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ECL has definitely crossed the red line

By Alfred Chioza

The material for building a bomb, jet engine, motor vehicle, scotch cart, rocket, grader (CAT) etc, is naturally chosen to undertake the task it’s intended for.

Wrong material will never resist the pressure, it will buckle under. Thus, the material chosen for various jobs/tasks must be able to withstand the stress and strain, period! Metallurgists will attest to this. Similarly, humans fit in this analogy. Leaders are born with the potential to lead, there’s absolutely no shortcut to this assertion. Take a misfit to lead, he or she will definitely mess up big time. Worse still, if he/she is surrounded by characters that fit his mold. Even those that have the potential to lead require to be surrounded by experts - and I mean experts with the expertise of discipline they are called to render advice on, not jokers. That’s how good and competent leadership is built. Pretenders to the throne are easily exposed by their careless pronouncements.
Edgar Chagwa Lungu (ECL) owes Zambians the explanation as to what he meant by labeling the new dawn government of Hakainde Hichilema (HH) as hypocritical. He also has arrears to elaborate how his government failed the Zambians. Is this how to reciprocate HH’s call to ECL to mourn RB together in a dignified manner and thereby give RB a befitting send off? Can ECL define hypocrisy to the Zambians? I hope ECL doesn’t suggest that when investigative wings summon or search those believed to have been deep in criminal activities to be hypocrisy? Then this mirrors the kind of ignorant leadership which Zambians put up with for seven solid years. Anyone with conscience would have done better! ECL has definitely crossed the red line. He failed to honour RB’s funeral. RB is gone, so is ECL’s insurance for safeguarding his immunity. Zambians are agitating for stripping his immunity. Lest ECL is delusional, he has to be reminded that he presided over the most corrupt government. It’s regrettable that people of his caliber could rig themselves into the presidency of Zambia.
The guff he made denigrated RB’s funeral, which up to the end was going very well like clockwork. Even street boys are wondering about the competence of his handlers (the mickey mice).
Social media went viral with the unguarded comments ECL uttered. He has been exposed as the most incompetent president Zambia has ever had. He decampaigned his legacy, if any. What’s the dictionary meaning of hypocrisy? Can he elaborate instead of speaking in tongues? Zambians haven’t forgotten that he is on record as saying, “we were voted out because we failed the Zambians.’’ How did he fail the Zambians? Honest people avoid double speech, especially when they seek forgiveness from the people who had given them the rare honour and mandate to become their president. It’s cardinal to own up and acquit oneself if there is indisputable evidence of wrongdoings.
HH offered ECL an olive branch over the feud these two have had. RB’s funeral had provided a rare opportunity for ECL to make up with the Zambian people - to tender a well-crafted apology for all the corruption that took place under his watch and seek forgiveness from them. PF leaders stole from us and ECL could even take the matter further by promising the return of monies and assets PF leaders are accused of stealing. Instead, he opted for confrontation!
Mind you, in as much as HH may drag his feet to have ECL prosecuted for all the crimes investigated so far and point to ECL, one must realise that ultimate court is reposed in the Zambians whose assets were stollen by ECL’s PF leaders, family members and cronies. Is this how you reciprocate HH’s genuine gesture of camaraderie? More so, at RB’s funeral? The man who would have lobbied for his soft landing!
PF leadership is smeared in corruption filth. Immunity can be stripped off any time. Don’t dare the Zambians and push your luck. I hope the former president’s handlers tirelessly give ECL updates about his tattered reputation. Only Zambians will have the last say regarding his survival. You don’t even show contrition and remorse over your seven years in office. Need I remind you that the noose is slowly tightening around your neck with every investigation of those who are currently helping with criminal investigations?
Most unfortunate that your handlers may not have prepared you for what to anticipate at RB’s funeral and how to handle the anticipation. They could have even advised you to dodge answering difficult questions - not even blocking Franklin Tembo jnr from asking you questions. You are the only surviving former president and deeply troubled. It’s true silence is golden instead of being confrontational. Will people be wrong to assume that you’re unrepentant and uncouth? Did you pay attention and read in between the line remarks by the former president of Botswana? What did you make of it?
ECL owed Zambians a hell lot of explanations and answers on many wrongdoings. Needless to put it straight that ECL’s support base is dwindling as people are fast realising that he miserably failed Zambians during his tenure as president of Zambia. Even your fanatical supporters are sticking with you purely for money! HH has outshone you with mature leadership style. Zambia is now a peaceful and livable country; investors will soon be queuing up to do business with the country. We thank God for this second liberation.

