Mayerling Cellars


This weekend sees something of a milestone for Mayerling Cellars, with the sad passing of Sam Dix from the behind the jump to the "real world". It marks the closure, the end of the Martin dynasty, not with a bloody coup, but with the natural passage of time, like sands in an hour glass, things change and we must all adapt or perish, or maybe a delicate blending of both... Beginning in a previous century with the reign of Nat Martin, continuing with Nick Martin into the new century which also introduced for a time the twin ruling of the weekend shared with Sam Dix who went on to become the Prince Regent of the weekend in his own right. Mention should also be made of the shadowy, mythical presence of Eliot Martin. Mention should be made but cannot: his presence on the roster, however brief, was in absentia but provided irony and effected balance far out weighing that afforded by a physical presence. Well done, one and all, three cheers and bon voyage!


It's October very soon and we have Coopers Vintage 2013 which I haven't tried yet, but it's never less than worth a look


Mountain Goat Crossbreed Hopfweizen "Bock" pours a cloudy brass with a solid tan head, it's lighter than a bock, darker than a hefe. It's a collaboration between the superlative American Brooklyn Brewery and the Goat team. Aromatics are definitely in the citrus fruit camp, with an attractive Seville marmalade acidity. The palate has a lively initial citrus fruit surge that subsides, or rather flattens with a wheat germ yeastiness on a very light finish. Hmm. Can't help feeling disappointed here, all the elements are present so it's a little bit pilsenery, a little bit hefe, and only a little hoppy but it's a case of being less the sum of it's parts.


Red Hill Brewery's Barrel Aged Imperial Stout
This pours like all barrel aged beers, very lowb carbonation, but it's an imperial stout so that's ok. It's almost pitch black with a thin tan head. Initial aromas of the original beer's choc malt dominate but there's an impression of whisky smoke which is very cool. The palate is where the party starts, it's huge ! A whack of intense malt sweetness, think a spoonful of milo, then it broadens into Belgian chocolate territory - it's that luxurious - and it threatens to be cloying and too much but it backs off on the finish with a vanilla bean and a restating the smoky oak influence suggesting peat. I think this is pretty spectacular, and at 10% plus easily one will be enough!!


Cascade Stout: and here's where things take an upturn, pouring deep and dark, there's firm aromas of espresso and dark chocolate, some cinnamon/nutmeg spice. This flows seamlessly onto the clean and bitter palate, dark chocolate predominates. But it's light, clean and refreshing. winner


Cascade Lager: Oh well, this a lager lager lager, if you like lager then this is a good example of old fashioned lager, if you don't, the good news is there's lot's of other styles out there waiting to be hitted up. I'm unsure about the label change, a) because they're better, and b) I miss the tiger. The presence of the brewery placates me somewhat.


Cascade Blonde: real Belgian Blonde ales are works of astonishing character, so this is going to be a tough call from the get go, so forgetting all that.. This looks .... Blonde, and the curtains match the carpet, again the aromatics are very mild, or faint. there's buried pineapple and banana chip lurking, on the palate I'm struggling, again softly textured, the banana chip and pineapple restates but very faintly, there's some cleaning hops bitterness but I have to stress these are barely discernible. hmm. This is a light weight, but it's smashable


Cascade rebranding exercise. This is an addition to the range in a very late response to Little Creatures (Lion Nathan). hmm this is not my kind of beer, but it does have a place, so does it earn that place? It pours with a surprising low carbonation, a quickly disappearing head on a glowing orange body, it looks good. Aromas are hard to discern, some light citrus, and orangey rind. On the palate.... there is very little to report, softly textured, there's a bit of that citrus there. There's a soapiness on the finish on the finish that is suggesting a faulty sample, so I'll leave things there.


