As old popcorn once said “this’ll be the last damn run of liquor I’ll ever make”….
Similarly, thanks to our gracious government this is the last damn run of ethanol free gas in Canada. 😢😢
The tank is full to the brim, and todays price is 154.4 per litre. Once it’s gone, it’s gone folks.
Next weeks delivery will be our first to contain ethanol.
May as well grab a burger or poutine while you’re here 🤪😜
Weather is perfect, sun is shining, popcorn is popping (yup, we have a popcorn machine!), come see us today! 😁
P.s, that’s pops in the background shouting at me to shut the door! 😂😂
Happy St.Patricks day!! No green here but a fresh batch of homemade bourbon bacon jam and our secret winning sauce! Come see us, food until 6:30pm ☺️☺️
Don’t forget to try the 13 amazing burgers while you can and get your votes in at Grand Champion Best Burger ♥️