EGER Fit Brand under a German flag, with a tradition more than 45 years long.

Premium watch models only now at promo prices. The perfect appearance and quality will delight you. See prices and detai...

Premium watch models only now at promo prices. The perfect appearance and quality will delight you. See prices and details on our website.
Premium modeli satova samo sada po promo cijenama. Savršen izgled i kvalitet će vas oduševiti. Pogledajte cijene i detalje na našem sajtu.
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The best-selling classic watch models now at the best prices. These watches will complete your every look. See details o...

The best-selling classic watch models now at the best prices. These watches will complete your every look. See details on the website.
Najprodavaniji klasik modeli satova sada po najboljim cijenama. Ovi satovi će upotpuniti svaki tvoj izgled. Detalje pogledaj na sajtu.
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Eger Premium X-Dominus is a premium smart watch that combines functionality and style. It gives you all the tools you ne...

Eger Premium X-Dominus is a premium smart watch that combines functionality and style. It gives you all the tools you need to track your health and fitness progress while staying connected to your smartphone. If you are a recreational athlete or just want to be aware of your health, Dominus will be your reliable companion on the way.
Eger Premium X-Dominus vrhunski je pametni sat koji kombinira funkcionalnost i stil. Pruža vam sve potrebne alate za praćenje vašeg zdravlja i fitness napretka, dok istovremeno ostaje povezan sa vašim pametnim telefonom. Ako ste rekreativni sportaš ili samo želite biti svjesni svog zdravlja, Dominus će vam biti pouzdan pratilac na tom putu.
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Elegant, sporty, with a changeable bracelet and with a full screen display!In this offer, we are GIVING you an elegant s...

Elegant, sporty, with a changeable bracelet and with a full screen display!
In this offer, we are GIVING you an elegant smart thermos bottle with a sales value of 48KM and instead of the regular 190KM, order a watch at a promotional price of 119KM with delivery.
Elegantan, sportski, sa promjenjivom narukvicom i sa full screen display-em!
U ovoj ponudi vam POKLANJAMO elegantnu pametnu termos bocu čija je prodajna vrijednost 48KM i umjesto redovnih 190KM poruči sat po akcijskoj cijeni od 119KM uz dostavu.
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Take advantage of this opportunity and order EGER PREMIUM KONG PRO with AMOLED screen at a special price with GIFTS: EGE...

Take advantage of this opportunity and order EGER PREMIUM KONG PRO with AMOLED screen at a special price with GIFTS: EGER smart body scale and EGER smart thermos bottle.
Iskoristite ovu priliku i poručite EGER PREMIUM KONG PRO sa AMOLED zaslonom po posebnoj cijeni uz POKLONE: EGER pametna tjelesna vaga i EGER pametna termos boca.
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🎉🎁 Velika EGER Nagradna igra: Izvlačenje Sretnih Dobitnika! 🎁🎉

S velikim uzbuđenjem objavljujemo sretne dobitnike naše nedavno završene nagradne igre 🎉🎁

Hvala vam svima koji ste sudjelovali u ovoj uzbudljivoj igri i omogućili nam da podijelimo ove fantastične nagrade. Za odabir pobjednika nagradne igre koristili smo Google alat za nasumično generisanje brojeva (učesnici su bili numerisani). Bez daljnjeg oduzimanja vremena, evo dobitnika:

🥇 1x EGER Fit HOME laptop: Azra Zgodić
🥈 1x EGER Fit HOME pametni robot usisivač: Edita Daut
🥉 2x EGER Fit F10 pametni sat: Samir Oglečevac, Alisa Harbaš
🎗️ 3x EGER Fit pametna tjelesna vaga: Mersiha Karić, Mujo Hodžić, Mirko Barišić
🎗️ 5x EGER Fit pametna termos boca: Zoran Vasić, Najra Halilčević, Sabina Zaklan, Evelin Madžak, Miroslav Gašić

🎟️ 10x Voucher za kupovinu EGER Fit pametnog sata u vrijednosti od 50 EURA: Dušan Grandić, Amela Zahirović, Sadeta Viteškić, Nenad Toković, Azra Jugo, Stana Stanojević, Anđa Mislović, Fahra Čolić, Amar Marić, Hana Turak
Čestitamo svim dobitnicima na osvajanju svojih nagrada! 🎉🎊

Molimo vas da očekujete poziv od naših agenata, kako bismo mogli dogovoriti preuzimanje nagrade. Također, želimo zahvaliti svima koji su sudjelovali u našoj nagradnoj igri i nadamo se da ćete nastaviti pratiti našu stranicu za buduće izazove i događaje.

