Peters Wine Shop

Peters Wine Shop I offer a selection of boutique and modern wines. I do sell more than wine! I stock a wide range of beer, spirits and bubbles.

Dear Canberra, is now open for all your favourites delivered to your door, or click and ...

Dear Canberra, is now open for all your favourites delivered to your door, or click and collect. Purchase a monthly subscription and enjoy exclusive invitations, master classes, and free wine matching. T's and C's, love, high-fives. Peter

Peter's Wine Shop at the Downer Shops Canberra and online is the home of fine wine. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, whatever your budget we have a match for good food or good times.

Good morning everyone, and congratulations on surviving another week of work. Especially if you've been dealing with wor...

Good morning everyone, and congratulations on surviving another week of work. Especially if you've been dealing with work and school holidays. Together.

We've been moving a few things around in our shop, just to give you something different to look at. And perhaps to give us something different to look at as well.

We found a nice little wine fridge out the back, and a nice decanter to sit on top of it. And we thought we'd bring some exciting original artwork down the front as well.

This is a work of inspired authenticity which was created for us by local artist, Genevieve Huard, and we have had it adorning an otherwise dull corner in our back room. We liked having it there, because it gave us cause for quietude and contemplation on hectic days.

But we thought we'd do you a favour and show it off in a more accessible part of our space. So now you can see it, just to your left, as you come through our front door.

You can find examples of Genevieve's work on her website, Isn't She Clever. And, once you get on to her site, you'll soon see that her cleverness is not restricted to what you see in our shop.

Good morning everyone, and Happy Tuesday. Well below zero overnight, frost crackling underfoot as we crossed the local s...

Good morning everyone, and Happy Tuesday. Well below zero overnight, frost crackling underfoot as we crossed the local sports fields, some sporadic sunshine pushing through a scattering of high cloud, but no rain on the radar. For which we are grateful - our coastal cousins continue to get flayed by the elements, and a mate in Windsor is telling us that his backyard is now part of the Hawkesbury River.

We have no such consternation in Canberra. The weather gods are treating us with civility for the time being. No floods, no fires, nothing savage or unruly.

But that doesn't mean we are immune from travail, even if parliamentarians in other places like to think we are. And we always want more from our own elected representatives, too, even as we acknowledge the burden of their heavy workload.

It's important for us to see our politicians in the flesh, and it's important that we communicate with them when they come into our world. And we had a chance to do just that, just recently, here in Downer.

It was actually the best part of four weeks ago, in real time, but time always flies in the world of small business management. And it's taken a while to get this post up, but it's good that it's up now!

So... On Friday 17 June...

We had a visit from the ACT Opposition Leader, Elizabeth Lee MLA. She was here in her capacity as a local member, keen to engage with anyone and everyone, willing to listen to the concerns of local business owners.

She was happy to talk about the "new look" of the Canberra Liberals, and to elaborate on her approach to the leadership. She was pleased we'd heard her chatting to Lish Fejer on ABC Canberra breakfast radio, and she was pleased to chat to us about the challenges of being a busy working mum.

She was well rugged up, but otherwise unfazed by the 8am cold. She was insightful and empathetic and considerate. And it was good to see her here.


Good morning everyone, and Happy Friday. We hope you're all looking forward to the weekend.

We know there's an election going on, and we know it's all around us, because there's no way of not knowing. And many of us have already voted, because we can.

But Election Day is still a big deal in our fine city, and the Downer Community Centre is an official polling place, so there will be lots of energy around our Village Square tomorrow. Our little shop is right outside the front door of the Community Centre, and we're open all day, so you'll have plenty of time to grab your Election Day bottles. Or your Election Day cans...

We can help you to celebrate, or to commiserate, as the case may be. And we will certainly congratulate you on making it to the end of another seemingly endless election campaign.

And - another plus - we're here all day on Sunday as well. So you can come back for a top up if your team wins!


Good morning everyone. Just a quick reminder that we are back on deck today, and we'll be here until 7 o'clock tonight. All day tomorrow as well, from 10am to 7pm, then closed on New Year's Day. We're also closed on the Sunday and the Public Holiday Monday.