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I have recently seen a number of posts by the opposition claiming that there are foreigners working at state house. The ...

I have recently seen a number of posts by the opposition claiming that there are foreigners working at state house. The critics say this is proof that government is being ran by westerners and nothing good will be achieved by the new dawn government. I would like to submit that Zambia in its current economic state needs men and women of caliber to help Zambia get out of the bad state of economic situation. Yes we have educated Zambians at home and abroad but probably not any of them have been involved directly at a strategic level with getting a bad economy to a well performing economy. We need economists who have been involved for example with the development of the Asian tigers to work with the government as advisers. These could be economists from the West or from the Asian Tigers themselves. We could even have Rwandans as advisers, having shaped their economy to a well functioning economy. One of the first strategies the Asian Tigers put into action was sending thousands of their young people into western universities to study and bring back knowledge about how the western economies work. Zambia needs expertise from experienced professionals with first hand experience on how to transform an economy. This requires advisers at the top to help develop strategies. But it's obvious that Zambians cannot leave the whole process to foreign advisors based on our past experience where strategies developed where not appropriate. Foreign advisors will have to collaborate with local experts who have contextual knowledge in order to develop appropriate strategies. In conclusion, my guess is that if foreign advisors are really around, those crying "wolf, wolf, foreign advisors at state house " are simply afraid that they will help the government to get it right and then the opposition will be in opposition for a long time.



Will power

By Remmy Mwamba

When Zambia gained political independence 58 years ago, it was faced with a binary choice: the path of least resistance or the rough and narrow path fraught with sacrifices and hard work that would eventually lead to economic emancipation.

Looking back, it is clear which path Zambia took.

It is heart-breaking to see a country that started with great promise now lying in a pitiful, coiled and diminutive economic posture. How is it that countries that started with so little natural endowments have gone ahead to become the pioneers in cutting-edge technology while we lie prostrate begging from those that have no natural endowments as we do?

This article seeks to trace the footsteps of our country’s journey in its quest to economic growth and development. The fact that our country has been travelling off tangent for many decades, means that the path towards self-reliance and self-determination will require extraordinary will power.

Below are a few examples where will power has been deficient. What will it take for us to say enough is enough?


In the year 1972, Zambia’s political governance took a detour into the One-Party State democracy. This seemingly benign decision was the beginning of sowing air whose harvest could only be whirlwinds. In the ensuing years, political and economic decision-making became more centralised leaving the real assets of a nation; the people, economically impotent. In the recent past, the decentralisation agenda has been pitched highly. However, it is the implementation that seems foggy because not much premium has been placed on appointments at district commissioner level. Unless the government demonstrates the will to appoint highly competent DCs, with proven analytical skills and in-depth understanding of local challenges, these ill-equipped officers will be dependent on central government for critical thinking, thereby making a mockery out of decentralisation.


Just like the message of decentralisation, the diversification rhetoric started two years after independence out of the recognition that development was uneven during the colonial era. Successive governments paid lip service to this game changer because of the low hanging fruits from copper exports. For years on end, feeble attempts have been made to diversify from copper. However, diversification of the economy using revenues from copper is like rehabilitating a drug addict using drugs! Despite abundant arable land and water, we have failed to diversify into agri-business. Diversification into tourism has equally met the same fate: talk without corresponding action and resources! The much talked about Northern Circuit is a subject that is only resuscitated during campaign periods just like the Mulungushi Textiles in Kabwe. For a country to rely on a wasting asset that is prone to booms and busts of global trade is an investment in negative returns! Future discourse about diversification must translate into configurations that aim to achieve competitive advantage given our numerous natural endowments.

