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Let's Talk Endo Girl Endometriosis News, Stories & Top Buzz

Happy 3 months to my sweet baby girl Zaia 🎀🥹✨ my heart is truly full 🥰

Happy 3 months to my sweet baby girl Zaia 🎀🥹✨ my heart is truly full 🥰

“Pleasantly surprised by how well the Hulu series Conversations with Friends depicts endometriosis. And while there are ...

“Pleasantly surprised by how well the Hulu series Conversations with Friends depicts endometriosis. And while there are a couple of medical inaccuracies in “Episode 11” that I strongly encourage you to not take at face value, the series still manages to accurately depict what living with endometriosis is like through Frances’ (Alison Oliver) experience. Watching Frances go through so much of the same physical and emotional pain that I have is both validating and heartbreaking.” Article by Brynna Arles

This has been weighing heavy on my mind, body, and heart for years. My intuitive mind has been agog at the idea of envis...

This has been weighing heavy on my mind, body, and heart for years. My intuitive mind has been agog at the idea of envisioning one of those interesting raw & uncut documentaries about endometriosis. Wanting to know the commonalities of the affects it has on every social status and every social class around the world. The idea of having the facts and knowing the STATS. Endometriosis has been an unwavering passion of mine since my diagnosis in 2005. I am asking for help 💛. I am asking for passion. If you or someone you know has been affected by endometriosis please share this flyer. Text it, Email it, Screenshot it, Tag it, DM it, Repost it, Add it to your Story, Add it to Another Endo Group Chat, Airdrop it, Print it, Pass it. Spread the Awareness! We are UNITED! Interest Submissions are due by January 1, 2021, DM us . Look forward to making this SPECTACULAR! I am an endo Warrior 🎗🎗🦾

Hmmm different or the same? 🤔

Hmmm different or the same? 🤔

Be kind to yourself 💛

Be kind to yourself 💛




Name an accomplishment that despite having Endometriosis didn’t stop you from doing 💪🏽..Tag us in your post and it will be added in our story 🤗..for some of us its simply making through the day. CELEBRATE IT 🥰

😅😅😅Can I get a portal morphine drip please? One I can carry around the office? Or maybe an epidural shot to carry around...

Can I get a portal morphine drip please? One I can carry around the office? Or maybe an epidural shot to carry around in my purse? Ijs 🤷🏽‍♀️ maybe then they’ll take Endometriosis seriously since they can’t “see it”

“Ying Cheong, from the University of Southampton in the UK, presented findings from epidemiological studies which sugges...

“Ying Cheong, from the University of Southampton in the UK, presented findings from epidemiological studies which suggest a reasonably strong link between the disease and infertility, and indicate endometriosis may lower conception and live birth rates if left untreated. However, only up to one-third of women with endometriosis are estimated to suffer from infertility, which means that most women with endometriosis will actually conceive successfully. Overall, she said, the available evidence is population dependent and subject to selection bias, which makes it impossible to say with certainty that endometriosis causes infertility.

The main obstacles to motherhood for endometriosis patients are impaired implantation and cysts (endometrioma). Failure of embryos to embed can be explained by the fact the disease promotes progesterone resistance (chronic inflammation, defective decidualisation, oestrogen dominance). Yet how or when this develops is unclear, as highlighted by Velja Mijatovic, from UMC Amsterdam. Studies have shown poor implantation rates for IVF/ICSI patients having embryo transfer, but this is based on observational data only. What has also not been established is how disease severity or previous surgery affects implantation success for women having IVF treatment. “

“Sophie first spoke out about her diagnosis while responding to a fan, who has endometriosis and revealed they were wait...

“Sophie first spoke out about her diagnosis while responding to a fan, who has endometriosis and revealed they were waiting to undergo a full hysterectomy.
Sophie replied: ‘I also have ! It’s such a sad condition that I don’t even no much about tbh!’”

“.....(Sophie)‘Guys honestly it means so much to me that you are all supporting my recent news about finding out I have .”

“One fan responded: ‘It sucks! Im still learning about it.. And the pain oh my god we are in this together! You got this girl.’
Another reassured the reality star and said: ‘Welcome to the fight girl! Getting your diagnosis is the first step in this long battle but I promise you, you’ll meet the most fiercely supportive die hard females ever during your journey you may not see this but if you do, any questions AT ALL just ask x.’”

So whose ready to spill the tea to Sophia about Endo? What advice would you give our newest sister ? Let’s Talk Endo Girl 🎙

“The Painter” by Janileth She had rage in her, so she painted red But she turned blue, with these sad thoughts in her he...

“The Painter” by Janileth

She had rage in her, so she painted red
But she turned blue, with these sad thoughts in her head
So she painted black for her death, but in return all she got was regret
So she painted yellow to feel happy again, but she couldn't change nor be the same
So she painted white to paint the colors right, to restart again...
To feel alright again 💛🌹

“HealthDay News — For girls, leanness and tallness during school age are associated with increased risks for endometrios...

“HealthDay News — For girls, leanness and tallness during school age are associated with increased risks for endometriosis, but not adenomyosis, according to a study published online March 9 in the Annals of Human Biology.”