Hvala vam što ste dio naše zajednice i želimo vam uspješan i zdrav dan! 💪💙

Get more from every minute with our smartwatches.________________________Dobijte više iz svake minute uz naše pametne sa...

Get more from every minute with our smartwatches.
Dobijte više iz svake minute uz naše pametne satove.
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Your only limit is the one you set for yourself.________________________Tvoj jedini limit je onaj koji postaviš sam.____...

Your only limit is the one you set for yourself.
Tvoj jedini limit je onaj koji postaviš sam.
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Adventure is worthwhile.________________________Svaka avantura je vrijedna.________________________Visit us:www.egerfit....

Adventure is worthwhile.
Svaka avantura je vrijedna.
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Be the change you wish to see in the World.________________________Budi promjena koju želiš da vidiš u svijetu._________...

Be the change you wish to see in the World.
Budi promjena koju želiš da vidiš u svijetu.
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Introducing our expert selection.________________________Predstavljamo vam izbor naših satova.__________________________...

Introducing our expert selection.
Predstavljamo vam izbor naših satova.
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🌹 Today, on International Women's Day, we want to congratulate you and express our gratitude for everything you do at wo...

🌹 Today, on International Women's Day, we want to congratulate you and express our gratitude for everything you do at work and beyond. Without your contribution, our common vision would not be possible.

As the old saying goes, "behind every successful man is a strong woman." But, given the gender equality we strive to achieve, we must adapt this expression - behind every successful man or woman stands a strong team.

Therefore, today we celebrate all strong teams working together to achieve common goals. If it includes laughter, jokes, and a good atmosphere at work, even better!

Let this International Women's Day be a reminder that we are working together to create an equal and inclusive work environment for everyone. And don't forget, today is a day of celebration, so enjoy your successes and well-deserved rest!

Happy March 8th to all strong teams around the world!
🌹 Danas, na Međunarodni dan žena, želimo vam čestitati i izraziti svoju zahvalnost na svemu što činite na radnom mjestu i izvan njega. Bez vašeg doprinosa, naša zajednička vizija ne bi bila moguća.

Kao što kaže stara poslovica, "iza svakog uspješnog muškarca stoji snažna žena". Ali, s obzirom na ravnopravnost spolova koju nastojimo postići, moramo prilagoditi ovaj izraz - iza svakog uspješnog čovjeka ili žene stoji snažan tim.

Stoga, danas slavimo sve snažne timove koji zajedno rade na ostvarivanju zajedničkih ciljeva. Ako to uključuje i smijeh, šalu i dobru atmosferu na poslu, još bolje!

Neka ovaj Međunarodni dan žena bude podsjetnik na to da zajednički radimo na stvaranju ravnopravnog i inkluzivnog radnog okruženja za sve. I ne zaboravite, danas je dan za slavlje, stoga uživajte u svojim uspjesima i zasluženom odmoru!

Sretan 8. mart svim snažnim timovima diljem svijeta!
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Life is a journey not a destination!________________________Život je putovanje, a ne odredište!_________________________...

Life is a journey not a destination!
Život je putovanje, a ne odredište!
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Embrace the challenge of the wild!________________________Prihvati izazov divljine!______________________________Visit u...

Embrace the challenge of the wild!
Prihvati izazov divljine!
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On Rare Disease Day, let's raise awareness and support for those affected by rare conditions. Together, we can make a di...

On Rare Disease Day, let's raise awareness and support for those affected by rare conditions. Together, we can make a difference.

Na Dan rijetkih bolesti, podignimo svijest i podršku onima koje pogađaju rijetke bolesti. Zajedno možemo napraviti razliku.
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Aim high, stay focused, rise above !________________________Ciljaj visoko, ostani fokusiran, uzdiži se iznad!___________...

Aim high, stay focused, rise above !
Ciljaj visoko, ostani fokusiran, uzdiži se iznad!
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On World Thinking Day, let's reflect and make a positive impact on the world. Let's strive to be better versions of ours...

On World Thinking Day, let's reflect and make a positive impact on the world. Let's strive to be better versions of ourselves and to think more deeply. Celebrate the power of our thoughts.
Na Svjetskom dan razmišljanja, razmišljamo i utičemo pozitivno na svijet. Trudimo se biti bolje verzije sebe i razmišljati dublje. Proslavimo moć naših misli.