Restructuring of pension funds

The two public pension schemes: PSPF and LASF have been insolvent for more than two decades without any solution in sight. This poses a serious risk to fiscal sustainability and macro-economic stability. The reasons for this include; absence of local actuaries, weak asset base, and poor performance of the pension assets. The implications of pursuing a defined benefit plan on an erratic and declining economy requires rethinking and urgent resolution. Efforts to reform the pension system were supposed to be addressed in the Fifth National Development Plan of 2006; unfortunately, previous governments have paid lip service - putting the lives of workers at risk.

On the other hand, NAPSA has been operating without a supervisory authority, leading to questionable investments such as the Society House building and the Housing Units in Kalulushi. What is the Return on Investment or Return on Capital Employed on these projects?

Unreformed private sector

The recent protests by unemployed doctors present an interesting paradox. It is mind-boggling that such highly skilled professionals can be fighting battles to get employed. According to WHO, the minimum requirement is one doctor for every 1,000 patients, but our beloved country stands at a whopping one doctor for every 12,000 patients! From a business perspective, the above scenario presents a huge business opportunity for those who are trained as doctors.

Ideally, doctors must also be fully initiated in entrepreneurship so that they are capable of forming their own businesses and run them successfully. It is a waste of human capital to be full of knowledge that you cannot transform into wealth and make a contribution to the world. Surely, 20 doctors can come together and write a bankable business plan using their special training and knowledge as collateral. Phillip Emagweali once said, “Ideas are capital, the rest is just money.”

Educational excellence

Years ago, first year university students were usually taught by professors in order to give them a firm and sound footing. Today, anyone can teach first year students and the results are there for all to see. Worse still, research in universities is almost non-existent because of underfunding or simply lack of funding.

How can you achieve excellence in universities when lecturers are always fighting with management over delayed salaries and let alone, personal emoluments that have accrued beyond redemption? Is it possible that a lecturer struggling to manage a basic food basket can churn out high performing graduates? It is a contradiction in terms that universities that purport to ‘train’ students as economists, accountants as well as other business courses are technically insolvent!

This is exactly what Jesus warned about 2,000 years ago; “You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye!” (Mathew 7:5 NIV). In future, one of the ranking parameters for universities must include the ability to be self-sustaining so that we can avoid the “Do as I say and not what I do syndrome.”

Multi-Facility Economic Zones (MFEZ)

The above concept was adopted during the administration of Levy Mwanawasa around 2004 following the economic successes of the Asian Tigers. Eighteen years later, it is clear that the models over-promised the dividends. The stark reality is that the concept of MFEZ has under delivered on its promises.

Like many borrowed concepts, often the policy makers arrive at the train station long after the train has pulled away. There are many reasons these MFEZs may not yield any dividends. For instance, the Lusaka South and Chambishi MFEZs had envisaged to be fully operational by 2012 with the capability of employing over 40,000 people.

Ten years later the LS-MFEZ is still in a set-up phase. Sadly, the window of opportunity has already been closed. Global manufacturing trend is on a downward trajectory and those countries that benefitted from it have now erected high barriers to ensure they are insulated from competition.

There is need for deeper reflection, “Can a land-linked country like Zambia pursue successfully an export-led strategy with our current weak transportation infrastructure? The latest Economic Zone between Lusaka and Chibombo is another case in point: an economic Zone in the middle of nowhere!

Looking ahead

In looking ahead, the article proposes three legs on which the table for effective leadership and management will rest.

Managing the present: Peter Drucker often asked, “Before asking ourselves if we are doing things right, we should ask ourselves if we are doing the right things.” This statement cannot be over-emphasised. Pursuing multiple strategies that are incongruent is a recipe for chaos.

One of the first steps in managing the present will entail entrenching a culture of excellence and continuous improvement in all critical areas of the economy. Data-driven analysis is a must in all sectors because you cannot manage what you cannot measure. The department of national planning must insist that all ministries and government spending agencies should have functional websites so that government services are people-centred rather than government-centred. For instance, a commodity exchange website for cash crops will help improve marketing and planning for farmers.

Selectively forget the past: in moving forward, it is crucial to understand which policies and practices we must abandon to create the future we want. Planned abandonment is like trimming a tree so that it can grow and bear more fruit. We ought to ask ourselves, “What things must we abandon today in order to save scarce resources so as to invest in the most promising areas?”