So... If you need a top up, or a stock up, you've got two full days to get it done!

We have plenty of beer, and plenty of wine, including an attractive range of bubblies to toast the arrival of 2022. There are even some exciting Pet Nats, chilling quietly in the fridge, just waiting for patrons with a sense of adventure!


Good afternoon everyone, once again. We are only here for a little while longer this afternoon, meaning there's not much time left to grab your Christmas drinks. Or that special bottle for Uncle Fred. So get your skates on, and get down here before 7pm to avoid disappointment!

We just wanted to let you know what we're doing over the next part of the holiday season. Our trading hours are as follows:

Saturday 25/12/21 - closed
Sunday 26/12/21 - closed
Monday 27/12/21 - closed
Tuesday 28/12/21 - closed
Wednesday 29/12/21 - closed

Thursday 30/12/21 - open from 10am to 7pm
Friday 31/12/21 - open from 10am to 7pm

Saturday 01/01/22 - closed
Sunday 02/01/22 - closed
Monday 03/01/22 closed

Open normal hours from then on. Except that we will be closed all day on Mondays throughout January. Our first Monday back will be 31/01/22, when we will open at our usual Monday time of 1pm.

Thanks to everyone who has supported our little shop this year. We hope you have a Merry Christmas, and we'll see you on the 30th.


Good afternoon everyone, and welcome to Christmas Eve. The last day before the big day. Only one more sleep to go now, a...

Good afternoon everyone, and welcome to Christmas Eve. The last day before the big day. Only one more sleep to go now, and then the kids can get into their presents...

Here, in our little shop, we're looking forward to catching up with family tomorrow, and then having a few days off to recharge the batteries. We'll put up another post with a bit more detail about the days we'll be here and the days we won't...

In the meantime, we're here all day today, at least up until 7pm. We've still got lots of great things to drink, and we're keen to show you some great last-minute options for Christmas Day celebration.

And, just to finish off our late-season snapshot, we have a trio of reds. All of them fruit-driven, none of them heavy. All about drinkablity, personality, conviviality...

First cab off the rank is a 2021 tempranillo from Quarry Hill Wines at Murrumbateman. Made by the inspired Alex McKay; vivid to look at, vigorous to smell, vivacious to drink. Unambiguously varietal, mulberries and cherries on the nose, some plums as well, fresh and clean on the palate.

Our second bottle comes from Pizzini Wines in the King Valley. A little-known variety called teroldego, its old-world home in the hilly north of Italy, and wearing its heart on its sleeve in the best Italian tradition. Almost beetroot purple in hue, a riot of spices on the nose, fantastically food-friendly and seriously slurpable.

And finally, to round out our year in wine, a gloriously gluggable grenache. From Teusner Wines in the Barossa Valley, a modern take on a classic old grape, and perfect proof that South Australia's beating heart is more than just shiraz. Exuberant and flamboyant, thrillingly fragrant, slinky and sensuous and dangerously drinkable.

Good afternoon everyone. Sultry and steamy to start today, with storms on the way. But Santa is on his way, too, and he'...

Good afternoon everyone. Sultry and steamy to start today, with storms on the way. But Santa is on his way, too, and he's heading for a chimney near you!

Today we show you some festive-season whites - stylish, moreish, exciting to drink with food or without. And not likely to be found in the local supermarket...

We start with a local riesling, because Canberra makes great riesling and it's famous all over the world. This is from the excellent 2021 vintage, it's from Gallagher Wines at Murrumbateman, and it's full of zesty, zingy goodness. Perfect with canapes, perfect with seafood, perfect with Christmas.

Next we show you another crisp and crunchy dry white - this time a vermentino - and this time from Wines by KT in the Clare Valley. Fantastic to drink with anything which comes out of the ocean, you can almost smell the surf when you stick your nose in the glass. Then savoury and citrussy and minerally on the palate.