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On International Mother Language Day, we celebrate the beauty of languages and the role they play in preserving culture....

On International Mother Language Day, we celebrate the beauty of languages and the role they play in preserving culture. Let's appreciate the linguistic diversity and take action to promote and preserve mother languages. Join us in celebrating the unique cultures that make our world so rich and diverse.
Na Međunarodnom danu maternjeg jezika, proslavljamo ljepotu jezika i ulogu koju one igraju u očuvanju kulture. Cijenimo lingvističku raznolikost i poduzimamo mjere za promociju i očuvanje majčinskih jezika. Pridružite nam se u proslavi jedinstvenih kultura koje čine naš svijet bogatim i raznolikim.
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VELIKA EGER Fit NAGRADNA IGRA 🎁Imamo SJAJNE vijesti za sve ljubitelje EGER Fit proizvoda! Produžili smo našu Veliku nagr...

Imamo SJAJNE vijesti za sve ljubitelje EGER Fit proizvoda! Produžili smo našu Veliku nagradnu igru do 10.03.2023. To znači da još uvijek imate priliku osvojiti vrijedne nagrade poput:
– 1x EGER Fit HOME laptop
– 1x EGER Fit HOME pametni robot usisivač
– 2x EGER Fit F10 pametni sat
– 3x EGER Fit pametna tjelesna vaga
– 5x EGER Fit pametna termos boca
– 10x Voucher za kupovinu EGER Fit pametnog sata u vrijednosti od 50 EURA
Sve što je potrebno da bi osvojio ove vrijedne nagrade jeste da odradite 3 super jednostavna koraka:
– Lajkuj našu EGER Fit facebook stranicu i Follow instagram profil
– U komentaru zvaničnog posta nagradne igre na društvenim mrežama označi 3 osobe kako bi i oni mogli biti dio ove velike nagradne igre
– Odgovori na pitanje na linku
Nagradna igra traje do 10.03.2023. godine!

Today, on World Day of Social Justice, let's be inspired to take a stand for fairness and equality for all. Together, we...

Today, on World Day of Social Justice, let's be inspired to take a stand for fairness and equality for all. Together, we can empower individuals, build stronger communities, and change lives. Let's work together to address the root causes of poverty, inequality and discrimination, and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to live a life of dignity and respect. Let's raise awareness and take action to create a more just and inclusive society.
Danas, na Svjetski dan društvene pravde, budimo inspirirani da se zauzmemo za pravednost i jednakost za sve. Zajedno možemo osnaživati pojedince, graditi jače zajednice i mijenjati živote. Radimo zajedno kako bismo adresirali korijene siromaštva, nejednakosti i diskriminacije i osigurali svima priliku da žive život dostojanstva i poštovanja. Podignimo svijest i poduzmimo akciju kako bismo stvorili pravednije i inkluzivnije društvo.

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Elevate your game rise to the top !________________________Podigni svoju igru i uzdigni se na vrh !_____________________...

Elevate your game rise to the top !

Podigni svoju igru i uzdigni se na vrh !
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💝 U vremenima darivanja uvijek se pitamo šta odabrati dragoj osobi. Mi vam donosimo naše mišljenje zašto je sat idealan ...

💝 U vremenima darivanja uvijek se pitamo šta odabrati dragoj osobi. Mi vam donosimo naše mišljenje zašto je sat idealan poklon u svakoj prilici!

“Sat je više od običnog predmeta koji pokazuje vrijeme – on je i simbol vrijednosti koje držimo važnima u životu.”     Iako za ovu izreku nije poznat autor ona se često spominje u kontekstu vrijednosti koje ljudi smatraju važnima u životu, kao što su obitelj, prijateljstvo i slično...

Boost your productivity, achieve your goals. National Productivity Day reminds us to focus on our efforts and make the m...

Boost your productivity, achieve your goals. National Productivity Day reminds us to focus on our efforts and make the most of our time. Let's make every day count.
Povećaj svoju produktivnost, ostvari svoje ciljeve. Dan nacionalne produktivnosti nas podsjeća da se fokusiramo na naše napore i iskoristimo naše vrijeme. Neka svaki dan bude važan. ______________________________
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Today, we celebrate the achievements and contributions of women and girls in science on International Day of Women and G...