Equally, we must not shy away from asking, “What things must we sacrifice today as a country in order to attain the future we want?” Remember, you cannot drive forward while looking in the rear mirror! One thing that we must do away with is the celebration of disbursements of social cash transfers in full view of the cameras. What message are we sending to our children by parading adults for handouts? Does it really enhance their self-worth as human beings? It is my humble submission that these events should be conducted quietly while ensuring accountability.

Creating the future: as Zambian’s, we do not seem to learn critical lessons from our beleaguered past. Winston Churchill once said, “To change is to improve, to change often is perfection.” The immutable truth about life is that everything passes away, nothing remains constant. As we grapple to formulate policies, let us be aware that, the only way a country can maintain continuity is by building systematic innovation into its structures and strategies.

Creating the future requires us to peer into the future 20, 35, 50 years from now and ask ourselves, “Are we going to be proud of that future if we keep doing the things we are doing now? How will posterity judge us? If the answer is no, what steps can we take right away?

Somebody said, “The best way to live is to pretend to be what we want to become.” Zambia must begin to behave like a middle-income country that it is seeking to become rather than a hard-pressed poor country. Let us rise up and dust ourselves. For once, let us gunner the will to take the path less travelled.

Send comment to: [email protected], Phone +260 977 869070.



By Michael Kaluba
Government says the embattled open pit mining project in the heart of the Lower Zambezi National Park will go ahead but under strict adherence to measures set by the Zambia Environmental Management Agency-ZEMA- to limit damage to the environment to a minimum.

Green Economy and Environment Minister Collins Nzovu tells Phoenix News that with the whole process exhausted and the courts dismissing an appeal to stop the proposed large scale open-pit mine for want of prosecution, government is only left with the option of monitoring the situation and to ensure the developer operates within strict conditions.

He has however warned that the government will take the necessary decision if its detailed report shows that the mine has failed to adhere to provisions of ZEMA's decision letter and if the risk of environmental degradation becomes high and further that, strict and adequate conditions are already in place but only lacked enforcement by the previous regime.

Mr. Nzovu says government has instituted mitigation measures using various provisions from the ZEMA Act and findings of the Environmental Impact Assessment-EIA- but was quick to mention that mining activities that pollute the environment are not allowed and if allowed, are under strict parameters.

The government last year okayed the proposal for the Kangaluwi Open Pit Mining Project in Lower Zambezi National Park almost 20 years since an Australian-based company, Zambezi Resources Limited was granted an exploration license delayed by ZEMA's initial rejection of the proposal, government overriding the agency and subsequent court cases which ended with the project still going ahead.



..Public Protector a must or

UPND will be punished - Mulusa

By Kombe Mataka, F***y Kalonda

OPERATIONALISE the Office of Public Protector now, MDC secretary general Lucky Mulusa has told the UPND government.

He says the UPND government needs the Public Protector stressing that, “If we got our act right, we don't even need the IMF because in fighting corruption and promoting efficiencies in running the government, we will make so much savings.”

Mulusa, a former State House assistant for project monitoring and implementation, said in an interview that there is urgent need establish an Act of parliament that will enable the operationalisation of the Office of the Public Protector.

"It is a must. It is a legislative sitting (the forthcoming session of the National Assembly). Very quickly Hon (Mulambo) Haimbe [the Minister of Justice] must take the bill to Cabinet and Cabinet must authorise it. That is what the Zambian people want. That is what the employers of government want. From 2016, they were disappointed and they punished those who disappointed them,” Mulusa said.

“It must go to parliament for enactment, in an Act. The PF actually put a death nail in their coffin by their failure to operationalise the Office of the Public Protector.”

He said the operationalisation of the office would lead to saving a lot of resources from plunder.

"If we got our act right, we don't even need the IMF because in fighting corruption and promoting efficiencies in running the government, we will make so much savings. If they have allocated so much money to the Public Protector and then so many purchases of vehicles, equipment, allowances what what, how many clinics would have been built? If they disagreed with Zambian people [on having the Public Protector] then let them abolish this office. But it is a necessity," Mulusa observed.