Our third wine today is a chardonnay, because it's a great drink, and we should all drink more of it. This one comes from Singlefile Wines, in the cool south west of WA, and it combines tightness of structure with generosity of flavour. Some cashew and summer stone fruit on the nose, then lovely texture on the palate.

Good morning everyone, and welcome to the week before Christmas - 2021 style! And, on this morning at least, here in Can...

Good morning everyone, and welcome to the week before Christmas - 2021 style! And, on this morning at least, here in Canberra, another small splutter. One last stutter, one last stammer, in this most improbable of years.

But... We can do it. We've all worn masks inside, for much of this year anyway, so we can do it again now. And it's worth remembering that we have to wear them in all our shops, including supermarkets and big box liquor stores, so it's even more important that you buy your booze from the small independent retailers who really need your support.

So... As promised last Friday, we're going to give you some ideas for that last-minute purchase. Some stimulating and individualistic options. Tailor-made for Christmas, and not likely to be found in those soulless grog barns.

We'll start today with three sparkling wines, because everyone needs bubbles at Christmas. Two them are local; the other is from Victoria.

First up, from Sapling Yard, we have the glorious 2019 Entrechat. The classic Champagne ensemble of pinot noir, chardonnay and pinot meunier. It's poised and polished, but still a little wild and promiscuous, a vigorous affirmation of what is possible for premium sparkling wine in our Canberra region.

Next we have the wonderful Mr Natural Pet Nat from Yarrh Wines out at Murrumbateman. Made mostly from sangiovese, with a little shiraz to leaven the mix, it's pale and pink, fluffy and cloudy, edgy and exhilarating. You can drink it before, with or after the Christmas turkey.

And last, but not least, we have the remarkable Este from De Bortoli Wines. Pinot noir and chardonnay grapes from the Yarra Valley, base material from the terrific 2008 vintage, some serious time on lees before riddling and disgorging, sensual and complex but still ridiculously fresh.


Good morning everyone. Just a quick message for those who may have missed my Friday post.

I will be away from the shop for a little while, around lunch time today, because I'll be in a radio studio. I'll be out at Radio 2CC, in Crace, I'll be on air between 11:30 and noon, I'll be chatting to Ian Meikle and Rod Henshaw, and we'll be talking about drinks for Christmas.

You should tune in, if you get a chance, so you can let me know how we go. A couple of helpful souls have already promised to tell me what I get wrong!


Good morning everyone. We hope you're well, gearing up for Christmas, looking forward to spending quality time with the important people in your world.

It goes without saying that it's been a tough year, but it's worth saying anyway. And saying it often, and saying it loud.

Saying it out loud almost feels cathartic, like giving yourself permission to cry at a funeral, or relishing the uninhibited joy of small children as you watch them open their presents.

So... We're still here, still doing the best we can to find interesting things for you to drink. Lots of interesting wines from some of our favourite makers. Some from close to home, some from further afield.

On the local scene, we're thrilled to see new releases from the likes of Yarrh Wines and Sapling Yard. From South Australia, we're loving the beautiful reds from Atlas Wines in the Clare Valley, from Teusner Wines in the Barossa Valley, and from Maxwell Wines in McLaren Vale. And an exhilarating mix of modern and traditional from Pizzini Wines in the Victorian high country.

We'll try to give you more details about some of these gems, and a few others, in the lead up to 25/12.

And, since we're in the business of generating positive vibes, we'd also like to let you know that you can hear us on the radio this weekend.

I will be heading into Radio 2CC on Sunday morning, into their studio at Crace, and the amusement is scheduled to start at 11:30. I'll be chatting to Ian Meikle and Rod Henshaw, we'll be talking about wine to drink over the festive season, and the discussion is scheduled to last for about half an hour.

It should be a lot of fun, even if one of my mates helpfully suggested that 30 minutes is way too short, and the other two blokes won't get a word in. I'm sure he's joking...


Good afternoon everyone, and welcome to a fairly typical Canberra winter day. Well below zero at dawn, some crunch underfoot for the early-morning walk, dull and foggy on the way to work, bright and clear now that lunch time is here.