Today, we celebrate the achievements and contributions of women and girls in science on International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Let's raise awareness, break barriers and encourage young girls to pursue a career in science. Together, we can create a more inclusive and equal scientific community.
Danas slavimo uspjehe i doprinose žena i djevojaka u znanosti na Međunarodnom danu žena i djevojaka u znanosti. Podignimo svijest, razbijmo barijere i ohrabrujmo mlade djevojke da se okrenu karijeri u znanosti. Zajedno možemo stvoriti inkluzivniju i jednaku znanstvenu zajednicu.
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Today is Safer Internet Day! We take data privacy seriously, so we're taking a moment to remind everyone to ensure their...

Today is Safer Internet Day! We take data privacy seriously, so we're taking a moment to remind everyone to ensure their online activity is secure and private. Let's work together to make the internet a safer place for everyone!
Danas je Dan sigurnijeg interneta! Mi stavljamo veliku važnost na privatnost podataka, pa ćemo iskoristiti ovu priliku da podsjetimo sve da osiguraju da njihova aktivnost na internetu bude sigurna i privatna. Radimo zajedno da internet postane sigurnije mjesto za sve!
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Today, on International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Ge***al Mutilation, we stand in solidarity with all the girls a...

Today, on International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Ge***al Mutilation, we stand in solidarity with all the girls and women affected by this harmful practice. Let's raise our voices against FGM, advocate for change and support those who have been affected. Together, we can create a world where every girl and woman is safe, respected and empowered.
Danas, na Međunarodni dan nulte tolerancije za žensku genitalnu mutilaciju, stojimo u solidarnosti sa svim djevojčicama i ženama koje su pogođene ovom štetnom praksom. Podignimo svoje glasove protiv ženske genitalne mutilacije, zagovarajmo promjene i podržavajmo one koje su pogođene. Zajedno možemo stvoriti svijet gdje svaka djevojčica i žena ima sigurnost, poštovanje i osnaživanje.
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On World Cancer Day, we come together to show our support for those impacted by cancer. Let's raise awareness, advocate ...

On World Cancer Day, we come together to show our support for those impacted by cancer. Let's raise awareness, advocate for change, and fund research to find a cure. Today, we honor the strength and resilience of those fighting and remember those we've lost. Together, we can make a difference.
Na Dan borbe protiv raka, pružamo podršku onima koji su pogođeni rakom. Podignimo svijest, zagovarajmo promjene i finansirajmo istraživanja kako bi pronašli lijek. Danas pružimo podršku za snagu i otpornost onih koji se bore i sjetimo se onih koje smo izgubili. Zajedno možemo napraviti razliku.
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On World Wetlands Day, we honor the vital role wetlands play in our environment. They purify water, control floods and s...

On World Wetlands Day, we honor the vital role wetlands play in our environment. They purify water, control floods and sequester carbon, providing essential habitats for plants and animals. Let's commit to protecting and preserving these valuable ecosystems for future generations.

Na Svjetski dan močvara, poštujemo važnu ulogu koju močvare igraju u našem okruženju. One čiste vodu, kontrolišu poplave i skladište ugljen, pružajući neophodna staništa za biljke i životinje. Zavjetujmo se da ćemo štititi i sačuvati ove vrijedne ekosisteme za buduće generacije.

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Today is  ! We're here to celebrate the beauty and strength of all the women who wear the hijab. It's a reminder of the ...

Today is ! We're here to celebrate the beauty and strength of all the women who wear the hijab. It's a reminder of the resilience and courage of all the women who choose to wear it, and it's an inspiration to continue to break down barriers in society.

Danas je ! Tu smo da proslavimo ljepotu i snagu svih žena koje nose maramu. To je podsjetnik na otpornost i hrabrost svih žena koje odluče da je nose, i inspiracija da nastavimo da rušimo barijere u društvu.
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Push the limits and track every step with your smart partner.______________________________Pomaknite granice i pratite s...

Push the limits and track every step with your smart partner.

Pomaknite granice i pratite svaki korak sa svojim pametnim partnerom.

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EGER Fit KONG won the hearts of our customers and is one of our best-selling watches. Intended for those who enjoy their...

EGER Fit KONG won the hearts of our customers and is one of our best-selling watches. Intended for those who enjoy their activities and push the boundaries.

EGER Fit KONG je osvojio srca naših kupaca i jedan je od naših najprodavanijih satova. Namjenjen onima koji uživaju u svojim aktivnostima te pomjeraju granice.

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Happy Lunar New Year to all our followers around the world.______________________________Sretna Lunarna Nova godina svim...