“Julie Aarestrup, Ph.D., from the Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital in Copenhagen, Denmark, and colleagues examined whether birth weight, childhood body mass index (BMI), and height are associated with endometriosis and adenomyosis among 171,447 girls born in 1930 to 1996 with measured weights and heights at ages 7 to 13 years.”

“There was no difference in associations with childhood body size by endometriosis location. Limited associations were seen for childhood BMI and height with adenomyosis. There was no association between birth weight and endometriosis or adenomyosis.”

So my first thought on the title of this article is huh 🤔? Being that I’m a 5’9 pretty tall women I’m thinking let’s have a looksie..I want to be confident in thinking they were looking for ways to determine Endo in adolescences but really height and leanness?! If some research has shown that Endo starts in our anatomy BEFORE we’re born..why would they rule these two linked as a RISK!? These are just my thoughts.. Let’s Talk Endo “Tall and Lean” Girls jk..and also I was not always lean so that one threw me for a loop too...

“You look like a moonBe in half or quarter,  you still look goodyou still make me feel goodthat’s why when I saw your fu...

“You look like a moon
Be in half or quarter, you still look good
you still make me feel good
that’s why when I saw your fullest form
You made me whole”
- Ajinomoto

As many of us know,  having a well balanced diet can make all the difference in the world...in the world of Endometriosi...

As many of us know, having a well balanced diet can make all the difference in the world...in the world of Endometriosis. Especially for me, the way I FEEL depends on how well I’m taking care of my well-being. Self care is extremely important when dealing with the symptoms of Endometriosis. Here’s some healthy tips from this article:
• Omega 3 fatty fish
•Fibrous products like oats and bran, and organic produce
•Get enough Fiber
•Eat organic when you can
• Choose high iron if you are deficient prone

I also suggest vitamin D, turmeric and lots of garlic 😉

..Not a TREATMENT option 🥴

..Not a TREATMENT option 🥴

“Called into the office to face the business director, the manager and a representative from HR, I was told that they we...

“Called into the office to face the business director, the manager and a representative from HR, I was told that they were going to have to start marking down my sick days. They explained that they'd have to then review my sick days every six months and would be 'forced' to alert future employers to my 'excessive time off'. “

“I'd asked to work from home, but my company were sceptical at the time. So I was forced to take several days off around my period, and the onset of my endometriosis, each month. Not only was I anxious about calling in sick, I struggled to explain exactly what it was that I was experiencing.
'Oh, so it's just bad period pains?' was the most common response I got from bemused colleagues.”

“The 'decision' to go freelance was less a decision (happy though I am about it) and more an accidental life choice.”

Have you ever gone freelance because of Endo? Let’s talk Endo girl!

Moving to Endo City 🌇

Moving to Endo City 🌇

Hey There Endo Babes! Hope you’re all making the best of National Endo Awareness Month, Women’s History Month and March ...

Hey There Endo Babes! Hope you’re all making the best of National Endo Awareness Month, Women’s History Month and March 💛🎗💪🏽 I just wanted to depict how endometriosis is a “full body” inflammatory disease. In the first two pics I’m cycle day 2 and my entire body was swollen. Head to toe. This is extremely uncomfortable and painful. Kudos to my babe for the great angles because my “Endo belly” was getting the “when are you due?..👀” looks😂🥴 I can empathize with how hard it is focus on things when it can feel so uncomfortable to be in your own skin. The last photo is when Im feeling little to no inflammation😏 but with having endo, you can go from pic 1 to 3 in a matter of 30 mins randomly throughout the month😳. NEVERTHELESS I was able to capture the beauty of nature🌼, and feel captured in the beauty of being a WOMBman 💛✨ Keep fighting through the bad days, and smiling through the good ones💫

Ps. Here’s are some things that help me fight inflammation so the flare-ups aren’t as long:
•organic turmeric (all forms)
•organic ginger
• loads of water
• Fish Oil
• Almonds
• Organic pineapple juice
•Light Exercise
• Plenty of Rest
• Avoiding Meat, Fried Foods, Carbs, Sugar, and Caffeine

Happy National Endo Awareness Month to all the Fighters!!!!! 💪🏽💪🏽💛💛

Happy National Endo Awareness Month to all the Fighters!!!!! 💪🏽💪🏽💛💛

It’s here 🤗💛🎗🎗🎗🎗

It’s here 🤗💛🎗🎗🎗🎗

So I’m in bed, excited like it’s Christmas Eve..or NY Eves about  ! I will share with you that I’m scheduled for Endo ex...