4 Pines ESB, this pours with a low carb, nice burnished copper coloured body under a latte head, there's aromas of mocha and choc malt and a little toffee. On the palate there is a rich soft maltiness, the back palate cleans up with roasted bitterness, very clean, very nice


Little Creatures IPA. After a run of samples that take benign beyond zero (eg: Beachhut: an amazing concoction completely devoid of any discernible character), this will hopefully turn that around. You can legitimately make arguments regarding Little Creature's status among the "craft" market, "bridge" market or whatever, but the do make some nice beers, and this is the latest addition to what they're calling "permanent range". The press release lists the hops used, and I appreciate that as it announces bravely that it's yet another American style hopped up IPA (think Sierra Nevada who make some very good examples). So it's brave as the market is quite familiar with the best of the style...
It pours a dark orangey amber with a thin white head and a moderate carbonation, so that's right. Citrussy and lively on the nose there's an undercurrent aniseed and herbal characters emerge, the palate follows that, the hops bitterness is quite large initially, but it settles midway where some malt sweetness shows before the finish sweeps that out with cleansing white peppery zip, I've just discovered the brewers' notes that list a softness in the middle palate.... well yes but just. It's good, it's a really nice example


Epic Rep fail #1 Give me a riesling to try, give me the luc, $14.93 + gst on deal. Available online @ retail $9.99. Probably gonna give this a miss (Grampians Riesling with too much RS)


Stone and Wood Jasper Ale: What's a Jasper Ale? Pours a glowing red amber with a thin, quickly dispersing off white head. Aromatically there's a dominant malt profile, some vanilla bean with a mild hoppy citrus. The palate has a nice creamy texture initially and you anticipate some layers of flavour, only to be disappointed by their non-appearance. The palate is very short, a very mild hops bitterness and then nothing. Disappointment is what a Jasper Ale is


Little Creatures "Mr Obadiah" Rye Porter.
This pours with quite a low carb so a thin off white head settles on a very dark and dense brown body. There's a definite rye bread crust aroma and a slight espresso note too. It's probably too cold I think. Initial malt sweetness presents then the palate broadens with the rye and dark chocolate bitterness keeps things on an even keel. The finish really is nice, softly malty chocolate bitterness long and lingering. Pretty good beer this, not earth shatteringly good but I like it, and don't over chill!


The Winesmiths Tempranillo 2012; As a unabashed Grenache fan, the emergence of the European varieties like tempranillo makes total sense, less of the typical S.A. Shiraz or Cab bombast, not as challenging as Pinot, and as food friendly as all get out, it's lighter in texture, but has definite palate weight, and so nicely savoury in nature which is where it's food friendliness kicks bigtime. I guess I'm saying it ticks a lot of boxes, and there are lots of imports especially from Spain that testify, and are really good value. This one's all Australian, it's inky and dense in colour, it's almost citric aromatically, orange rind, a juniper twist and nougat, the palate is where it shines, perfectly weighted, loganberry and some mulberry, nicely refreshing acid typical of the variety, and then it's gone. If ever there was a wine that would be your goto match for a curry red this is it. Oh and guess what? it's a 2ltr cask wine. I got over it, and you can too


Chimay Premiere Red Label Abbey Ale 750ml

This batch is supposed to be past it’s best before by, yet the brewery suggest not opening ‘til 2014… Oh well, not going to complain
It pours like you expect from this great brewery, it has a pronounced red tinge to the copper body, below a persistently dense creamy head. And pour well, pour carefully, this is carbed, baby
The aroma profile is weighted towards fruits, plenty of pineapple and toffee apple some bubblegum and vanilla pod, it’s just glorious really.
The palate is as expected, lighter than your Grande Reserva, but hints at that mightiness, the malt extract sweetness, honey like texture and the hops pineapple resinous quality all combine to create a very pleasant Belgian ale experience.
An altogether very good Belgian Abbey Ale from the Princes of Belle Bier


Brooklyn East India Pale Ale

A traditionally british style IPA, higher abv, 6.9% and extra hops added, it pours with a low carbonation, a fine white head above a red amber body…. Tick.
Stonefruit aroma lead off with an underlay of malt extract.
The palate is surprisingly light to the point of thin, and the expected hops bitterness is similarly subdued along the short finish. Not what I expected, a little disappointing; it’s not bad by any means it’s just a little underwhelming.


