#冷知識3 : 咩野叫Old Tom Gin?
Old Tom Gin源於18世紀,指係加左甜嘅gin酒,係甜過london dry 同dry 過jenever嘅酒。因為當時仲未有連續蒸溜器,蒸溜出嚟嘅酒質素好差,所以有人就諗到係啲gin酒到加糖,令到啲酒容易啲入口,開創左一個新嘅種類。
Old tom gin嘅起源故事有幾個,同大家分享一下最多人講嘅故事~~18世界啲英國人飲到痴晒線 (Gin Craze),政府係 1736 年頒布左一系列嘅法令(Gin Act of 1736),嚴格限制販賣gin酒稅收同營業執照,想藉此壓制國人酗酒衍生的問題。但人類總要飲酒,英國人想盡辦法,最後有條友(Dudley Bradstreet) 諗到係啲牆到做手腳,整一隻貓(Tomcat)出嚟。如果有人想秘密買酒,就入錢落隻貓個口到,然後店家就會係貓爪個位倒一shot出嚟,個客就直接係銅管到shot,最後大受歡迎,Old tom都因而命名,完!
3: What is Old Tom Gin?
Old Tom gin comes from the 18th centuries and it means any gin with added sugar after distillation. It is sweeter than London dry and drier than the Dutch Genever. Back in the days people only have primitive stills and the products were often bad with impurities and sh*tty taste. So witty English entrepreneurs thought of adding sugar to the bad gin and viola! A sugar-lazed and much more palatable product was born.
There are many stories about the origins of the great Old Tom gin and let me share about the most famous one with you today. Due to the Gin Craze in England, the government enacted the Gin Act of 1736, taxing on gin and annual licenses for gin sellers heavily. But people have to drink, so one Captain Dudley Bradstreet invented a special old tomcat. Shall a patron wished to buy a shot of gin, he or she would just throw coins into the tomcat’s mouth and the shop would pour a shot of gin down the bronze tube at the paw for the buyer to drink it. This practice spread like wildfire and led to the birth of the name old tom gin. Time to take a shot of our herno old tom!