Hey All,
I’ve written this post so many times in my head!
Every time I go to type, I think hmmmm, I hope this comes out right!
You see, often times, I type, I send, the person reading often interprets a tad different to my meaning. You see, if I’m speaking, you hear my tone, you see my expressions, you see my body language.
You’ll understand quite clearly!
So, every now and then complete strangers come across your path, and I mean complete strangers! There is absolutely no reason for a connection, unless this person has a Donny Schatz sticker on their car.
Mind you, it was a small circle sticker on the back window, unless your looking, you miss it. Unless you follow sprintcar racing, you miss it.
Honestly, how many of you are thinking right now, who the heck is this Donny guy..
Back on Track..
let me introduce Sheree and Alec.
That’s the couple standing next to me in the pic, and no, the sticker wasn’t on Alec’s car!
( he’s a kiwi by the way… but shhhh, they are ok! )
so yes the speedway fan was Sheree, then we get talking, and oh my, golly gosh. Turns out I know who Sheree’s Dad is, and Sheree’s brother in law.. some guy by the name of Loadsman.. ahhh yep! That’d be Brett Loadsman, an absolute legend of a throttle jockey!
So fast forward through covid, and date changes, and some health struggles that Sheree had to battle. And hey look out!
We are all standing on a beautiful beach, perfect sunny afternoon.
Sheree and Alec, finally married!
It’s mind blowing to stop and think, everyone standing on that beach, that afternoon, me included, actually all started with a little round bumper sticker!
Not only that, but I gained a bunch of like minded friends, with just a few simple things in common really. Speedway, methanol, clay in your hair, dust in your beer…
To those reading this, thinking What the heck is Brad dribbling about, if you’ve never experienced speedway, please do, go see a race meet.
For those who know what I’m talking about, you’ll understand completely the connection with fellow speedway fans.
Waffling again here..
I’ll wrap up, Sheree and Alec, Thank you for allowing me the privilege of standing on some sand with you both and helping you tie the knot!
And yes Alec cried like a baby when trying to read his vows! We had snot dripping, tears flowing… it was awesome!
Moral of the story…
Actually, none really, I’m just really thankful that day years ago, that I spotted a sticker. It earned me an awesome bunch of mates!