There are significant differences between the development applications on corner Malcolm and Chenery Streets and the one on the Highway as you come into town.
Opposite the Station:
This is the town gateway .. when you come over the Melbourne Hill, you're "home", and many people don't want to be greeted by a large fast food franchise sign. And it's opposite the (heritage) Railway Station. Both these things mean that for many years, it has been highly protected by the planning scheme, unlike Chenery and Malcolm.
Then there's the vast difference in scale and service between the proposals:
The proposal at the town gateway is for a very large B-double truck, petrol (highway type) station, with a very high internally illuminated canopy, a convenience store plus a convenience restaurant (to seat 80 + people), plus a drive through. This will have a very large health impact, will impact on the small food businesses and the producers that supply them, and make the area almost unliveable for the surrounding residences (B doubles braking, headlights shining into living rooms, noise, fumes, odour). It's the sort of development that belongs on a major highway, and not with direct access onto a very small suburban street. (Ultimo/Station St)
The Chenery St proposal essentially replaces the old service station that used to be there and has a Convenience Store, not a Convenience Restaurant. It's a suburban style petrol station, not a trucking stop, and has a much smaller convenience store only (not a convenience restaurant).
There is also the difference between fast food and ultra processed fast food with centralised supply chains, not to mention the significant marketing investment targeting children.