Someone has expressed a desire to buy my jewelry directly through this app. It is a shame that the Facebook Marketplace isn't available to Pages. I intend to investigate listing designs through the market place, but doing do would have to be through my personal account with limits the amount of people who can see what I have to offer, and opens up privacy issues.
I hope you all understand that there will always be limits to how much a small business owner can do, risks that we might not at certain times be able to take.
Kofi is a third party site, but it is one that I trust as a creator, artisan, and customer. It IS secure, and functions through Paypal and Stripe, which is trusted and/or used by millions of businesses.
I hope I can have the opportunity to build enough trust with you, to talk you into coming to my "home office" as it were, rather than this, the "Facebook Branch".
I've opened a Ko-fi shop. Come take a look!