We are a dynamic group of people who volunteer our time based on the ideal of Service Above Self - Rotary's core value. Chartered in 1930, the Rotary Club of Goulburn is an amalgamated Rotary Club, comprising the former Rotary Clubs of Goulburn, Goulburn Mulwaree and Goulburn Argyle. Rotary is an international service organisation of business and professional men and women who accept the 'Ideal of
Service' as the basis for success and happiness in business and community life. The Rotary Club of Goulburn raises its funds through annual Swap Meet
and Book Fair, monthly Parkside Markets as well as various catering activities including Goulburn Speedway and other opportunities as they arise. The fellowship involved in working together is a feature of our Club. Our Club raises funds to support many organisations locally, throughout Australia and the world. Some of our beneficiaries include: Goulburn Base Hospital, Polio Plus, Bowel Care, Goulburn Prostate Cancer Support Group, the Salvation Army and many more. The Rotary Club of Goulburn meets every Monday evening at 6pm for 6.15pm at the Goulburn Workers Club, Goulburn. Guests are very welcome to attend, and can contact us through Facebook to book in, or give President Geoff Thrower a call on 0417 667 045.