🐝🎥 Beehind the Scenes Exclusive! 🍯✨
Our honey bees decided to show off their sweet moves on a honey frame – it's the bee's knees of dance floors! 🕺
#BeeGroove #DanceLikeNoBeesWatching
It’s that time of the year again… honey, honey, honey, oi oi oi
Even the bees were hot ‘n’ bothered and in need of cooling down today!
Who ya gonna call.... sworm busters!!!!
It’s never great when one of your bee hives decides to sworm , but when you get a chance to catch it.... well that’s a bonus, plus an additional hive to add to the family.
This is Ben and I working our way through our first ever sworm catch.
A ‘Bees eye view’
A stunning ‘Bees eye’ view of the bees in the hive during a recent hive inspection. The girls are doing really well, and 🍯 stores are already building.
Listen to the ‘hum’ of the bees as they go about their business.
Bees in slow motion appreciating this early Spring weather.. And why wouldn't they! 🐝 🐝
[Timelaspe video: Winter Hive Pack Down]
Well, winter is settling in early here in Taradale, catching us a little off guard. So yesterday, I took a day off corporate life, swapping my video cam for my beehive suit, so that l could pack down my 3 hives for winter.
Packing down a hive essentially consists of:
1. Ensuring that the hives have enough of their honey to eat during the winter period - this is where you need to make sure you don't take all the honey they produce
2. Check for pests and diseases
3. Reducing the hive down to 1 or 2 boxes depending on the strength of the colony. In my case l reduced them down to 2 boxes this year, as the top box is 95% full of honey, and the bottom brood (where the queen lays her eggs) box contains both honey & brood (eggs)
Last year l packed down the hives to just the brood box as the colony was new and not strong yet, but this year, as they're strong, I'm trialing packing them down to 2 boxes.
A buzz of activity.
One very active beehive this morning! I'm hoping we’ll still be able to extract more honey from the hives before we pack them down to one box for the winter season.
Fingers crossed 🤞
#tillysbees #honey #bees #rawhoney #taradale #regionalvic
Honey extracting
Honey extracting day was SO much fun, but very sticky business 😬. In this video, I’m uncapping the top layer of beeswax from the honeycomb to expose the amazing pure raw honey.
Once fully uncapped, its placed into a honey spinner which forces the honey out of the cells.
#tillysbees #honey #bees #rawhoney #taradale #regionalvic
It’s amazing how far our Taradale garden has come, and it gets better year after year!!! .... And we couldn’t have done it without the help of our amazing local nursery, The Green Folly nursery in Castlemaine ❤️❤️
An amazing day filled with laughter, food, bees, bushwalking and friendship.
Massive thanks to Ally and Jo for a sensational day, and for helping us check our hive for the first time - exciting times ahead.