Good morning, friends and ! In 1867, when Col. Richard Coulter of the 11th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry published his memoir of Sallie Ann Jarrett, the regiment's canine mascot, he imagined that one day the regiment's gray-haired veterans would be telling her story to their grandchildren. But what he might never have predicted is how popular her story became with the generations that followed and how often other authors have retold the tale of the 11th's loyal mascot. The first of these accounts to widely share Sallie's story was John D. Lippy, Jr.,'s 1962 book "The War Dog." Today, "The War Dog" can be difficult to find, and we're pleased to have a copy available for sale on our website. bit.ly/OOP-Civil-War-Dog-Books You'll find details there, along with several other books about Sallie and other loyal dogs of the American Civil War.