Nice to see some sun after one of our wettest Julys on record, and nice to see some sport in the headlines. Just to break up the monotonous focus on Covid.

We must confess to being a bit ambivalent about the Olympics, at least to start off, but we're getting more interested now. And we'll never get tired of watching Kaylee McKeown's pool-side interview after the 100 metres backstroke...

So, what are we eating and drinking while we watch our athletes in Tokyo? What will nourish us, and sustain us, and maybe even inspire us?

The answers are probably obvious. Hardly surprising that we crave comfort food when it's cold outside, nor that we would wash it down with big bold beverages.

So there are lots of soups and stews and slow-cooked meats. And wonderful root vegetables like beets and carrots and parsnips and turnips. And our fabulous seafood is never better than it is in winter.

On the wine side of things, we have a perfect excuse to indulge in heavier reds from traditional regions. Shiraz and grenache are invariably rewarding, as a solo act or in concert with other grapes, or even mixed with each other.

And we should always find reasons to relish our generously-flavoured whites. Classically-styled chardonnay comes into its own at this time of year, and so too does richly-textured pinot gris.

We have all of these options available to you, right here in Downer, and plenty more as well. And we'd love to show them to you today!

Good afternoon everyone. Bleak and miserable outside, with a surreal start to the day.Had just settled into my seat on t...

Good afternoon everyone. Bleak and miserable outside, with a surreal start to the day.

Had just settled into my seat on the tram in Gungahlin. Opened the Check In CBR app and scanned the QR code on the wall beside me. Then tapped on the weather app.

"Mostly Cloudy" where I was, which seemed valid enough. Scrolled across to see what it said about Canberra City, and saw a graphic with "Snow Showers" written across the top. By the time I got to Downer, the snow was showering...

With that sort of preamble, it might seem counter-intuitive to talk about pink wine. But my first two sales of the day were a bottle of French rose and a 4 pack of sour beer. Which just goes to show that a devotee is a devotee is a devotee... And that fashion takes no notice of weather!

My customer was drawn to this particular bottle, from Domaine Le Grand Destre, because he had bought it and loved it before. He picked it up again because it fulfilled his selection criteria.

Inviting pale colour? Tick. Appealing freshness on the nose? Tick. Dry and savoury on the palate? Tick and tick.

It comes from the south of France, from a vineyard near the Mediterranean coast, where the Rhone Valley meets Provence. The back label tells us it is made from merlot and grenache - a common recipe for this area - and that four generations of the same family have farmed the property where the grapes were grown. Which is also common in these parts.

As my new friend said, on his way out the door, it's a great drink at any time. It ticks all the boxes!

Good morning everyone. Another day, another lockdown. And the Victorian Premier already sounds weary as he tells his con...

Good morning everyone. Another day, another lockdown. And the Victorian Premier already sounds weary as he tells his constituents that they "probably already know what we need to do next".

Here, in our little corner of the ACT, you will see our shiny new posters as soon as you reach our front door. We ask you to comply with the new rules, and to do it uncomplainingly. Use your Check In CBR app to scan our QR code, or enter the number manually, and do your bit to keep us all safe.

Today, to take our minds off the prevailing pestilence, we show you an exciting new wine from our oldest wine region. It comes from the Hunter Valley, from the home of Winmark - Vineyard & Accommodation, and it represents a return to prominence for a famous vineyard with a chequered history.

Winmark started life as Poole's Rock, back in the 1980s, under the generalship of Macquarie Bank founder David Clarke. And there were many marvellous wines under this label. But when Clarke died suddenly, about 10 years ago, Poole's Rock fell into rack and ruin.

Cue the arrival of Danish entrepreneur Karin Adcock, in 2016, with an ambition to restore both vines and wines to their former glory. She made an early decision to focus entirely on chardonnay, and the early Winmark releases entirely vindicate that call.

Rusty's Run is a modern-style chardonnay, in the sense that it is driven by fruit purity and regional expression. But it supersedes most of its contemporary competitors because it unashamedly exudes genuine chardonnay character.

