Taký je život. ENGLISH BELOW
Folklór a craft je moja obľúbená kombinácia. Aj tento rok to na poriadne rozbalil aj so svojou novinkou Poléčko ktoré uhasilo smäd mnohým.
Možno ste si všimli že craftbeermusketeer si dal tak trochu pauzu. Život nám postavil do cesty niečo dôležitejšie ako je pivo, ale dúfam že sa čoskoro vidíme. Hlavne v ťažkých chvíľach si človek váži každého úsmevu a že ich tento víkend bolo.
Ďakujeme a
Such is life. Folklore and craft beer is one of my top combinations. This year on we had a blast with and one of their new releases “Poléčko” that quenchend the thirst of many. Maybe you guys have noticed that craftbeermusketeer is on bit of a break this year. Life did throw us a curveball way more important than beer, but I hope we will see each other very soon. In though situations especially every smile is precious and we had a few of those last weekend. Many thanks to and