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Out of town and having techy issues so no show today or Saturday as I'll be going back home:)

We Were Warned Years Ago… (Video)

We Were Warned Years Ago… (Video)

In this episode, we’ll travel back in time a bit and hear from the founder of the John Birch Society, Joe Biden, Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab. We’ll hear what they all had to say about the future and we’ll take a look at what God has to say to ...

Ratifying The Original First Amendment (Video)

Ratifying The Original First Amendment (Video)

In this episode, we’ll take a look at the original First Amendment. No, it has nothing to do with limiting Congress regarding speech, religion or assembly. Rather, it was proposed by George Washington concerning an adequate number of representatives for the population. We’ll see how it has alrea...

The nation will collapse as a result of the Democrat illogical policies.Corruption And Incompetence

The nation will collapse as a result of the Democrat illogical policies.

Corruption And Incompetence

There was corruption and incompetence in past administrations, but nothing close to what is now taking place with the Biden administration

The Devil is in the detailsSatanic Temple Declares Child Sacrifice a RITE

The Devil is in the details

Satanic Temple Declares Child Sacrifice a RITE

Satanic Temple Declares Child Sacrifice a RITE, Abolish Abortion, They should look into Christian doctrine of Waiting Until They Are Married!

The Lawsuit That’s Advancing To Bring Justice To Everyone Involved In The Plandemic (Video)

The Lawsuit That’s Advancing To Bring Justice To Everyone Involved In The Plandemic (Video)

In this episode, we welcome back Dr. Henry Ealy, along with several men who are aiding in a major lawsuit that seeks to hold every person involved in the plandemic accountable. Judge Paul Nally, Journalist Brain O’Shea, Oregon Senator Dennis Linthicum and VaersAware.com’s Albert Benavides join m...

Mr. Winder suggesting the public is too stupid to understand what is really going on?Mr. Winder And His Corporate Comrad...

Mr. Winder suggesting the public is too stupid to understand what is really going on?

Mr. Winder And His Corporate Comradery

Government officials collude in dark, smoke filled rooms to serve corporate wishes for projects that will make a killing for their coffers

No longer is it about a school nurse tending to boo-boos or calling a parent to come pick up their child. Who Needs Pare...

No longer is it about a school nurse tending to boo-boos or calling a parent to come pick up their child.

Who Needs Parents Anymore?

The delivery service system, called School Based Health Centers (SBHC), has been ravaging America for several years. Nullifying parents.

The world of academia has now become “untouchable”. It’s agenda prevailsAcademia Determines Nation’s Future

The world of academia has now become “untouchable”. It’s agenda prevails

Academia Determines Nation’s Future

For years academia has sent thousands of fully indoctrinated godless liberal graduates into the America culture.

When a Democrat calls you a fascist, just smile knowing that they are accusing you of the crimes they commit.Libertarian...

When a Democrat calls you a fascist, just smile knowing that they are accusing you of the crimes they commit.

Libertarian Fascist

The twenty first century progressive Democrats, and their allies, have become the vessel of the modern fascist.

On Saturday March 2nd at each caucus location the doors will open at 11:00AM Pacific time, 12:00PM Mountain time.Caucus ...

On Saturday March 2nd at each caucus location the doors will open at 11:00AM Pacific time, 12:00PM Mountain time.

Caucus Confusion

What is up with Idaho’s Presidential Primary or Caucus? There are two very good reasons why a May Presidential Primary is bad.

But in any event the war needs to stop as soon as possible, and the hostages releasedThe Middle East Dilemma

But in any event the war needs to stop as soon as possible, and the hostages released

The Middle East Dilemma

In the middle east It is now evident that it is not possible to have a “Two State Solution”

We look forward to hearing the full and complete account from the whistleblower, BLM Special Agent Larry WootenBREAKING:...

We look forward to hearing the full and complete account from the whistleblower, BLM Special Agent Larry Wooten

BREAKING: Court Rules Engel Can Depose Dan Love and Larry Wooten

BREAKING: Court Rules Engel Can Depose Dan Love and Larry Wooten, a whistleblower brought to light atrocities that were committed by the govt

You are no longer capable of upholding your oath of officeAsking the Petty Tyrant Dictator Winder For His Resignation

You are no longer capable of upholding your oath of office

Asking the Petty Tyrant Dictator Winder For His Resignation

Asking the Petty Tyrant Dictator Winder For His Resignation, You are complicit in these crimes against the good citizens of Idaho