So I’m in bed, excited like it’s Christmas Eve..or NY Eves about ! I will share with you that I’m scheduled for Endo excision surgery March 27th, what a way to celebrate the Month🎗. I did a photoshoot a few weeks ago to represent both (Endo Awareness Month & Surgery). I wanted some pictures to look back over as I’m healing💛. A part of me is so very relieved that I am being treated by an specialist right here in my hometown Atlanta. I’m thrilled to finally have some sort of relief; but apart of me is horrified because I won’t know the extent of my Endo is until they go inside my body to see. Whatever the outcome I took “happy, bright” photos because my message is to fight through the bad days and smile bright through the good days. MY HOPE for all the women that are celebrating and honoring Endometriosis Awareness Month to wear your yellow proudly. It took me a while to open up to others about my condition, but it’s just a part of who I am. So here’s a bottle 🍾 to me kicking endo’s ass for the 15th year!!!! “Let’s Talk Endo Girl” trailer out now on Anchor and many other platforms

So I’m in bed, excited like it’s Christmas Eve..or NY Eves about  ! I will share with you that I’m scheduled for Endo ex...

So I’m in bed, excited like it’s Christmas Eve..or NY Eves about ! I will share with you that I’m scheduled for Endo excision surgery March 27th, what a way to celebrate the Month🎗. I did a photoshoot a few weeks ago to represent both (Endo Awareness Month & Surgery). I wanted some pictures to look back over as I’m healing💛. A part of me is so very relieved that I am being treated by an specialist right here in my hometown Atlanta. I’m thrilled to finally have some sort of relief; but apart of me is horrified because I won’t know the extent of my Endo is until they go inside my body to see. Whatever the outcome I took “happy, bright” photos because my message is to fight through the bad days and smile bright through the good days. MY HOPE for all the women that are celebrating and honoring Endometriosis Awareness Month to wear your yellow proudly. It took me a while to open up to others about my condition, but it’s just a part of who I am. So here’s a bottle 🍾 to me kicking endo’s ass for the 15th year!!!! “Let’s Talk Endo Girl” trailer out now on Anchor and many other platforms

“Self-care is never a selfish act - it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth t...

“Self-care is never a selfish act - it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer others. Anytime we can listen to true self and give the care it requires, we do it not only for ourselves, but for the many others whose lives we touch.” - Parker Palmer 💛💛💛💛

Keepin it cute sis 😂 just walk it out😅

Keepin it cute sis 😂 just walk it out😅

Often times it’s assumed that Endo-me-tri-osis only affects the reproductive organs but guess what...it can grow and spr...

Often times it’s assumed that Endo-me-tri-osis only affects the reproductive organs but guess what...it can grow and spread all over your body...all over your organs...and then bleed😩Stay up sisters 💪🏽💛 stay informed. Keep advocating. National Endo Awareness Month in 3 days 🎗🎗🎗

Stay educated sisters 💪🏽💛🤗

Stay educated sisters 💪🏽💛🤗

It’s never to often to be reminded💛

It’s never to often to be reminded💛

 Heeey! It’s me again...so let’s talk Endo Doc 😅🥴

Heeey! It’s me again...so let’s talk Endo Doc 😅🥴

 🌹💛 🌼


Where are you located?👇💛 Comments Welcome 🤗

Where are you located?👇💛
Comments Welcome 🤗

Not even gonna go there but this one kinda hit hard. Soo... “at the same time that patients were getting vocal, the gove...

Not even gonna go there but this one kinda hit hard.

Soo... “at the same time that patients were getting vocal, the government was putting less money toward the debilitating disease, not more. This year, it’s estimated to receive about the same amount as hay fever, which causes...stuffy noses. On the list of conditions kept by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the largest federal agency responsible for medical research, endo is one of the least funded: number 276 out of 288.”

This is so disheartening to the millions women that give HOPE for a cure! The ones that fight everyday to survive living with this painful disease. The mothers with Endo that have daughter that only wish their daughters don’t have to endure what they went through. I know life isn’t fair and we can’t give up believing that something will be done. Push through the bad days and smile bright on the good days sisters because ☹️🤗

Who else has made this face before? 🙋‍♀️🥴

Who else has made this face before? 🙋‍♀️🥴



You know what I love? 💛 When we are able to use positive platforms to speak Endometriosis awareness! 🗣 LET’S TALK ENDO G...

You know what I love? 💛 When we are able to use positive platforms to speak Endometriosis awareness!

Let’s talk ENDO Girl 💁‍♀️

Let’s talk ENDO Girl 💁‍♀️

Happy Valentines Day 🌹💛“Your Life in a Crumbling World” You are your lifeline, So take care of yourself.Love yourself, F...

Happy Valentines Day 🌹💛
“Your Life in a Crumbling World”

You are your lifeline,
So take care of yourself.

Love yourself,
Fill yourself up,
Cheer yourself on,
Believe in yourself,
Invest in yourself.

Take breaks.
Let it out.
Give yourself pep talks.
Dip yourself in coconut oil.
Give yourself time.
Take a one hour bubble bath.
Take yourself on a date.
Go on a road trip.

Take care of your mind, body and soul,
Because you are your lifeline,
In this crumbling world.

- Ester H Sendeza 🌹🌹🌹💛

🥴Let’s Talk Endo Giiiiirl 🥴💛✨

🥴Let’s Talk Endo Giiiiirl 🥴💛✨

.illustrates Let’s talk Endo Girl POWER 💛🤗

Let’s talk Endo Girl POWER 💛🤗






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