Danish design chairs by Hans Wegner, who is also known as the "King of Chairs", are a perfect match to our brand new high-quality interiors at the Old Generator House at Bürgerbräu. ! ̈rgerbräuwürzburg ̈rzburg

DIE MASCHINE: First it looked as if our boys had opened up a hard rock nail studio in the front garden, but it turned ou...

DIE MASCHINE: First it looked as if our boys had opened up a hard rock nail studio in the front garden, but it turned out to be pop-up welding station. Hey, these fellows can build anything. Maybe our next endeavor is to construct a steam punk space ship in the shape of a Sekt-bottle...and reach for the Moon? But before that we finish off the Old Generator House at Bürgerbräu and opened it up for your leisure this summer! ! ̈rgerbräuwürzburg ̈rzburg

DIE MASCHINE: All good things need time to mature. It takes nine months to make quality Sekt, to bear a child, to renova...

DIE MASCHINE: All good things need time to mature. It takes nine months to make quality Sekt, to bear a child, to renovate an Old Generator Building at Bürgerbräu. Well, the renovation has been a long process, but we’re happy to be on the last stretch in completing the interiors. We keep you posted on the latest developments and are looking forward to seeing you at Die Maschine in the summer. ! ̈rgerbräuwürzburg ̈rzburg

Today Sektkellerei Höfer had the pleasure of hosting a group of talented students of architecture from the Technische Ho...

Today Sektkellerei Höfer had the pleasure of hosting a group of talented students of architecture from the Technische Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt THWS. They presented their designs for the new KunstKeller below the renovated Die Maschine. Thank you for your fresh ideas and we’re looking forward to see some of them become a reality soon. ! ̈rgerbräuwürzburg ̈rzburg

DIE MASCHINE: Landscaping continues on our new outdoor terrace & garden area in front of the Old Generator Building at B...

DIE MASCHINE: Landscaping continues on our new outdoor terrace & garden area in front of the Old Generator Building at Bürgerbräu. ! ̈rgerbräuwürzburg ̈rzburg

DIE MASCHINE: Gardening in heavy metal style! All this is for the new outdoor terrace & garden area in front of the Old ...

DIE MASCHINE: Gardening in heavy metal style! All this is for the new outdoor terrace & garden area in front of the Old Generator Building at Bürgerbräu. ! ̈rgerbräuwürzburg ̈rzburg

DIE MASCHINE: Coming soon! Now we can slightly pull back the curtain and show what it looks like in the wonderful Old Ge...

DIE MASCHINE: Coming soon! Now we can slightly pull back the curtain and show what it looks like in the wonderful Old Generator Building at Bürgerbräu. ! ̈rgerbräuwürzburg ̈rzburg

Making of a short film on the Best Sparkling Wine in Germany. Here’s a sneak preview of what we’re up to in our producti...

Making of a short film on the Best Sparkling Wine in Germany. Here’s a sneak preview of what we’re up to in our production hall. Cheers! 🍾 ! ̈rgerbräuwürzburg ̈rzburg

Sektkellerei Höfer @ ProWein Düsseldorf 10.-12. März 2024. Internationale Fachmesse für Weine und Spirituosen. Wir freu...

Sektkellerei Höfer @ ProWein Düsseldorf 10.-12. März 2024. Internationale Fachmesse für Weine und Spirituosen. Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie auf der ProWein in Düsseldorf begrüßen zu dürfen! Sie finden uns an folgenden Stand: Stand der Traditionellen Sektmacher -> Halle 1, Stand A50, Messegelände Düsseldorf, Am Staad in 40474 Düsseldorf. ! ̈rgerbräuwürzburg ̈rzburg


Frankfurter Straße 87


Montag 08:00 - 17:00
Dienstag 08:00 - 17:00
Mittwoch 08:00 - 17:00
Donnerstag 08:00 - 17:00
Freitag 08:00 - 17:00




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