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quarantinewineshop With the stupid law to close down bars, it’s better to get quality wine for good value at Quaranti

Ray in a cocktail lesson

Ray in a cocktail lesson

Herno DistilleryI have the privilege to be one of the global finalists in the 2019 Herno Cocktail Competition and visit ...

Herno Distillery

I have the privilege to be one of the global finalists in the 2019 Herno Cocktail Competition and visit the Herno Gin Distillery in Härnösand, Sweden. Man, i am telling you, they do things seriously over there! They won so many awards with their beautifully hand crafted gin that they probably already lost counts of the trophies. They are even gonna open a HOTEL! I’m so happy and proud to carry their products in this shop. Thanks and !


3-day Corporate Private Wine Tasting done ✅🔥For future possible collaboration, please DM!                         #隔離酒莊

3-day Corporate Private Wine Tasting done ✅🔥

For future possible collaboration, please DM!


Achievement unlocked: First private corporate wine tasting done ✅

Achievement unlocked: First private corporate wine tasting done ✅

Mr. Usagi Dry Gin 500mlAbv%: 46%Country: Sweden再介紹一支Sweden直送small batch craft gin - Mr. Usagi Dry Gin. 用上瑞典北部高山純水,加上嚴選獨特...

Mr. Usagi Dry Gin 500ml
Abv%: 46%
Country: Sweden

再介紹一支Sweden直送small batch craft gin - Mr. Usagi Dry Gin. 用上瑞典北部高山純水,加上嚴選獨特本地草本材料仲crossover 埋亞洲風味例如日本煎草、山椒同埋錫蘭肉桂。入口細膩、帶勁度(46 abv%) #總之好飲

$500/支 免運費
DM for details!

Tarsier Southeast Asian Dry (45abv%) / Tarsier Oriental Pink (40abv%)Country: England用左Philippine Tarsier 命名 你@最細嘅靈長見目生物...

Tarsier Southeast Asian Dry (45abv%) / Tarsier Oriental Pink (40abv%)
Country: England

用左Philippine Tarsier 命名 你@最細嘅靈長見目生物 酒莊莊主飽受東南亞影響 黑色版本用咗貢布胡椒、酸柑、泰國金不換同高良薑4種東南亞風土材料 風味獨特空格整gin and tonic加青檸同一片薑冇得頂 粉紅色版本就用咗紅肉火龍果,荔枝同埋紅桑子入口果香濃郁 #總之好飲

$450/支 免運費
DM for details!


Roebuck Estate Classic Cuvée 2014Country: England用左法國木桶做fermentation 至少36個月 再用傳統香檳製法做嘅一支2014 vintage sparkling wine 入口淡淡...

Roebuck Estate Classic Cuvée 2014
Country: England

用左法國木桶做fermentation 至少36個月 再用傳統香檳製法做嘅一支2014 vintage sparkling wine 入口淡淡焗蘋果味、牛油多士嘅yeast 味加富層次嘅citrus #總之好飲
贏埋HKIWSC Trophy 只需$350 就買到一支有Vintage嘅香檳 簡直係物超所值 DM for details!!


Herno Pink Bottle Gin 500mlAbv%: 42%Country: SwedenHerno 莊主想諷刺現今釀酒界pink color gin嘅marketing gimmick文化 所以係herno 嘅基礎上面加左玫瑰...

Herno Pink Bottle Gin 500ml
Abv%: 42%
Country: Sweden

Herno 莊主想諷刺現今釀酒界pink color gin嘅marketing gimmick文化 所以係herno 嘅基礎上面加左玫瑰同埋士多啤梨 做咗一枝gin去諷刺時弊 入口微微花香帶果香 #總之好飲 $620 支 免運費

DM for details!


Perfume Tree Craft Gin 白蘭樹下 500mlAbv%: 45%Country: Hong Kong香港Gin酒中最出色嘅 獲獎無數 用左香港傳統味道-白蘭花做main botanical 再加左好多有香港特色嘅材料 例...