It's not thin and tart, and it's not pretending to be a classic dry white. It's not coarse and heavy, either; it's nutty and creamy and unambiguously varietal.

And Rusty? The cute little kelpie who runs around the property and makes friends with all the visitors!


Good morning everyone, and welcome to the weekend. Another wintry week has passed in the nation's capital, with a Tuesday top of 6 degrees representing our coldest daytime maximum for 12 years. And continuing Covid concern contributes ever more gloom.

But we have a new glimmer of hope, a flicker of warmth, in the story of Ashleigh Barty. A feel-good story for our times, a fillip to our flagging mood, a relief from talk of clusters and lockdowns and vaccinations.

Barty is all things to all people; the very embodiment of who we are as a nation. A proud Australian woman, and a proud indigenous woman. Magnanimous and unpretentious. Cheerful in manner, and generous in outlook.

She is confident, but not arrogant. Positive, but not abrasive. Good-looking, but not in-your-face glamorous. Comfortable in her own skin, and a great role model for our kids.

And now she's in the Wimbledon final. Playing the best tennis of her life, and chanelling the spirit of Evonne Goolagong.

The stars are all lined up. It's the tail end of NAIDOC Week, it's 50 years after Evonne won Wimbledon for the first time, and she's wearing a replica of the dress Evonne wore in 1971.

We can all cheer for her tonight, and we can hope she does herself justice. It won't be the end of the world if she comes second, but it will be monumental if she comes first.

It will be one of those times when we all remember where we were. Like when Lionel Rose won the bantamweight world title in Tokyo in 1968, or when Cathy Freeman won the 400 metres gold medal in Sydney in 2000, or when Evonne Goolagong won Wimbledon in 1971.

We can drink something quintessentially Australian while we watch her on the TV tonight. Or while we listen to the radio. And, since it is July in Canberra, it should probably be something suited to the season.

A boldly-flavoured shiraz, a finely-structured cabernet, a supple and sensuous pinot. An unctuous liqueur muscat, an adventurous new-age whisky, a sumptuous porter or stout.

We have all of these bases covered, right here in Downer, and we'd love to see you before Ash starts serving!

And, if she does win, an early tip for all the punters out there. Who do you reckon will be the 2022 Australian of the Year?

Good morning everyone, and congratulations on making it to the end of another week. Or, at least, the end of the working...

Good morning everyone, and congratulations on making it to the end of another week. Or, at least, the end of the working week for most of us...

It's been a week when there seems to be nothing new in the news cycle. Only more trepidation, more consternation, more incredulity. It's as if we've looked back at what we were doing last week, and we've just pressed the rewind button.

Except that, here in Canberra, it also feels as if our general movement around town is more inhibited than ever before. The strictures are stricter, the laws less lenient.

Compulsory mask wearing inside all public buildings, and on all public transport; QR codes at the entry to all retail businesses, including supermarkets; speeding fines if you drive through the City at more than 40 kilometres an hour, even on Barry Drive or Northbourne Avenue...

So, with all of that going on, we need a drink to cheer us up. To make us feel good. To remind us that life is for living, and that it should be celebrated.

And so here we have the wonderful Vat 5 Botrytis Semillon from De Bortoli Wines. It's all about indulgence. It's all about decadence. It's all about hedonism.

A bright yellow gold to look at, it shines and shimmers when you hold your glass up to the sun. There are aromas of ripe summer stone fruit and breakfast marmalade. There is richness and unctuousness on the palate, but there is also beautiful clean acid to keep it fresh and moreish.

This is a sweet wine for people who say they don't like sweet wines. A wine for after dinner, or instead of dinner. A wine for days like today...

Good morning everyone. Tumultuous times in our world right now, drama at every turn, the parlous inevitability of ongoin...

Good morning everyone. Tumultuous times in our world right now, drama at every turn, the parlous inevitability of ongoing turmoil.

Political jousting, lockdowns and vaccines, what to do about school holidays? And, before we go too much further, a note that we will be closed all day this coming Monday. We'd like to say it's to celebrate the winter solstice, but it's just a couple of long-standing personal commitments...

