Cigar of Cigars

Cigar of Cigars Ci**rs of Ci**rs more than 15 years representing original Cuban Ci**rs, Worldwide D. Ci**rs Hobby

Cigar of Ci**rs deals only with genuine Cuban Ci**rs at the most competitive prices on the Cuban Cigar market. All our ci**rs are 100% original ci**rs straight from the cigar factories from Cuba. The Cuban cigar is a wonderful thing, requiring upwards of 100 steps to complete the coveted masterpiece. From the planting of seeds to nailing the box shut, the intricate process follows a tradition that

has changed very little over hundreds of years. When produced properly and aged sufficiently, an authentic Habanos is truly the finest smoking experience one can ever hope for. No matter which cuban brand or specific cigar you choose to buy, we guarantee that your smoking experience will be unique with any of our products. We take care of our ci**rs, stored perfectly at our humidor, will guaranteed the freshness, taste and perfect ageing needed for these masterpieces to satisfy from the newbie smoker to a true cigar connoisseur, please fell free to browse our exclusive online cigar store to find the perfect smoke for any occasion.


San José


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