Happy Lunar New Year to all our followers around the world.

Sretna Lunarna Nova godina svim našim pratiteljima širom svijeta.

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EGER PREMIUM X watches exude style, class and legendary reliability. The PREMIUM X series has become a trademark of qual...

EGER PREMIUM X watches exude style, class and legendary reliability. The PREMIUM X series has become a trademark of quality and a recognized symbol of success. Step out of your comfort zone and buy a piece of innovative craftsmanship. These watches continue to revolutionize timekeeping as we know it. The reliability and durability of the watches are noted, while the class and elegance of the brand is something that cannot be ignored. Whether you prefer functionality or style, the EGER PREMIUM X models have it all.
EGER PREMIUM X satovi odišu stilom, klasom i legendarnom pouzdanošću. PREMIUM X serija postala je zaštitni znak kvaliteta i priznati simbol uspjeha. Izađite iz svoje zone udobnosti i kupite komad inovativne izrade. Ovi satovi nastavljaju revolucionirati mjerenje vremena kakvo poznajemo. Pouzdanost i izdržljivost satova su zapaženi, dok je klasa i elegancija brenda nešto što se ne može zanemariti. Bilo da preferirate funkcionalnost ili stil, EGER PREMIUM X modeli imaju sve.
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Are you already back in the gym? We hope you are and supporting your new healthy habits!______________________________Je...

Are you already back in the gym? We hope you are and supporting your new healthy habits!


Jeste li se već vratili u teretanu? Nadamo se da jeste i podržavamo vaše nove zdrave navike!

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Have you found your smart partner yet? In the sea of choices, it can be difficult to decide, but one thing is certain - ...

Have you found your smart partner yet? In the sea of choices, it can be difficult to decide, but one thing is certain - EGER will provide you with the ideal ratio of price and quality.


Da li si već pronašao svog pametnog partnera? U moru izbora može biti teško odlučiti ali jedno je sigurno - idealan omjer cijene i kvalitete pružiti će Vam EGER.

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The EGER Team wishes merry Christmas to all Orthodoxs 🤶___________________________EGER Tim čestita Božić svim pripadnici...

The EGER Team wishes merry Christmas to all Orthodoxs 🤶

EGER Tim čestita Božić svim pripadnicima Pravoslavne vjeroispovijesti 🤶

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You are not the only one who has a new diet plan at the beginning of the new year, or those who start with healthier hab...

You are not the only one who has a new diet plan at the beginning of the new year, or those who start with healthier habits. One thing is certain - every change has a positive effect on the body, it is important that it be constant. Will we be able to keep our promises this year and continue to bring balance into our daily lives? Determination is the secret of success.


Niste jedini koji imaju novi plan prehrane početkom nove godine, ili oni koji započinju sa zdravijim navikama. Jedno je sigurno - svaka promjena ima pozitivan uticaj na organizam, važno je da ona bude konstantna. Da li ćemo ove godine uspjeti održati svoja obećanja i nastaviti unositi ravnotežu u svoj svakodnevni život? Odlučnost je tajna uspjeha.

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🎁 VELIKA EGER Fit NAGRADNA IGRA 🎁Na pitanje odgovori i vrijedne nagrade osvoji!Vrijeme je za EGER Fit VELIKU NAGRADNU IG...


Na pitanje odgovori i vrijedne nagrade osvoji!


Vrijedne nagrade koje vas očekuju su:
– 1x EGER Fit HOME laptop
– 1x EGER Fit HOME pametni robot usisivač
– 2x EGER Fit F10 pametni sat
– 3x EGER Fit pametna tjelesna vaga
– 5x EGER Fit pametna termos boca
– 10x Voucher za kupovinu EGER Fit pametnog sata u vrijednosti od 50 EURA

Sve što je potrebno da bi osvojio ove vrijedne nagrade jeste da odradite 3 super jednostavna koraka:

– Lajkuj našu EGER Fit facebook stranicu i Follow instagram profil
– U komentaru zvaničnog posta nagradne igre na društvenim mrežama označi 3 osobe kako bi i oni mogli biti dio ove velike nagradne igre
– Odgovori na pitanje na linku

Nagradna igra traje do 01.06.2023. godine.


The EGER team wishes all our followers a Happy New Year!______________________________Sretnu Novu Godinu želi EGER tim s...

The EGER team wishes all our followers a Happy New Year!
Sretnu Novu Godinu želi EGER tim svim našim pratiteljima!




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