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Approved for Release: Monday, February 27, 2023

Prime Minister Hon. James Marape will be attending the One Forest Summit in Libreville, the Republic of Gabon and join Heads of Governments and Ministers of State of Rainforest Nations from 01st to 02nd March.

Prime Minister Marape said “At the Summit, I will deliver a Country Statement and hold bilateral discussions with the Presidents of the Republics of Gabon and France and other leaders on how we can protect and preserve the rainforests of the world in a sustainable manner.”

Prime Minister Marape is confident that he will achieve a positive outcome from this Summit. He expects to move away from presenting the same Statements and hearing the global community continuously remind us to preserve our environment at annual conferences such as the Conference of the Parties (COP) meetings and the United Nations General Assemblies, etc.

It is clear that Article 6 of the Paris Agreement has no provision for environment conservation, hence this Summit will address this significant gap area.

“I will be discussing options to work around Article 6 to find solutions that are applicable, precise and simplified to ensure that when our government makes a decision to reduce forest destruction, that the revenue forgone is replaced immediately by countries or large corporations so that we can continue to support our annual national budgets. I cannot commit to large conservation arrangements without the clarity and simplified processes with respect to compensation on revenues forgone when all forms of logging are stopped.

“PNG has extensive forest coverage biodiversity that we want to properly harness and develop to support the livelihood of our rural communities. The data on resources coverage and potential logging revenue losses will be shared with the bilateral and multilateral partners to clearly demonstrate the trade-offs. This data must define processes and systems committed conservation arrangements which are tagged to compensation.

“Domestically, we will also work with TotalEnergies, ExxonMobil and Santos to ensure their carbon footprint effectively delivers on preserving our forests.

“PNG is a large forest nation with a large carbon sink. It also has development aspirations, which need to be appreciated by the global community. Achievement of global emission reduction targets must not be at the expense of development aspirations for countries like PNG. These are the critical trade-offs that must be taken seriously at the Summit.

“I will issue an ultimatum to the Summit that I will uplift the proposed round log ban in PNG and proceed to harvest our timber resources because we need to be able to raise our own revenue through export taxes to support our socio-economic development aspirations.

“The PNG National Forestry Authority reports that direct revenue from Log Export Tax is K350 million on average annually. Other relevant taxes collected by our provincial governments and districts are to the tune of K46 million on average annually. Other revenues from the Project Development Levy brings in K5-10 million annually and direct Resource Rent and Royalty Payments paid every quarter to local landowners, equates to K10 million annually.

“If I impose a log ban the consequences will be detrimental to PNG’s revenue collection domestically as we will lose an industry that contributes K1.2 billion annually in export earnings and which brings in much needed Foreign Exchange to the value of USD$300 million per year to the Bank of PNG, which equates to around US$30 million per month.

“Indirect benefits in logging in PNG are employment creation, infrastructure improvements, shipping support, transportation and logistics service industries, generation of income for our rural communities, townships development in districts to support timber harvesting products and most importantly it provides a consistent revenue stream to support the National Government Budget.

“Enough of talk fests and rhetoric at these international meetings that does not draw a tangible outcome for PNG.

“I will be holding bilateral meetings with President Emmanuel Macron of France and President Ali Bongo of Gabon, who jointly initiated this One Forest Summit after COP27 in Egypt last year, to support the three remaining rainforest nations to access innovative financing for forest conservation as well as scientific research.

“President Macron who is a strong advocate of forest conservation will be called upon to ensure that any further initiatives by the global community must come at a premium price for countries like PNG.

“It is an opportune time to also present at the Summit, Papua New Guinea’s tropical rainforest, which constitutes 13 percent of the world’s tropical rain forests and 7 percent of the world’s biodiversity.



Approved for Release: Monday, February 27, 2023

Prime Minister Honorable James Marape has said that our government system is structured to keep operating even when the Prime Minister is away from the country. This is the hallmark of the legislative structure, which gives rise to our system of government that allows important government agencies to independently function and continue to tick over while the head of the government is attending to important engagements outside of the country.

“As head of our government, I am expected to attend international meetings at bilateral and multilateral levels. These are important engagements where our paramount country interests are addressed directly. Our attendance to these engagements lends credibility, importance, and priority to the subject matter at hand.”

The Prime Minister assured the country that when he travels, the government continues to function and deal with the management of the economy, our law-and-order situation, and our education and health situation.

