2023 Dr. Deinhard LAMF Sauvignon Blanc - Pfalz, Germany
$28 (reg. $33) until Sunday January 19.
Fermented and aged entirely in steel, it's got the precise minerality of a great example from the Loire Valley but with the resinous herbality of a compelling Jurançon. It's highly aromatic, but less overtly pungent than what you'd expect from New Zealand. It's more nimble than the best from Styria and flirts with California tropicality without betraying its compellingly citric side. Underlying all this is an appetising spine of mouthwatering vibrancy that is the hallmark of all great German wine. Don't you even dare ask if it's sweet! (It's not).
Since this is a special bottling just for us, we also had the opportunity to provide it with a moniker and we named it exactly what it is — “Sauvignon Blanc LAMF”! Tasting is believing, so we urge you to check it out!
Find it online: https://shop.metrovino.com/products/dr-deinhard-sauvignon-blanc-lamf/