YP Migration Services

YP Migration Services "I have a passion to help you to get the visa you need. I will make sure that you will get quality services throughout"
MARN 1808551

It is important to seek an advice regarding your immigration matters through right person. You can get some advice from ...

It is important to seek an advice regarding your immigration matters through right person. You can get some advice from your friends or others who are NOT registered in giving immigration advice, but they do not have any responsibilities for your interest, especially when something goes wrong. However, because we are registered and governed by OMARA, we have responsibility to protect your right and we must give right advice to you at our best we can do. I have witnessed several cases that some people paid a lot of money to unregistered operator for visa which does not exist and simply they don't give a ###x about it. So if your looking for an agent for immigration advice, make sure they are registered.

The link to find fact sheet about who can give immigration advice is below



안녕하세요! 오랜만에 글을 올리는것 같네요!

오늘은 이번 11월 16일에 바뀐 새로운 비자 점수 제도에 대해서 알아보도록 할께요.

일단 point test 는 밑에 나열된 비자에서 필요한 제도 입니다. 그래서 밑에 나열된 비자를 신청하시는 분들께서는 꼭 참고하시는게 좋을것 같습니다.

​Points test 가 적용되는 비자들

1. Subclass 189

2. Subclass 190

3. Subclass 489

4. Subclass 491

자 그렇다면 구체적으로 새롭게 어떻게 바뀌었는지 한번 살펴 볼께요

​1. 15 points for nomination by a State or Territory government agency or sponsorship by a family member residing in regional Australia, to live and work in regional Australia.
- Subclass 491 를 신청하시는 경우 무려 15 점이라는 점수를 받게 되실수 있습니다. 법이 바뀌기 전에는 10 점이라는걸 감안 한다면 엄청 큰 점수라 생각이 드네요!

​2. 10 points for applicants without a spouse or de facto partner
10 points for a skilled spouse or de facto partner
5 points for a spouse or de facto partner with ‘Competent
- 이 부분이 이번 바뀐 점수제도에서 가장 핫한것 같은데요. 우선 배우자가 없고 있고 차이에서 시작합니다. 배우자가 없고 싱글이시면 10점 가산점을 받으실수 있구요. 만약에 배우자가 계시고 배우자 분이 지정된 관련 직업군으로 skills assessment 와 아이엘츠 기준 6.0 이 두가지를 만족시킬수 있으시다면 또한 10점 가산점을 받으실수 있습니다. 그리고 배우자 분께서 skills assessment 를 받으실수 없으시지만 영어 점수 아이엘츠 기준 6.0 을 받으실수 있으시다면 아쉽지만 5점 가산점을 받으실수 있습니다. 참고로 skills assessment 를 받으실수 있으시나 영어 점수를 충족하실수 없으시다면 0점 가산점 혜택이 없으십니다.

​그리고 배우자분이 호주 영주권자이거나 시민권자 이시면 skills assessment 나 영어 점수 상관 없이 10 점 가산점 받으실수 있습니다 (partner visa 신청하는게 나을듯 한데요 ^^)

3. 10 points for certain Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) qualifications
- 호주내에서 하셨던 코스가 2년 이상이어야 하며, masters degree by research 이거나 doctorial degree 이셨어야 합니다. 10점 가산점을 받기위한 코스들은 밑을 참고해 주세요!

Biological Sciences

Chemical Sciences

Earth Sciences

Mathematical Sciences

Natural and Physical Sciences

Other Natural and Physical Sciences

Physics and Astronomy

Computer Science

Information Systems

Information Technology

Other Information Technology

Aerospace Engineering and Technology

Civil Engineering

Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Technology

Engineering and Related Technologies

Geomatic Engineering

Manufacturing Engineering and Technology

Maritime Engineering and Technology

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and Technology

Other Engineering and Related Technologies

Process and Resources Engineering

새롭게 바뀐 점수 제도 때문에 혼란해 하실수 있는 분들도 계시고 아니면 반대로 더 좋아하실 분들도 계실텐데요. 모두가 잘 정확하게 잘 알고 대비 하셔서 후에 원하는 비자 잘 받으셨으면 하는 바램입니다.

좋은 하루 되세요 / Have a good day!

I thought It is good to share about this person, Eddy Kang (business man in Sydney, South Korean national), who was conv...

I thought It is good to share about this person, Eddy Kang (business man in Sydney, South Korean national), who was convicted for more than 20 counts of FRAUD AND MISS LEADING CONDUCT and now he is STILL on the run.
Long story short, many students paid paid a lot of money to secure visas such as 457 visas, which never exists.


One of Australia's most notorious scam artists continues to run a business that rips off vulnerable students while he is out on bail appealing against his conviction and sentence, an ABC investigation reveals.