“Government is on top of all activities. The Prime Minister does not take the system away when he is not in the country. When the Prime Minister travels, he travels on his own, but the system and the team is at work.”

He reiterated that under law when the Prime Minister is away from the country, the Deputy Prime Minister automatically assumes the role of the Acting Prime Minister, and is tasked to continue to oversee the government through the National Executive Council in association with all the Ministers of the Government. All Ministerial functions by law continue to operate independent of the presence of the Prime Minister.

“The Deputy Prime Minister maintains the Office of the Prime Minister and takes charge of the NEC. He continues to keep Ministers accountable to the legal, policy and administrative mandates bestowed upon them as Ministers. He takes full carriage of all Prime Ministerial responsibilities, in association with the Ministers as well as head of the Public Service.”

Prime Minister Marape took the opportunity to also recognize the able leadership of his Deputy, the Honorable John Rosso, who took full charge of resolving the fuel crisis last week, and also exerted strong leadership in addressing the hostage situation last week.

“I want to place on record my appreciation of the exemplary leadership displayed by the Deputy Prime Minister, the Honorable John Rosso, under whose stewardship in my absence last week, helped resolve the fuel crisis and took the first steps in initiating the rescue operation for hostages last week.”

The Prime Minister also stressed that the Public Service machinery is also expected to be at work, delivering on their mandates and the expectations of the government.

“The Chief Secretary is at work. All Departments and agencies are at work. The country and the government agencies are functioning.”

The Prime Minister said that we are doing everything possible to address all issues we have in our country as evident in how we resolved the fuel crisis, the resolution to our foreign exchange issue and the unfortunate hostage and kidnapping situation in the last week.

“The Prime Minister does not take away the government functions with him when he leaves our shores. When the Prime Minister travels to all meetings, all offices remain functional to attend to the issues at hand. The government machinery and agencies are at work and attending to issues as they come up.”

The Prime Minister will travel to Gabon in Central Africa commencing today to address the 1 Forest Summit, at the invitation of French President H.E Emmanuel Macron and the Gabonese President, H.E. Ali Bongo Ondimba, who are jointly hosting the Summit. PM Marape will address the need for high polluters to compensate countries with high forest biodiversity so that they could conserve their forestry assets for the benefit of the planet. He is also expected to address the need to have a more direct and simplified process to accessing funds committed under the Paris Agreement.

Saudi Arabia's Minister for Tourism, Saga Alhoshan meets with Foreign Minister Justin TkatchenkoMinister for Foreign Aff...

Saudi Arabia's Minister for Tourism, Saga Alhoshan meets with Foreign Minister Justin Tkatchenko

Minister for Foreign Affairs Hon. Justin Tkatchenko met with Saga Alhoshan, Minister for Tourism of Saudi Arabia on Thursday 23 February at the margins of the Special Leaders'Retreat in Nadi, Fiji.

Both Ministers acknowledged the importance of establishing diplomatic ties between both countries to enhance trade and economic ties including promoting tourism, agricultural cooperation in diversifying economic activities as well as development cooperation in terms of infrastructure development.

Minister Tkatchenko informed of PNG government's priorities which includes economic independence for our people. Minister Alhoshan informed that the Government of Saudi Arabia is ready and willing to assist PNG realise it's economic independence not only in agricultural and tourism cooperation but more so in the infrastructure development. Through the Saudi Fund for Development, PNG can benefit from the concessional loans with low interest rates that Saudi Arabia can offer to PNG taking into account the local content. Local content is what Saudis encourages, said Minister Alhoshan.

Apart from that, Minister Alhoshan informed of Saudis bid for the BIE for 2030 and seeked PNG's support of which Minister Tkatchenko acknowledged and advised that since PNG is not a member of the BIE (Bureau of International Expositions) PNG will have to subscribe to it before PNG can publicly offer our support. In the meantime, both Ministers agreed to progress the establishment of diplomatic ties as soon as possible.




I, as the President of Mt Bosavi Local-level Government in Nipa Kutubu District of Southern Highlands Province would like to send my heartfelt apologies to the family members and relatives of Archaeologist Bryce Barker and his team members kidnapped or hijacked on the 12th February 2023, Sunday Morning at Fogomaiyu
village in Mt Bosavi.
It is regrettable.
I am the President and Political Head of the Mt Bosavi Local-level Government. I was not informed of their travel to Mt Bosavi.
In our Melanesian Culture if you want go to someone else’s house, you must knock first to enter the house. In this case, I was not informed or aware of their travel to Mt Bosavi, as normal protocol was not followed.
I strongly appeal to my people of Mt Bosavi to immediately release the Hostages without any demands. Amongst the Researchers/Archeological Team, four of my
local guides were also kidnapped and I want them to be released as well.
My people of Mt Bosavi are God fearing and peace loving citizens, this incident was first of its kind to happen in Mt Bosavi area.