“A discourse like this one that myself, Madam (Caroline) Sokoni (the Public Protector) Brebner Changala and the late Mike Mulongoti, started will help push it to priority list. It will be very helpful. You see, when people are asking questions and government officials choose to ignore them or government officials lie in the way they are responding to people's concerns, people get frustrated. People should have disclosure. They should go to the Public Protector who is funded and who has capacity to investigate everyone including the sitting President. They will take their findings to parliament and parliament will pass a resolution and people will be sanctioned and people will be cautioned. People will have something to fear. Get the yellow books, see how much allocation has been given to the Office of the Public Protector in the past five to six years. It will show you the wastage that is why I am saying operationalise it."

And Mulusa said what existed under the PF was collective irresponsibility and not collective responsibility.

He said when he featured on Hot FM breakfast programme that a cabal of criminals was created in the PF government.

"We created a cabal of criminals. The whole government machinery just became criminals stealing from Zambians," Mulusa said.

"There are noticeable attempts to try and create productive outcomes out of governance and that is a little grace. I I would encourage all Zambians to play our role to ensure the government succeeds. We are on the right trajectory and I am happy Zambians are talking when they see something wrong. It is better that the government engages them so that we live as one big happy family."

Mulusa, who discussed his sacking from State House by former president Edgar Lungu after he opposed the purchase of the infamous fire tenders at a cost of $42 million, said he was proud that he had highlighted some ills observed in the PF before he was fired.

"I disagreed with with that purchase and it was collective irresponsibility and I was not going to be part of collective irresponsibility. When I was fired, I felt a sense of relief. That sense of relief was very strange but it was preservation for destiny. I would have been as irrelevant as most of them are now. Most of their political careers have actually ended," he said.

"My advice to the PF is to actually to disband. That unit is what Zambians should never see. The best is to disband and join other political parties and learn some decency in administering public welfare."

Mulusa said that the PF ruled on the concept of arrogance of incumbency to commit wrongdoing.

"I warned them. They were being arrogant. I told them this arrogance of incumbency will cost you elections in 2021. I said that on UNZA radio immediately after passing that comment (on fire tenders) because I knew...was not going to last. But I needed to provide some relief in government," he said.

And asked why he was supporting the government decision to go for a IMF bailout package when he had opposed it when he served as member of parliament, Mulusa said “I was calling for us not to go to IMF to avoid this kind of maladministration in order to properly grow the economy and we didn't need to borrow.

"The situation is like when you die, the next stage is rotting and unfortunately we died. We just have to go to IMF. We cannot avoid it. It is an investment in perception. It creates some level of confidence those that will lend us money now know that we will not be reckless in the way we are spending money. And that it has reduced the risk of you failing to pay but I see that because of conditions that come with the IMF, I see that we now have free education which the IMF may not be comfortable with because they would like to see as much money as possible ending up in the coffers for the economy," he said.

Meanwhile, Mulusa said Zambians paid a huge price for entrusting the PF with the management of their affairs.

He said the PF regime should have never happened to Zambia.

Mulusa said projects in the previous regime were overpriced.

“Yes the projects were overpriced. The first overpricing was actually at tender stage. And the projects would be overpriced in the sense that it was a top-down approach. Assuming there was an unsolicited bid from a particular vendor who said we can build you a modern airport at so much and we can source the money for you and all you need is to sign for that loan and you agree. Meanwhile, there could be other talks behind the scenes of helping a political party in power. So all So all those get priced in, the kickbacks and all that stuff,” he said.

“The first example is the our KKIA (Kenneth Kaunda International Airport), which is a scandal. The initial one was 365 million to pay for a bigger airport than we have ended up with. Government first paid like 25 million and at the implementation stage, all the Zambian subcontractors were kicked out and the scope of work was reduced. But the money ballooned to about $385 million and I keep wondering how?"

Mulusa continued: “When I started monitoring that project, that is when I started asking questions. And everywhere I went, when I ask the questions to the stakeholders and the Chinese, everyone was mute. Until someone told me that if ‘you are asking questions and no one is answering the question, you have to let go’. He said that was a warning.”

“If there was the Office of the Public Protector, then that issue was going to go to parliament," he said.

Mulusa said there was serious need by President Hichilema to continue being tough on the need for prudence in management of resources in the construction sector.

