I'm doing this for those of you that are not real familiar with social media heads up everyone I do this everyday so please understand this time of year is the perfect time of year to have your account compromised now what does this mean?? This means they're going to get your name your address location possible credit card information bank account information and anything and everything they need to destroy your whole life. What can you do?? Stop linking on anything and I mean anything because these guys are quite clever they will use a picture of one of your friends in order to create an account for you to think it's your friend sending you links when actually is scammers once you click on the link you are done they have all the information they need to destroy your life. Again what can you do? Start changing your passwords also your email can also get compromised if it's compromised you must get rid of it and start a new email. Welcome to social media folks everything goes on social media there is nothing private you may think it's private it's not private absolutely there is not one thing on social media that's private pictures whatever you say is out there for the whole world to see doesn't matter what you do in your settings. So if you think that Facebook is doing this they are not it is scammers they are looking to destroy you financially. Welcome to the world welcome to reality and some of you I know are not familiar with how to stop this so I'm trying to help you before you end up losing everything you have. And also here's just a clue it's up to you I would not be posting a bunch of pictures of my children on here if I were you just saying little kids are prime targets for people to steal and use for po*******hy if you want to post pictures of your grandkids or kids I would suggest putting them in a locked folder look at Facebook you can put them in a locked folder where nobody can take them remember guys and girls everything on social media is up for grabs even your pictures. God bless and have happy holidays I hope stay safe