Hitachino Espresso stout back in stock too :)


Brooklyn Local 1 Strong Ale

Not Canadian… these are made in Brooklyn USA, go me.
This pours clean and clear light amber with a soft fluffy white head.
Soft aroma of banana chip, vanilla bean with a dash of nectarine. It’s all very soft and gentle. If this was wine you’d be calling it “integrated”.
On the palate there’s a honeyed texture and some “heat” where the abv which I think is around 9% represents, light malty sweetness with a clove like spiciness flow nicely into some gentle hops bitterness on the expected lengthy finish. This is quite luxurious


Brooklyn Sorachi Ace

This Canadian brewery gets a good rap out there, and I’ve picked a couple of the most intriguing, and this Saison styled ale is hopped exclusively with the rarish Sorachi variety
It pours with a lively carb burst, fluffy white head on a glowing gold body reminiscent of a hefe.
Aromas of fresh bread and necatriney stonefruit.. mmmm like some saison, it’s aromatically simple, but very appealing
And the palate is an amazing candied pineapple surge that never gets to be as sweet as it threatens as the bitterness of the hops launches and cleanses the palate beautifully, the hops lingers on the finish. Crikey, it’s expensive, and that’s a great shame as please, Sir I’d like some more


Yeastie Boys Gunnamatta Tea Leaf IPA

This is the beer that took out people’s choice at the kinda recent Melbourne beer show. Pours with a fine Belgian style head on an orange tinged copper body. It looks really great
The aromas of bergamot and orange marmalade are really prominent with an undertow of vanilla tchai and there’s a something else there that I’m trying to name….. those sherbet and licorice lollies from the 70’s, what?
The palate is light and playful, with a lovely malty sweetness burst that fades into earl grey tea bitterness where all that orange peel and bergamot really shines and is indeed acting very well in place of regular hops bitterness, and the finish is long and liqueur like just like real fine tea. It’s unusual but not alienating like some of the Yeastie’s other explorations into smoke and bitterness


Sierra Nevada Bigfoot Ale

This is a “barley style” ale? Ok
It pours with a persistent off white head on a deep amber red body, really attractive.
Huge hops aromas of citrus with an undertone of fairyfloss and caramel, all kind of expected, so present and correct.
The palate follows with biting hops bitterness on a burnt toffee and coffee sweetness mid palate, quite refreshing but jesus it fairly jumps off a cliff after that: the finish is hops bitterness and dryly astringent.
I like this beer, it’s a nice hops driven bitter ale, and as such right up my alley but I expected more complexity and length at this level


got couple of new cleanskin bargains on offer, gonna have them on tasting tonight as we checkout 3RRR's The Cave as is now tradition on a friday night, after that we'll be cranking Chris Whitley and maybe some Hendrix, there's a Clare sub region watervale Riesling, world wide acknowledged as the place for Riesling and it's a cracker, $13 bucks for all that? nuts!! And there's a ripper classic "Aussie blend" Clare Cab Shiraz even cheaper, come in and check 'em out


Mountain Goat Rarebreed Rye IPA

Bit of a hoo ha about this beer, it pours with a nice head on a really brilliant medium dark amber glow, it’s really good looking, and it’s worth waiting for a couple of minutes as the aromatics to come out of the glass as the beer warms slightly
The aroma of mild citrus tones on a malt toffee backbone is kind of expected so no real surprises, malt tones are the dominant force.
The palate is where s**t gets real here, it’s softer, the malts become malt extract on entry then there’s a definite sour dough Rye bread soda like saltiness that gets very bitter on the end, it’s IPA alright.
This is an interesting beer, it’s layered without being all that complex., it’s flavours and aromatics are pronounced. I like bitter pale ale, so this I like.