Perfume Tree Craft Gin 白蘭樹下 500ml
Abv%: 45%
Country: Hong Kong

香港Gin酒中最出色嘅 獲獎無數 用左香港傳統味道-白蘭花做main botanical 再加左好多有香港特色嘅材料 例如陳皮檀香當歸甘草 入口層次豐富花香撲鼻 #總之好飲 $748/支 免運費

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Hernö Juniper Cask Gin 500mlAbv%: 47%Country: SwedenHerno 係第一間蒸溜廠將gin放入juniper 木桶到熟成,gin酒會係木桶到熟成30日。入口辛辣刺激,帶小小草本甜味,然後就到...

Hernö Juniper Cask Gin 500ml
Abv%: 47%
Country: Sweden

Herno 係第一間蒸溜廠將gin放入juniper 木桶到熟成,gin酒會係木桶到熟成30日。入口辛辣刺激,帶小小草本甜味,然後就到juniper 同citrus 味出嚟平衡收尾。2014 拎過IWSC Gold Medal,2015 2016 拎過Global Gin Masters Master Medals 同埋IWSC 2015 Gold Outstanding 同Best Contemporary Gin 價錢有啲貴 貴在手工同堅持 #總之好飲 $900 支 免運費

DM for details!

Meyer's M1 Gin 700mlAbv%: 38%Country: Belgium用左kiwi berry 做main botanical 嘅 old tom style gin。入口溫柔、滿滿果香、清新  #總之好飲 $480 支...

Meyer's M1 Gin 700ml
Abv%: 38%
Country: Belgium

用左kiwi berry 做main botanical 嘅 old tom style gin。入口溫柔、滿滿果香、清新 #總之好飲 $480 支 免運費

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Meyer's M2 Gin 700mlAbv%: 43%Country: Belgium用左比利時高級白蘆筍 white asparagus  做main botanical 嘅非傳統style gin。要整100L gin就要用至少30...

Meyer's M2 Gin 700ml
Abv%: 43%
Country: Belgium

用左比利時高級白蘆筍 white asparagus 做main botanical 嘅非傳統style gin。要整100L gin就要用至少30KG嘅白蘆筍。仲加入左小麥同酒花,入口新奇刺激、充滿住白蘆筍嘅草青味、口感因為加入左小麥同啤酒花變得特別複雜 #總之好飲 $480 支

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DeKuyper Kwai Feh Lychee Liqueur 貴妃荔枝甜酒700ml Abv%: 20%Country: Netherlands 清香荔枝味,唔係死甜,仲有來自荔枝嘅淡淡粉紅色。加冰或梳打水飲都正  #總之好飲$160 ...

DeKuyper Kwai Feh Lychee Liqueur 貴妃荔枝甜酒700ml

Abv%: 20%
Country: Netherlands

清香荔枝味,唔係死甜,仲有來自荔枝嘅淡淡粉紅色。加冰或梳打水飲都正 #總之好飲

$160 支 免運費!
DM for details!


 #冷知識3 : 咩野叫Old Tom Gin?Old Tom Gin源於18世紀,指係加左甜嘅gin酒,係甜過london dry 同dry 過jenever嘅酒。因為當時仲未有連續蒸溜器,蒸溜出嚟嘅酒質素好差,所以有人就諗到係啲gin酒...

#冷知識3 : 咩野叫Old Tom Gin?
Old Tom Gin源於18世紀,指係加左甜嘅gin酒,係甜過london dry 同dry 過jenever嘅酒。因為當時仲未有連續蒸溜器,蒸溜出嚟嘅酒質素好差,所以有人就諗到係啲gin酒到加糖,令到啲酒容易啲入口,開創左一個新嘅種類。

Old tom gin嘅起源故事有幾個,同大家分享一下最多人講嘅故事~~18世界啲英國人飲到痴晒線 (Gin Craze),政府係 1736 年頒布左一系列嘅法令(Gin Act of 1736),嚴格限制販賣gin酒稅收同營業執照,想藉此壓制國人酗酒衍生的問題。但人類總要飲酒,英國人想盡辦法,最後有條友(Dudley Bradstreet) 諗到係啲牆到做手腳,整一隻貓(Tomcat)出嚟。如果有人想秘密買酒,就入錢落隻貓個口到,然後店家就會係貓爪個位倒一shot出嚟,個客就直接係銅管到shot,最後大受歡迎,Old tom都因而命名,完!

