Come in and see us!
Start your weekend off with a visit in store!
Christmas Cigar & Drink Ideas!
Victory Elves have some ideas that will make your next cigar experience a more festive one. A little creativity can change your entire smoking journey.
Join us here and there for our Slow Burn series of reminders. Reminders that life is a slow burn, and it's worth taking some time to savour. In this modern world of rushing and keeping up - we want to gently nudge you to say no, to slow down, and to pay attention to the good things in your life as they are now.
Part 3!
Our #ChacomSeries continues…#antoinegrenard #chapuiscomoy #chacompipes #brighampipes #Brigham #PipeMaking #behindthescenes #VictoryCi**rsCanada #victorycigarmoment
Part Two of the Chacom Factory Tour
September 2024. Antoine takes us through the museum which is a mix of the old factory elements in their new modern setting. The new factory opened in 2016 and houses the shop, the musuem, and full production of Chacom, Brigham and other brands!#PipeMaking #chapuiscomoy #behindthescenes #antoinegrenard #Brigham #BrighamPipes #chacompipes
St.Claude, France - Chapuis-Comoy Tour with Antoine Grenard
Part one of the factory tour featuring Antoine Grenard, master pipe maker of the Chacom brand.
OktoberCigarFest 2024
Saturday September 14 - Noon to six!
Your cigar of the week this week is none other than the Maria Lucia robusto!
Summer Cigar Tips
Hey ho! Check out our latest video.
New sticks!
Whoa check out this selection.
LB1 by Rocky Patel
Check out this week’s 🐄!!
Here Kevin walks you through the details and smoking notes of this great stick.
Kristoff Event on Monday July 15, 4-8pm
Join Jarrid, VP of Kristoff Ci**rs in the shop for deals and more. Have a cigar with him!