Help support the channel:
Zelle email: t.brown.hattrick (At) Gmail (dot) com
Grab This Bucket Of Heirloom Seeds & Get Free Shipping With Promo Code TIM: https://heavensharvest.com/collections/seed-kits/products/heirloom-vegetable-seed-bucket?variant=34283425333292
Protect Yourself From 5G, EMF & RF Radiation: https://www.emfsol.com/?aff=ctQ9GqtsMfLBD3XJZ
Build Your Own Food Forest & Save 5% With Promo Code TIMBROWN: https://shop.foodforestabundance.com/TIMBROWN
Stockpile Food For The Future: https://mypatriotsupply.com/?rfsn=5131805.ffe1a3
Stockpile Your Ammo & Save $15 On Your First Order: https://ammo.com/i/aGRNd0wwRGwxTFE9c
Save Up To 66% Off MyPillow with Promo Code TIMBROWN: https://www.mypillow.com/sonsofliberty
Get A Great Deal On A Satellite Phone: https://satellitephonestore.com/?affiliate=liberty
Gain Cell Phone Freedom With Volta Wireless and Get Your First Month For Just $9.99 With Promo Code USA1: https://www.voltawireless.com/
One Simple Way To Detoxify: https://timbrown.thegoodinside.com/pbx-trial-offer-557846


Help support the channel:


Grab This Bucket Of Heirloom Seeds & Get Free Shipping With Promo Code TIM: https://heavensharvest.com/collections/seed-kits/products/heirloom-vegetable-seed-bucket?variant=34283425333292

Protect Yourself From 5G, EMF & RF Radiation: https://www.emfsol.com/?aff=ctQ9GqtsMfLBD3XJZ

Build Your Own Food Forest & Save 5% With Promo Code TIMBROWN: https://shop.foodforestabundance.com/TIMBROWN

Stockpile Food For The Future: https://mypatriotsupply.com/?rfsn=5131805.ffe1a3

Stockpile Your Ammo & Save $15 On Your First Order: https://ammo.com/i/aGRNd0wwRGwxTFE9c

Save Up To 66% Off MyPillow with Promo Code SONSOFLIBERTY: https://www.mypillow.com/sonsofliberty

Make Your Own Fulvic/Humic Acid – Use Promo Code SONSOFLIBERTY You’ll Save $$$: https://themiraclesalve.com/product/gold-standard-kit

Get A Great Deal On A Satellite Phone: https://satellitephonestore.com/?affiliate=liberty

Gain Cell Phone Freedom With Volta Wireless and Get Your First Month For Just $9.99 With Promo Code USA1: https://www.voltawireless.com/

One Simple Way To Detoxify: https://timbrown.thegoodinside.com/pbx-trial-offer-557846


Circle Back Communist Jen Psaki Threatens States Over Gender Confused Kids Healthcare

People need to stay on top of their state legislators to stop this insanity. Psaki can put whoever she wants "on notice," but she doesn't control state legislation.

Send them my 4-part report with all of the facts on what this agenda is really about. It's been used by legislators and a lot of groups to convey the bigger picture and the origins of this agenda

Exploiting Transgenders Part 1: Manufacturing an Industry https://www.coreysdigs.com/health-science/exploiting-transgenders-part-1-manufacturing-an-industry/

Part 2: Medical Engineering Origins https://www.coreysdigs.com/health-science/exploiting-transgenders-part-2-medical-engineering-origins/

Part 3: The Funders & Profiteers https://www.coreysdigs.com/health-science/exploiting-transgenders-part-3-the-funders-profiteers/

Part 4: Manufacturing a Reality $$ https://www.coreysdigs.com/health-science/exploiting-transgenders-part-4-manufacturing-a-reality/

Bookshop: https://www.coreysdigs.com/downloads/exploiting-transgenders-manufacturing-an-industry/


Dog Adorably Skateboards Under Tunnel Of People


In the past 5 months 20 food processing plants have been burned down. Get prepared!


Chinese Foreign Minister calls out NATO for using depleted Uranium in its Belgrade bombings caused 97000 cancer cases