Mountain Goat Rarebreed Rye IPA

Bit of a hoo ha about this beer, it pours with a nice head on a really brilliant medium dark amber glow, it’s really good looking, and it’s worth waiting for a couple of minutes as the aromatics to come out of the glass as the beer warms slightly
The aroma of mild citrus tones on a malt toffee backbone is kind of expected so no real surprises, malt tones are the dominant force.
The palate is where s**t gets real here, it’s softer, the malts become malt extract on entry then there’s a definite sour dough Rye bread soda like saltiness that gets very bitter on the end, it’s IPA alright.
This is an interesting beer, it’s layered without being all that complex., it’s flavours and aromatics are pronounced. I like bitter pale ale, so this I like.

Mountain Goat Rarebreed Rye IPA

Bit of a hoo ha about this beer, it pours with a nice head on a really brilliant medium dark amber glow, it’s really good looking, and it’s worth waiting for a couple of minutes as the aromatics to come out of the glass as the beer warms slightly
The aroma of mild citrus tones on a malt toffee backbone is kind of expected so no real surprises, malt tones are the dominant force.
The palate is where s**t gets real here, it’s softer, the malts become malt extract on entry then there’s a definite sour dough Rye bread soda like saltiness that gets very bitter on the end, it’s IPA alright.
This is an interesting beer, it’s layered without being all that complex., it’s flavours and aromatics are pronounced. I like bitter pale ale, so this I like.


Mountain Goat Rarebreed Rye IPA

Bit of a hoo ha about this beer, it pours with a nice head on a really brilliant medium dark amber glow, it’s really good looking, and it’s worth waiting for a couple of minutes as the aromatics to come out of the glass as the beer warms slightly
The aroma of mild citrus tones on a malt toffee backbone is kind of expected so no real surprises, malt tones are the dominant force.
The palate is where s**t gets real here, it’s softer, the malts become malt extract on entry then there’s a definite sour dough Rye bread soda like saltiness that gets very bitter on the end, it’s IPA alright.
This is an interesting beer, it’s layered without being all that complex., it’s flavours and aromatics are pronounced. I like bitter pale ale, so this I like.


New cleanskin Semillon Chardonnay has hit the shelves, $6.00 or just 6 for $30, loaded with lemony citrus zestiness, it's a '08 and it's fresh acidity means it's fresh as daisy! Take that boring Marlborough!!!
risply dry wh


Latest release Red Hill Temptation and Strong ale will be hitting the shelves tomorrow. Awesome beers, and fresh as a daisy


New Phaedrus Estate wines from the Peninsula just arrived 2010 Pinot, Pinot Gris (yuuuurrrrmmm) and the 2010 Chardy, amazingly good, and such good value, the Chardonnay has blown me away, so rich, so much body and character, and balance it's a beautiful wine ... wow


Red Duck Queen Bee honey porter, white garden, belgian vanilla porter, Canute the Grute and The Ox.
These are some serious beers.


Brewdog bitch please, avert brown dredge and Alice porter has landed. Come and get it!


Red Hill imperial stout and Mountain Goat Surefoot Stout is on its way today! Get in fast, these will not last long.


Just In, Yeastie Boys Rex Attitude, Brewdog/Mikkeller Collaberation "Devine Rebel", 8 Wired iStout and Nogne-O Tiger Tripel. Stay warm guys!


New beers new beers! Feral breweries insane Hop Hog and white ale are in! Also the rare Cascade First Harvest have landed. With a new three hop recipe. Get in chumps.


This just in Mayerling Cellars, Brewboys Seeing Double and Ace of Spades. Great Beers from a great brewery.


The Easter bunny has come early at Mayerling Cellars. Well the beer bunny anyways. We have Kooinda Karaka, Brewdogs IPA is dead and the new Abstrakt AB:05. Get in fast not going to last long!!

Have a Happy and safe easter from all at Mayerling Cellars


Now that our summer has finally caught up with us, Why not try some outstanding beers from the Kooinda boys.

Kooinda Pale Ale $22 per 6 Pack
Take Yourself There...


Melbourne, VIC

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 9pm
Tuesday 9am - 9pm
Wednesday 9am - 9pm
Thursday 9am - 10pm
Friday 9am - 10pm
Saturday 9am - 10pm
Sunday 10am - 8pm




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