Today we show you a Black Label Shiraz from Balgownie Estate Wines in Bendigo. A pioneering wine, and a pioneering label, from the pioneers of this idiosyncratic Victorian wine region.

Beetroot purple to look at, with arresting and mildly exotic aromatics. Some cool spice, a top note of black peppercorns, perhaps a hint of old man saltbush. Then supple and savoury on the palate, medium bodied, fine tannins, a long finish.

Not entirley dissimilar to Canberra shiraz, at least stylistically, though it might have a little more sturdiness on its frame. Delightful drinking, now or later, with or or without food.

Enjoy your weekend!

Good afternoon everyone. Nice to see some sun earlier, a change from recent bleakness, though more rain should liven up ...

Good afternoon everyone. Nice to see some sun earlier, a change from recent bleakness, though more rain should liven up the trip home for commuters in peak hour. But tentative optimism for the weekend...

Today we bring you another bargain buy, this time from the Hunter Valley. Another red, another shiraz, another famous name in the annals of Australian wine. But there's a twist in this particular tale...

The man with his name on the label is Peter Drayton, and the wine comes from Peter Drayton Wines. Which means the family name will be familiar to most of us, because the Drayton family name is synonymous with Hunter Valley wine. And this means that Peter Drayton has inherited a lot of Hunter Valley wine history.

But Peter Drayton has gone out on his own, away from the family stable. He has forged his own path, and started his own history. He describes himself as a maverick, but his heart is in the Hunter and his wines are true to his heritage.

This Iron Bark Hill Shiraz is bold, but not at all heavy. There is a gentle earthiness on the nose, so typical of the region, and there is plenty of attractive spice. The palate is supple and savoury, the oak understated, the varietal definition unmistakeable.

And the best part? You get change from $20...


Good afternoon everyone, and just about time for those after-work Friday drinks. So we're a little bit late with our regular epistle, but life gets in the way sometimes...

And the weather gods have done us no favours, either. It was all fairly benign early, blue skies and no frost for the morning walk, but glum and gloomy again now. And the rain has returned.

The brazen iciness of yesterday has stayed away, so far, but a brisk breeze would still warrant a coat. And thermal underwear might yet be useful if you're heading to Bruce to watch the Brumbies tonight.

There's another long weekend in front of us, of course, though few of us will think much about the Queen. Or her birthday.

It's our last long weekend for a while; it almost feels like the last gasp of Public Holiday Season. So many holidays in the first half of the year, but only one more between the middle and the end...

We'll be sticking to our normal routine over the next few days, so no need for confusion. Open until 7pm tonight, 10am to 7pm on Saturday and Sunday, then 1pm to 7pm on Public Holiday Monday.

We've got lots of interesting things for you to try, new wines and beers arriving every day, all bases covered for a weekend away or a nice time at home. So drop into Downer - we'd love to see you!

Good morning everyone, and welcome to the official start of winter. Or the start of June, at any rate. Some gentle rain ...

Good morning everyone, and welcome to the official start of winter. Or the start of June, at any rate. Some gentle rain yesterday, and the Bureau says we might have snow by this time next week.

One of our mates was telling us that the only way he could keep warm was to have Port for breakfast. We thought there might have been other ways...

And then he said he needed some white wine for a weekend lunch. He was heading down the Coast, he was catching up with family, they were all keen fisher folk, and they were likely to be eating seafood. Probably bream, possibly tailor, maybe even oysters or crabs.

He grabbed some sauvignon blanc - for his Mum. And some chardonnay - for his Dad. Then some riesling - for himself and his wife.

He took a little more time with the riesling, ostensibly to make sure his wife was happy with his choice, then a smile crossed his dial as he remembered a previous dalliance with this cool-climate offering from Singlefile Wines in Western Australia.

Bright and limpid in the glass, quite shy on the nose to start. With a bit of a swirl, though, some lifted lime juice aromas, some pomelo, too, and a hint of that often mooted but seldom encountered minerality. Then lots of energy on the palate, crisp and crunchy, superb fruit intensity, terrific length of flavour.