It is now a National Issue and I strongly request the National Government, Southern Highlands Provincial Government, Hela Provincial Government, Hulia Komo District, Nipa/Kutubu District and their respective LLG’s working together to address this matter in a holistic government approach to rescue the hostages.
The suspects must face the full force of the Law under the Criminal Code Act. After, I got into power as President of Mt Bosavi LLG in 2019 and I tried my best to deliver basic Government Services with the little resources.
Mt Bosavi is one of the most remote in location in PNG. There is no road and other vital Government Services such as telecommunication, Education, Health and others.
But yet, Mt Bosavi has the some of the World’s Heritage Sites and more Overseas Tourists are attracted to come and visit Mt Bosavi.
My people of Mt Bosavi are always happy to look after the visitors. The Geographical Location of Mt Bosavi is the contributing factor that brings more criminal activities along the borders of Southern Highlands Province, Gulf Province, Western Province and Hela Province.
In the near future, Mt Bosavi will host many impact projects namely;
 Py’Nanyang Gas Pipeline Project,
 Pukpuk 1 & 2 Reserve Gas Project,
 Ukali 1 Gas & Oil Reserve,
 Libano Gas Reserve,
 Manada Atic Oil and Gas Reserve.
I, now appeal to the Southern Highlands Provincial Government, Hela Provincial Government and National Government to build road for the Mt Bosavi people and establish a Police Station in Mt Bosavi LLG.
We also request the Australian Government and New Zealand Government to assist PNG Government to provide vital services in Mt Bosavi.

Thank you my people of Mt Bosavi, Nipa/Kutubu District, SHP, Hela Province and

NCD HOLDS VIGIL FOR LATE GRAND CHIEF    250223Two years have passed since our Grand Chief Sir Michael Thomas Somare’s pa...

Two years have passed since our Grand Chief Sir Michael Thomas Somare’s passing on the 26 February 2021. It remains a monumental loss to the people of PNG. As a tribute to our Founding Father of Papua New Guinea, NCDC, with deep respect, is once again hosting the 2nd year running Vigil to remember Late Grand Chief Sir Michael T Somare’s legacy. Gone but never forgotten. On this 24th of February, 2023 city residents walked for Sana from Ela Beach to Sir Hubert Murray Stadium followed by an official program to give salutation, respect and honour to our founding father, Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare. “Every journey of a nation starts with dreams and vision of great visionary leaders, whose passion, conviction and dedication defines and shapes the destiny of their people and nation. Today as we commemorate the 2nd Anniversary of Late Grand Chief Sir Michael T Somare’s passing, let us never forget that dream and vision. Let's keep his memory and dream alive in the collective memory of our nation and our people. Let's continue to live it and make it real!” said NCD Governor, Hon. Powes Parkop in his Welcoming Speech. “It is appropriate to thank the leadership of our Prime Minister, Hon James Marape for appointing the 24th of February, as the national remembrance holiday to remember and reflect on the life and service of the late Grand Chief, it is fitting for Papua New Guinea do that because it is so inherent in our traditions and cultures we respect the elders, it’s important we appreciate these values.“ shared Minister for Petroleum & MP Sinasina-Yongamugl Open, Hon. Kerenga Kua in his Keynote Speech. “Today as we commemorate Grand Chief’s passing, I want to reflect on the seven values he had (1) He was an OPTIMIST, (2) He was SELFLESS, (3) He believed in FAIRNESS & EQUALITY, (4) He believed in UNITY, (5) He truly believed in the Papua New Guinean WAY, (6) He was a CHRISTIAN and Christianity was his LIFESTYLE, and lastly (7) He respected the RULE OF LAW of our country and that is the main take away for Grand Chief’s 2nd Anniversary passing.“ said Prime Minister, Hon James Marape in his speech as a Guest Speaker. “I was emotional this evening when I heard the Caritas Choir sing “Our Land” – my father would whistle that song as a child, and he indeed sang that song a lot growing up; it was his favourite reminder of everything he could be so proud of, we have everything to be proud of now.“ shared her tribute, Daughter, Representing the Somare Family, Dulciana Somare. Let this momentous decree and event come as a great beacon of light and hope to us all at Amazing Capital City of Port Moresby and Papua New Guinea.