RRV Granted.Do you know you may need to renew your permanent visa? you can stay in Australia without renewing as long as...

RRV Granted.
Do you know you may need to renew your permanent visa? you can stay in Australia without renewing as long as you wish for. However, If you wish to travel outside Australia, make sure your permanent visa is not expired. If it it is expired, please do so before you buy travel ticket.
Just one little tip, if you have got a new passport, since permanent visa has been granted, then you need to link your permanent visa to a new passport, otherwise, you will get visa granted to your old passport.


Changes to points test for GSM visas (Effect from Nov 2019)

Interesting to see that 10 extra point for single and only extra points with partner who is skilled or has good English.

o 15 points for nomination by a State or Territory government agency or sponsorship by a family member residing in regional Australia, to live and work in regional Australia;

o 10 points for a skilled spouse or de facto partner;

o 10 points for certain Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) qualifications;

o 5 points for a spouse or de facto partner with ‘competent English’;

o 10 points for applicants without a spouse or de facto partner


Brief summary of subclass 491 and 494 (Effect from 16 Nov 2019)

Subclass 491 – Skilled Work Regional visa (Provisional)
Subclass 494 – Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional visa (Provisional)

New visa from 16 Nov 2022 for persons who hold a Subclass 491 or 494
Subclass 191 – Skilled Regional (Permanent Residence)

Subclass 491 – Skilled Work Regional visa (Provisional)
1. Replaces the subclass 489 visa
2. Two invitation pathways will be available – State/Territory nominated and Family sponsored
3. A genuine intention to live, work and study in regional area
4. 5 year grant period
5. Point tested (will be amended)
6. Lodge an EOI and need to be invited
7. Under 45 years of age
8. Occupation on the relevant skilled occupation list
9. Competent English skills
10. Minimum pass mark is 65

Subclass 494 – Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional visa (provisional)
1. SBS required (Standard Business Sponsorship)
2. Sponsorship obiligation will apply
3. Two streams will be available – Employer sponsored and Labour Agreement
4. 5 year grant period
5. Eligible for Medicare
6. 3 stages for 494 visa – First sponsorship, then Nomination, lastly visa application

Nomination requirement
1. SBS approved
2. Position must be located in a designated regional area
3. Occupation must be in specified in the relevant occupation list
4. Must be a genuine position
5. Labour Market Testing required
6. Must be full-time position
7. Annual Market Salary rate requirements
8. A written contract of employment
9. SAF contribution must be paid - $3000/$5000
Visa requirements
1. Under 45 years of age
2. Has nomination approved
3. Holds a substantive visa or BVA, BVB or BVC
4. Skills assessment ready
5. 3 year’s full time relevant work experience
6. Competent English

For those of you who is planning to apply for subclass 489 and  187 RSMS, as you may know those visas will be replaced b...

For those of you who is planning to apply for subclass 489 and 187 RSMS, as you may know those visas will be replaced by Subclass 491 and 494 soon. Here is screen shot of timeline to check, so you may not get in trouble.


There are cases which were lodged wrong steam for Subclass 485 visa. It is always good to check.

485 Temporary Graduate – Graduate Work Stream
This visa allows students who have completed studies in Australia to live and work on a temporary basis. They can work without the limit, so it would be good idea for gaining work experience for further visa application.
At the time of lodgment, you must
1. Nominate an occupation that is on the MLTSSL
2. Have applied for Skills assessment by the appropriate Australian skills assessing authority
3. In the last 6 months have completed one or more qualifications that are closely related to nominated occupation, following at least 2 years of study in Australia

General requirement
1. Be under 50 years of age
2. Have English test – ex) overall 6.0 (with a minimum of 5.0 in each) which have been undertaken within the last 3 years
3. Have made adequate arrangement for health insurance
This visa is valid for 18 months

485 Temporary Graduate – Post-Study Work Stream
You must have applied for first Australian Student visa on or after 5 Nov 2011
At the time of lodgment, you must have completed one or more of the following qualifications in Australia in the last 6 months, following at least 2 years of study
1. Bachelor’s degree (2-year visa)
2. Bachelor with honors (2-year visa)
3. Master by coursework (2-year visa
4. Master(extended) (2-year visa)
5. Master by Research (3-year visa)
6. Doctorate (4-year visa)
General requirements
1. Be under 50 years of age
2. Have English test – ex) overall 6.0 (with a minimum of 5.0 in each) which have been undertaken within the last 3 years
3. Have made adequate arrangement for health insurance
This visa is valid for 2, 3, or 4 years, depending upon the level of Australian qualifications