He thought he'd get two bottles, just in case his folks really liked it...

Good afternoon everyone. A brisk breeze adding to the chill factor here in Canberra; thankful for small mercies that we'...

Good afternoon everyone. A brisk breeze adding to the chill factor here in Canberra; thankful for small mercies that we're nowhere near Melbourne.

Another long weekend coming up, though only in the ACT, with Monday being a Public Holiday to celebrate Reconciliation Day. So schools and offices will be closed, but shops will be open. And we'll be here between 1pm and 7pm, as per our regular Monday program.

Today we show you another warm-hearted shiraz, this time from an organically-farmed vineyard in the South Australian Riverland. It comes from Organic Hill Wines, and it makes an emphatic statement about sustainable viticulture.

Organic certification from NASAA, healthy grapes, no fining, vegan friendly - and no sulphur, so it is proudly labelled as Preservative Free.

Leon Hill is the driving force behind the label, and the wine. His family tree goes back to the earliest days of colonial settlement in South Australia, and it includes a number of prominent historical figures. One of them being Clem Hill, a brilliant cricketer who played with Victor Trumper and captained our Test team during the "golden years" before World War 1.

This is a bold and friendly style of shiraz, honest and earnest in equal measure. A bright purple hue, gentle spice and red earth on the nose, then generous berry fruit and fine tannins on the palate. A worthwhile dinner companion at any time, but especially with comfort food in cold weather...


Good evening everyone. Another sunny Sunday, little or no wind, and plenty of energy around our Village Square for the Downer Dog Day.

The main event only went for a couple of hours - from 1 to 3 - but we all enjoyed ourselves enormously. We had DJ Sue belting out the tunes, we had Gang Gang Cafe serving up the drinks, we had lots of happy dog owners being carted around the oval by lots of happy hounds.

And the ACT Government generously donated 100 free coffees to caffeinate the crowd, so we were all wired for sound by the time Runaround DJS played Runaround Sue at 3 o'clock.

So, with all of that frenetic activity, we've decided to close all day tomorrow. Actually, it has nothing to do with too much caffeine...

It's just a chance to catch up on a few personal commitments, touch base with a few old friends, and recharge the batteries. Enjoy your Monday, and we'll see you all again on Tuesday!

Good morning everyone, and welcome to a fairly standard sort of Friday. The world hasn't changed much in the past 24 hou...

Good morning everyone, and welcome to a fairly standard sort of Friday. The world hasn't changed much in the past 24 hours - our news feeds are telling the same stories they told us yesterday - but that might be a good thing...

We did hear about a fellow in Queensland who has just become the oldest man ever to live in Australia, and he reckons part of his secret is to eat chicken brains. But then we heard he'd had a birthday, back in January, and at that time it was all about eating prawns...

We don't imagine we will live to be 111, and we're not sure we'd want to, but we wholeheartedly subscribe to the Edgar Riek doctrine. Drink plenty of interesting wine, drink it on a regular basis, and always look forward to the next great bottle.

Today we show you another wonderful winter warmer. A three-way red blend from one of our most iconic wineries, robust and stylish in equal measure, and perfect for comfort food on chilly nights.

It's called Butchers Block, and it comes from Turkey Flat Vineyards in the Barossa Valley. A combination of shiraz and grenache and mataro, with shiraz being the main player in terms of percentages, but all three varieties making important contributions to the end result.

And, like everything else from this venerable maker, it is very much a wine of its place.

It's all about the Turkey Flat vineyards, and the Turkey Flat soil. It's savoury and earthy, for sure, but the old-vine fruit still sings loud and clear.

It would certainly keep well in a cool dark cellar, but it's too much fun to drink now. And you can have it for less than $30. Grab it now, before it's all gone!


Shop 2/2 Frencham Place
Canberra, ACT

Opening Hours

Tuesday 10am - 7pm
Wednesday 10am - 7pm
Thursday 10am - 7pm
Friday 10am - 7pm
Saturday 10am - 7pm
Sunday 10am - 7pm




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