After 7.5 years it’s time for us to say goodbye. We’d like to thank all our customers over the past years for helping our business thrive and providing us with moments of happiness, joy and shedding tears of laughter together. It has been a pleasure to serve you all and we wish you all the best continuing on in the coming years and to the future. Lynda’s sister and her husband will be taking over on the 6th of January 2025.
Welcome Karen & John to NewsXpress Corrimal and bid farewell to Steve, Lynda, Kerrod & Sara and a special thanks to past workers Liz, Sarah, Georgia, Bianca, Emily, Elly and Lori.
Lynda will still be present in the shop 1-2 times a week and will frequent the centre from time to time feel free to say hello and start a conversation.
All the best and for now we say goodbye!