3: What is Old Tom Gin?
Old Tom gin comes from the 18th centuries and it means any gin with added sugar after distillation. It is sweeter than London dry and drier than the Dutch Genever. Back in the days people only have primitive stills and the products were often bad with impurities and sh*tty taste. So witty English entrepreneurs thought of adding sugar to the bad gin and viola! A sugar-lazed and much more palatable product was born.
There are many stories about the origins of the great Old Tom gin and let me share about the most famous one with you today. Due to the Gin Craze in England, the government enacted the Gin Act of 1736, taxing on gin and annual licenses for gin sellers heavily. But people have to drink, so one Captain Dudley Bradstreet invented a special old tomcat. Shall a patron wished to buy a shot of gin, he or she would just throw coins into the tomcat’s mouth and the shop would pour a shot of gin down the bronze tube at the paw for the buyer to drink it. This practice spread like wildfire and led to the birth of the name old tom gin. Time to take a shot of our herno old tom!


Choya (蝶矢) 一年熟成本格梅酒禮盒裝  720ml 天然無添加,使用100%紀州產南高梅,口感醇厚。有蘋果同桃嘅香氣。適合加冰飲、淨飲或者加梳打飲都正。 加埋隻杯 $200支!免運費!DM for details!         ...

Choya (蝶矢) 一年熟成本格梅酒禮盒裝 720ml
天然無添加,使用100%紀州產南高梅,口感醇厚。有蘋果同桃嘅香氣。適合加冰飲、淨飲或者加梳打飲都正。 加埋隻杯 $200支!免運費!

DM for details!

Hernö Blackcurrant Gin 500mlAbv%: 28%Country: Sweden黑加侖子味 甜身 酒精度較低 岩晒女士飲 加Tonic好似飲緊有氣利賓立咁  #總之好飲$420 支 免運費 DM for detail...

Hernö Blackcurrant Gin 500ml
Abv%: 28%
Country: Sweden

黑加侖子味 甜身 酒精度較低 岩晒女士飲 加Tonic好似飲緊有氣利賓立咁 #總之好飲

$420 支 免運費

DM for details!

Herbie Pink GinAbv%: 37.5%Country: Denmark手工Gin,比較甜身,用左Raspberry 同 cranberry 嚟蒸餾所以變左粉紅色。整Gin Tonic 或 加冰都夠晒正, #總之好飲 $360 ...

Herbie Pink Gin
Abv%: 37.5%
Country: Denmark

手工Gin,比較甜身,用左Raspberry 同 cranberry 嚟蒸餾所以變左粉紅色。整Gin Tonic 或 加冰都夠晒正, #總之好飲 $360 支,免運費!

DM for details!

Trivia  #2: what is navy strength gin?Navy Strength (57%) was demanded by the British Royal Navy, when traditional gin s...

Trivia #2: what is navy strength gin?

Navy Strength (57%) was demanded by the British Royal Navy, when traditional gin strength (40-47%) ruined the gunpowder which wouldn’t ignite after being soaked by spilled gin. So take a shot of navy strength gin like a navy!
冷知識 #2: 咩叫Navy Strength Gin?
其實Navy Strength Gin (57%)係英國皇家海軍要求整嘅。因為傳統gin酒(40-47%)嘅強度唔夠,如果係船上如果倒瀉左、整濕左啲火藥,會令到啲火藥點唔着,所以先有依樣嘢誕生。


Herno Navy Strength Gin Abv%: 57%Country: Sweden夠晒勁度,係Global Gin Masters Award贏過兩個Master medal!絕對係猛料,整Gin Tonic 或 Gimlet...

Herno Navy Strength Gin
Abv%: 57%
Country: Sweden

夠晒勁度,係Global Gin Masters Award贏過兩個Master medal!絕對係猛料,整Gin Tonic 或 Gimlet 都夠晒正, #總之好飲

$500 支,免運費!