Help support the channel:
Zelle email: t.brown.hattrick (At) Gmail (dot) com
Grab This Bucket Of Heirloom Seeds & Get Free Shipping With Promo Code TIM: https://heavensharvest.com/collections/seed-kits/products/heirloom-vegetable-seed-bucket?variant=34283425333292
Protect Yourself From 5G, EMF & RF Radiation: https://www.emfsol.com/?aff=ctQ9GqtsMfLBD3XJZ
Build Your Own Food Forest & Save 5% With Promo Code TIMBROWN: https://shop.foodforestabundance.com/TIMBROWN
Stockpile Food For The Future: https://mypatriotsupply.com/?rfsn=5131805.ffe1a3
Stockpile Your Ammo & Save $15 On Your First Order: https://ammo.com/i/aGRNd0wwRGwxTFE9c
Save Up To 66% Off MyPillow with Promo Code TIMBROWN: https://www.mypillow.com/sonsofliberty
Get A Great Deal On A Satellite Phone: https://satellitephonestore.com/?affiliate=liberty
Gain Cell Phone Freedom With Volta Wireless and Get Your First Month For Just $9.99 With Promo Code USA1: https://www.voltawireless.com/
One Simple Way To Detoxify: https://timbrown.thegoodinside.com/pbx-trial-offer-557846


Help support the channel:

Zelle email: t.brown.hattrick (At) Gmail (dot) com


Grab This Bucket Of Heirloom Seeds & Get Free Shipping With Promo Code TIM: https://heavensharvest.com/collections/seed-kits/products/heirloom-vegetable-seed-bucket?variant=34283425333292

Protect Yourself From 5G, EMF & RF Radiation: https://www.emfsol.com/?aff=ctQ9GqtsMfLBD3XJZ

Build Your Own Food Forest & Save 5% With Promo Code TIMBROWN: https://shop.foodforestabundance.com/TIMBROWN

Stockpile Food For The Future: https://mypatriotsupply.com/?rfsn=5131805.ffe1a3

Stockpile Your Ammo & Save $15 On Your First Order: https://ammo.com/i/aGRNd0wwRGwxTFE9c

Save Up To 66% Off MyPillow with Promo Code TIMBROWN: https://www.mypillow.com/sonsofliberty

Make Your Own Fulvic/Humic Acid – Use Promo Code TIM You’ll Save $$$: https://themiraclesalve.com/product/gold-standard-kit

Get A Great Deal On A Satellite Phone: https://satellitephonestore.com/?affiliate=liberty

Gain Cell Phone Freedom With Volta Wireless and Get Your First Month For Just $9.99 With Promo Code USA1: https://www.voltawireless.com/

One Simple Way To Detoxify: https://timbrown.thegoodinside.com/pbx-trial-offer-557846


The Origins of Gender Identity

He is acting like nothing more than a schoolyard bully standing up for his friends.Senator Tighty-Whities Winder

He is acting like nothing more than a schoolyard bully standing up for his friends.

Senator Tighty-Whities Winder

Sen. Zuiderveld didn't go farther in exposing how all of this tied to more global agendas, his tighty-whities might not have remained white.

In reality, antisemitism is anti-God, not just any god, but the God of the Bible! The God of BOTH Jews AND Christians!Th...

In reality, antisemitism is anti-God, not just any god, but the God of the Bible! The God of BOTH Jews AND Christians!

The Seeds Of Antisemitism

NOW you know WHY there is antisemitism in the world and can see why it is so prevalent worldwide. Satan has deceived the masses.

Another current example is the hate driven agenda against Trump.Hate Is Beyond Persuasion

Another current example is the hate driven agenda against Trump.

Hate Is Beyond Persuasion

These protestors are joined together in their condemnation / hate of Israel, and no facts are going to change their minds.


Unbelievable & No Doubt These Are Black Lives Matter Criminals - Find & Prosecute


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Grab This Bucket Of Heirloom Seeds & Get Free Shipping With Promo Code TIM: https://heavensharvest.com/collections/seed-kits/products/heirloom-vegetable-seed-bucket?variant=34283425333292

Protect Yourself From 5G, EMF & RF Radiation: https://dq271.isrefer.com/go/pendant/AUL2472/

Build Your Own Food Forest & Save 5% With Promo Code TIMBROWN: https://shop.foodforestabundance.com/TIMBROWN

Stockpile Food For The Future: https://mypatriotsupply.com/?rfsn=5131805.ffe1a3

Stockpile Your Ammo & Save $15 On Your First Order: https://ammo.com/i/aGRNd0wwRGwxTFE9c

Save Up To 66% Off MyPillow with Promo Code SONSOFLIBERTY: https://www.mypillow.com/sonsofliberty

Make Your Own Fulvic/Humic Acid – Use Promo Code SONSOFLIBERTY You’ll Save $$$: https://themiraclesalve.com/product/gold-standard-kit

Get A Great Deal On A Satellite Phone: https://satellitephonestore.com/?affiliate=liberty

Gain Cell Phone Freedom With Volta Wireless and Get Your First Month For Just $9.99 With Promo Code USA1: https://www.voltawireless.com/

One Simple Way To Detoxify: https://timbrown.thegoodinside.com/pbx-trial-offer-557846


The Pe*****le Propagandist Roots of Netflix


This may be happening to your kids & you won't know it until they have been indoctrinated


South African politician nails it. Would western media ever show this? Nope!