최대 3년까지 연장 가능해진 워킹홀리데이 비자

워킹홀리데이 비자의 기본 조건

 호주 밖에서만 신청가능
 18세에서 30세 까지의 신청자만 신청가능 (Canada France 그리고 Ireland 여권 소지자는 18세에서 35세 까지 가능
 현재 워킹홀리데이 비자 가능한 나라들
Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Taiwan and United Kingdom

2019년 7월 1일 이전까지 워킹홀리데이 비자 연장 조건 – 최대 1번
 첫번째 워킹 홀리데이 기간중 3개월 동안 regional Australia 에서 근무

2019년 7월 1일 이후부터의 워킹홀리데이 비자 연장 조건 – 최대 2번까지
 두번째 워킹 홀리데이 기간중 6개월 동안 regional Australia 에서 근무
 주의점으로는 일한 기간이 2019 년 7월 1일부터만 적용
워킹홀리데이 연장을 위해 일할수 있는곳들
1. Plant and animal cultivation
2. Fishing and pearling
3. Tree farming ad felling
4. Mining; and
5. construction

참고로 3개월과 6개월의 일은 full-time 기준이며 돈을 받고 일했다는게 증명되어야 합니다.

New changes for Working holiday visa (Subclass 417)
Minimum requirement for first Working holiday visa
1. be outside of Australia when you apply
2. be aged between 18 and 30 or between 18 and 35 for citizens of Canada, France and Ireland
3. Eligible countries for this particular visa includes following countries
Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Taiwan and United Kingdom
To be eligible for Second working holiday visa
1. Complete 3 months working in regional Australia while on first Working holiday visa
To be eligible for Third working holiday visa
1. On or after 1 July 2019, complete 6 months working in regional Australia while on Second Working holiday visa
For the purpose of visa extension, applicants should complete their work in following industries.
1. Plant and animal cultivation
2. Fishing and pearling
3. Tree farming and felling
4. Mining
5. construction

Visa application charge will increase by 7% from 1st July 2019!!

Visa application charge will increase by 7% from 1st July 2019!!

If you do not have time to meet migration agent, because you are busy? then I can come to you.I am happy to travel to me...

If you do not have time to meet migration agent, because you are busy? then I can come to you.
I am happy to travel to meet you in comfortable places like cafes near your home or work.


I started my first day in the office.
Thanks for letting me in to collaborate as a team. I am glad to work together with passion and confidence.


Sponsored parent visa (Subclass 870) – New (Visa application will open from 1 July 2019)
This visa will allow parents of an Australian citizen or a permanent resident to stay in Australia temporary for 3 years or 5 years and you may apply for further subclass 870, but not exceeding 10 years.
The sponsorship from Australian family sponsor must be approved before you lodge visa application and visa application must be lodged within 6 months of the family sponsorship approval.
Note: sponsorship application opened from 17 April 2019.

Requirements for applicant
 Be at least of 18 years of age
 Have an approved family sponsor
 Have sufficient funds
 Meet health and character requirements
 Have health insurance for your stay in Australia
 Have no public health debts

Requirements for Family sponsor
 Be an Australian citizen, or a permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen who has been usually and lawfully resident in Australia for at least 4 years
 Be at least 18 years old
 Only sponsor two parents at any one time
 Meet all the sponsorship obligations
 Have minimum, annual household taxable income of at least AUD83,454.80
 Meet character requirements

새롭게 시작되는 부모 초청 비자 (Subclass 870)
7월 1일부터 시작되는 parent visa 에 관해서 간단히 정리해 보았습니다. 이 비자를 받기 위해서는 먼저 호주에 살고 있는 자녀의 스폰서 자격 조건이 충족 되어야 합니다. 호주에 있는 자녀가 호주 영주권이나 시민권자 이어야 하며 호주에 적어도 4년정도 거주했어야 합니다. 또한 1년에 적어도 호주 돈으로 세전 약 8만 4 천불 (가족수입) 이상의 수입이 있어야 합니다. 그리고 그밖에 다른 조건 또한 갖추어져야 됩니다.
이 비자는 2가지 종류로 나뉘는데, 3년 그리고 5년 비자로 나뉘게 됩니다. 만약 부모님이 비자 종료후 더 호주에 계시고 싶으시다면 같은 비자로 다시 신청하시면 되시고 총 10년까지 위 비자로 머무를수 있습니다, 다만 새로운 비자로 신청하는 동안, 호주 밖에서 90일 이상 머무르셔야 합니다.
마지막으로 위 비자의 단점이라면 비자 신청비가 상당히 비싸다는 점입니다. 3년 비자의 경우 5천불, 5년 비자의 경우 만불이라는 점입니다.

Young Park


Suite 31, Level 3/144 Adelaide Street
Brisbane, QLD





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