DM for details!

Choya (蝶矢) 一年熟成本格梅酒 720ml 天然無添加,使用100%紀州產南高梅,口感醇厚。有蘋果同桃嘅香氣。適合加冰飲、淨飲或者加梳打飲都正。$190支!免運費!DM for details!                   ...

Choya (蝶矢) 一年熟成本格梅酒 720ml



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黃櫻 櫻花純米吟釀酒 720ml米種:山田錦精米度:60%酒精濃度:12%比較甜、微微花香、整體感覺米香、水軟。 入喉刺激,回韻略帶苦澀、但收尾快  #總之好飲 $150支 免運費!DM for details!              ...

黃櫻 櫻花純米吟釀酒 720ml


比較甜、微微花香、整體感覺米香、水軟。 入喉刺激,回韻略帶苦澀、但收尾快 #總之好飲
$150支 免運費!

DM for details!

梵 GOLD 無濾過 純米大吟釀 🍶 720ml 米種:山田錦精米度:50%酒精濃度:15%淡金黃色酒體、清新花香  #總之好飲$280/支 免運費!DM for details!                   #隔離酒莊

梵 GOLD 無濾過 純米大吟釀 🍶 720ml

淡金黃色酒體、清新花香 #總之好飲

$280/支 免運費!
DM for details!

黃櫻本釀造草笠 🍶300ml米種:五百萬石精米度 65%酒精度 15.5%口感與香味非常醇厚, 回味香滑,最可愛使用草笠特別造形 ,送禮自用皆宜,居家旅行必備佳品。新張優惠 $220/支 免運費!DM for details!       ...

黃櫻本釀造草笠 🍶300ml
精米度 65%
酒精度 15.5%

口感與香味非常醇厚, 回味香滑,最可愛使用草笠特別造形 ,送禮自用皆宜,居家旅行必備佳品。

新張優惠 $220/支 免運費!
DM for details!

Vega Sicilia "Pintia" 2013Grape: Tempranillo Region: ToroCountry: Spain高級重磅之選!夠Dry, 夠tannin, 厚身,  #總之好飲新張優惠 $480/支 免運費!D...

Vega Sicilia "Pintia" 2013
Grape: Tempranillo
Region: Toro
Country: Spain

高級重磅之選!夠Dry, 夠tannin, 厚身, #總之好飲

新張優惠 $480/支 免運費!
DM for details!

京之雅  #純米大吟釀 720ml精米度:49%米種:五百萬石經濟實惠之選 淡麗米香 口感濃厚辛口  #總之好飲$260/支 免運費!DM for details!                     #隔離酒莊

京之雅 #純米大吟釀 720ml

經濟實惠之選 淡麗米香 口感濃厚辛口 #總之好飲

$260/支 免運費!
DM for details!

玉乃光 備前雄町 純米大吟釀 720ml米種:備前雄町精米度:50%淡淡蘋果香 配柔和富層次酸味 酒體紮實  #總之好飲$300/支 免運費!DM for details!                     #隔離酒莊

玉乃光 備前雄町 純米大吟釀 720ml

淡淡蘋果香 配柔和富層次酸味 酒體紮實 #總之好飲

$300/支 免運費!
DM for details!

梅乃宿 備前雄町 純米大吟釀 720ml米種:備前雄町精米度:40%淡麗 精緻 入口辛口 米香甘甜@ #總之好飲 $420/支 免運費!DM for details!                     #隔離酒莊

梅乃宿 備前雄町 純米大吟釀 720ml

淡麗 精緻 入口辛口 米香甘甜@ #總之好飲

$420/支 免運費!
DM for details!

梵 GOLD 無濾過 純米大吟釀 🍶 720ml 米種:山田錦精米度:50%酒精濃度:15%淡金黃色酒體、清新花香  #總之好飲新張優惠 $280/支 六支免運費加9折!DM for details!                    ...

梵 GOLD 無濾過 純米大吟釀 🍶 720ml

淡金黃色酒體、清新花香 #總之好飲

新張優惠 $280/支 六支免運費加9折!
DM for details!





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