In other words, the information results you get are completely filtered by them based on what they want you to see…


Teacher from Uvalde details how the police, which he calls cowards, left the school and retreated


Help support the channel:
CashApp: $TheRealTimBrown
Zelle email: t.brown.hattrick (At) Gmail (dot) com
Grab This Bucket Of Heirloom Seeds & Get Free Shipping With Promo Code TIM: https://heavensharvest.com/collections/seed-kits/products/heirloom-vegetable-seed-bucket?variant=34283425333292
Protect Yourself From 5G, EMF & RF Radiation: https://www.emfsol.com/?aff=ctQ9GqtsMfLBD3XJZ
Build Your Own Food Forest & Save 5% With Promo Code TIMBROWN: https://shop.foodforestabundance.com/TIMBROWN
Stockpile Food For The Future: https://mypatriotsupply.com/?rfsn=5131805.ffe1a3
Stockpile Your Ammo & Save $15 On Your First Order: https://ammo.com/i/aGRNd0wwRGwxTFE9c
Save Up To 66% Off MyPillow with Promo Code TIMBROWN: https://www.mypillow.com/sonsofliberty
Get A Great Deal On A Satellite Phone: https://satellitephonestore.com/?affiliate=liberty
Gain Cell Phone Freedom With Volta Wireless and Get Your First Month For Just $9.99 With Promo Code USA1: https://www.voltawireless.com/
One Simple Way To Detoxify: https://timbrown.thegoodinside.com/pbx-trial-offer-557846


Help support the channel:
Zelle email: t.brown.hattrick (At) Gmail (dot) com
Grab This Bucket Of Heirloom Seeds & Get Free Shipping With Promo Code TIM: https://heavensharvest.com/collections/seed-kits/products/heirloom-vegetable-seed-bucket?variant=34283425333292
Protect Yourself From 5G, EMF & RF Radiation: https://www.emfsol.com/?aff=ctQ9GqtsMfLBD3XJZ
Build Your Own Food Forest & Save 5% With Promo Code TIMBROWN: https://shop.foodforestabundance.com/TIMBROWN
Stockpile Food For The Future: https://mypatriotsupply.com/?rfsn=5131805.ffe1a3
Stockpile Your Ammo & Save $15 On Your First Order: https://ammo.com/i/aGRNd0wwRGwxTFE9c

Save Up To 66% Off MyPillow with Promo Code TIMBROWN: https://www.mypillow.com/sonsofliberty

Make Your Own Fulvic/Humic Acid – Use Promo Code TIM You’ll Save $$$: https://themiraclesalve.com/product/gold-standard-kit

Get A Great Deal On A Satellite Phone: https://satellitephonestore.com/?affiliate=liberty

Gain Cell Phone Freedom With Volta Wireless and Get Your First Month For Just $9.99 With Promo Code USA1: https://www.voltawireless.com/

One Simple Way To Detoxify: https://timbrown.thegoodinside.com/pbx-trial-offer-557846


Help support the channel:
CashApp: $TheRealTimBrown
Zelle email: t.brown.hattrick (At) Gmail (dot) com
Grab This Bucket Of Heirloom Seeds & Get Free Shipping With Promo Code TIM: https://heavensharvest.com/collections/seed-kits/products/heirloom-vegetable-seed-bucket?variant=34283425333292
Protect Yourself From 5G, EMF & RF Radiation: https://www.emfsol.com/?aff=ctQ9GqtsMfLBD3XJZ
Build Your Own Food Forest & Save 5% With Promo Code TIMBROWN: https://shop.foodforestabundance.com/TIMBROWN
Stockpile Food For The Future: https://mypatriotsupply.com/?rfsn=5131805.ffe1a3
Stockpile Your Ammo & Save $15 On Your First Order: https://ammo.com/i/aGRNd0wwRGwxTFE9c
Save Up To 66% Off MyPillow with Promo Code TIMBROWN: https://www.mypillow.com/sonsofliberty
Get A Great Deal On A Satellite Phone: https://satellitephonestore.com/?affiliate=liberty
Gain Cell Phone Freedom With Volta Wireless and Get Your First Month For Just $9.99 With Promo Code USA1: https://www.voltawireless.com/
One Simple Way To Detoxify: https://timbrown.thegoodinside.com/pbx-trial-offer-557846


Only Proves That They Are Extorted & Controlled

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