“‘APT.’ is my favourite Korean drinking game. It’s so simple, puts a smile on your face, and breaks the ice at any party,”
Steps to Play APT Game:
1. Start with a chant: Everyone chants “apeteu, apateur, apateur” (the Korean pronunciation of “apartment”) three times.
2. Pile up hands: Everyone stacks one hand on top of the other in any order, forming a pile.
3. Pick a number: One player announces a number that no one else should say during the game.
4. Call out numbers: Starting from the person with their hand at the bottom of the pile, players take turns saying numbers in order (e.g., 1, 2, 3, etc.) while moving their hand to the top of the pile.
5. Punishment for mistakes:
– If someone repeats the number that was forbidden, they must drink.
– If two players say the same number at the same time, both must drink.
6. Continue: Keep playing in rounds, and the game is typically enjoyed with friends, coworkers, or family (who are of legal drinking age!).