Prime Minister Hon. James Marape  has urged University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) students to follow the example of the ...

Prime Minister Hon. James Marape has urged University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) students to follow the example of the late Sir Michael Somare.
He made the call at the UPNG Forum Square on Monday, February 24, 2023, when attending the commemoration of the second anniversary of the passing of Sir Michael.
PM Marape urged students and the people of PNG to be law-abiding citizens for the country to progress. He said the best way to honor Sir Michael was to be a law-abiding citizen.
He committed K5 million for refurbishment of the Sir Michael Somare Library into a modern e-library with Internet facilities which all students could access.
PM Marape asked UPNG to incorporate business training into every course so that students would be ready to go into business once they graduated, rather than look for a job.
He said the Government would partner the UPNG Students' Representative Council (SRC) to ensure that students, who could not find a job after graduation, would go into the National Volunteer Service.
Here is the video of PM Marape's full address:

24th February 2023 NEC APPROVES NATIONAL DIGITAL GOVERNMENT PLAN 2023-2027 I would like to inform stakeholders and the p...

24th February 2023


I would like to inform stakeholders and the public that the Digital Government Plan 2023 - 2027 (the Plan) has been endorsed by the National Executive Council.

The objective of the Plan is to deliver socio-economic benefits through improving efficiencies and reform in the delivery of public service, strengthening and improving revenue generation, and enable real-time monitoring of development indicators for planning and decision-making purposes.

The development of the Plan is a requirement under Section 10 of the Digital Government Act 2022. Under the Digital Government Act 2022, the Public Service ICT Steering Committee has oversight and coordination on delivery of the Plan.

Among the digital projects within the Plan, key projects include:

▪ The ‘Digital ID and Biometric’ which will enable identification, verification and authentication of citizens transacting online;

▪ The ‘e-Government Portal’. This will provide a single point of access to government services and information by citizens and businesses, and;

▪ The ‘Secure Data Exchange Platform’. This will enable integration and interoperability of government systems across whole of government for real time sharing of information and collaboration.

Immediate digital services to be looked at in 2023 include the eCabinet, eProcurement, a Central Admissions System for Police, Correctional Services, and Colleges, eVoting, and an Investment Portal for local SMEs and foreign investors.

Some of the key targets included in the Plan are:

▪ Increasing 4G Mobile Pe*******on from 45% to 90% by 2027

▪ Have at least 78 Districts connected with 4G equivalent experience by 2027

▪ Uptake of ICT SMEs and Entrepreneurs with an ICT Cluster Established through Legislation

▪ Increase ranking of PNG Cyber Security Index from 118th to within Top 50

▪ Access of financial services from 5% to 100% by 2027

An important agenda for the Marape-Rosso Government is to make better the country’s voting system and the Digital Government Plan 2023 -2027 sets the foundation to start work on this immediately.

The National Executive Council has directed that the key indicators of the Plan will form part of the Medium-Term Development Plan IV and the Medium-Term Revenue Strategy as Papua New Guinea looks towards investing more in the digital economy.

At this juncture, I would like to thank the Prime Minister, Hon. James Marape and members of Cabinet for the support given to my Ministry and Department to engage proactively and approve this Plan for the benefit of the people of Papua New Guinea in this digital age.

At the same I commend my Department of Information and Communications Technology for putting together this ambitious plan that is reflective of the development age we are in now and into the future. Finally, I challenge key government stakeholders to work cooperatively with my Department to realize this Plan.

Approved for Release

Minister for Information and Communication Technology
And Member for South Bougainville

Prime Minister Hon. James Marape has called on the people of Papua New Guinea to remember and honor Founding Father, Gre...

Prime Minister Hon. James Marape has called on the people of Papua New Guinea to remember and honor Founding Father, Great Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare, by respecting the rule of law.
He said this as the second anniversary of the passing of Sir Michael falls on Sunday, February 26, 2023.
Here is a video of PM Marape making the call:


The fifth High-Level Political Dialogue between the European Union and Papua New Guinea will be held on 27th February 2023 in Port Moresby.

The Political Dialogue is a high-level bilateral meeting that will bring together senior officials from both parties to discuss a series of issues ranging from key political, economic and social developments and bilateral relations to development cooperation.

Speaking about the program and what will be discussed is Jacques Fradin Ambassador Delegation of the European Union to PNG.




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