"We had the Italians who wanted to build us the dual carriageway between Ndola and Lusaka of 320 kilometres. They told us 360 million Euros and the money was there and everything was agreed. But when I left State House, they announced that the project but it was 1. 2 billion. That shows you the overpricing. What was it, what made the price to be that high because part of the roads were there and just needed rehabilitation?" wondered Mulusa.



Praise singers can get lost.

Yesterday we posted some Screen Shots by Dr. Sishuwa Sishuwa. We asked for your pieces of opinion. We read them and we respect them.

Here is our opinion. Dr. Sishuwa Sishuwa was right. President Hakainde Hichilema is slowly going astray.

This is how Rupiah Banda and Edgar Lungu went astray. We believe this article will give you a clear picture of who we are and what we want to achieve.

Never again should someone strive trying to know us. Here is what we are in terms of what we think about the New Dawn government.

We believe that despite Mr. Hichilema coming from a humble background, he is sorrounded by serious blood thirst Capitalists who want everything to themselves.

This point we shall elaborate later but let us say something about signs that tell us HH is going astray.


Despite publicly directing ZNBC to cover every section of society, HH has continued allowing ZNBC to cover him Live when he departs and comes back in the country.

He says he is a Calculator person and wants to save money. This is the reason we hear he gives when he is advised to get rid of people.

Live broadcast is very expensive. Ask anyone who understands outside broadcast. It is not cheap.

Just before Press Time, his attendance at Kamwala SDA Church was Live.

No one should be naive enough to tell us that he does not know about the Live Coverage ZNBC gives him.

We know him. He knows. He is a very detailed person. He knows everything around him. You can not catch him unaware.


The President has fallen in the same trap Zambia's worst President( Edgar Lungu) fell in.

Using the name of the Lord for Political gain. If you remember properly, during the reign of PF, ECL was all over churches campaigning. Especially using that disgusting team of Christians for Lungu.

At one time the respected Catholic Church even guided that Parishes should not allow Politicians to speak in Church but should just come like ordinary persons.

He has also gone into the ECL mode. The only difference is that him does not go to Charismatic gatherings.

Offcourse he can not speak in Tongues just like the Admin here.


We believe that President Hichilema is not very serious on the fight against corruption. We have used the term " not very serious".

Why do we say so. We are just simple Journalists but we access alot of information. What more him.

Right now we have alot of information on Minister Garry Nkombo, Rodney Sikumba, his Aides Jito Kayumba, Bradford Machila and Wallace Chakaba.

We will not disclose the allegations here but we have put them to State House. They are aware.

Again this is story for another day. We have given them time not only to respond to our concerns but also to investigate.


The President has been attempting to become Republican President from the time The big Bally Anderson Kambela Mazoka died. MHSRIP.

HH made so many attempts to State House that even created an enabling environment for his competitors to mock him. Remember GBM' s utterings.

Now that he has what he has always wanted to be, let him shift to a house that is legally and constitutionally created to house Zambia 1 or Eagle 1 and that is State House not Community House.

We are aware that his house is far much better than State House but we feel it is inconviniencing the same people he so " desires" to serve.

No one can question a " reasonable" expenditure by the State to mordenise Nkwazi House which is the official residence for Zambia 1.

Yes, we agree that he needs a better dwelling place but he should know that he is a servant and he has said it himself.

There is a cost to him being driven to and from home everyday. Not only financial costs but human resources as well.

Those Police Officers who do the route lining are not supposed to spend long hours standing along roads.

The other day we saw them get soaked.

They are supposed to be running other GRZ errands.

After all he said it himself that he needs everyone protected. How do the Police protect everyone if they spend half the day route lining?


If there is anything that we think will stick on Bally and his Alliance Partners, it is the issue of Alpha Commodity Fertiliser Contract and Forest 27.

On Fertiliser, unless something is done, this will be like the Fire Tender issue. It will not die.

Forest 27 is another issue. We are here. There is therefore no need to vilify Dr. Sishuwa. To the praise singers, by this we do not say we do not love Bally. We do but we are not part of you.

The UPND Alliance government is certainly better than the Panga Family.

We escaped from Sobibo. If you feel offended with our opinion please feel free to express yourself but remember not to insult us.
© Zambian Whistleblower




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