LOVE while you can
In a class for older students, I gave each person the assignment: “Go to the person you love most, and tell that person you love them. It has to be someone you've never said you love before or you've been apart for a long time."
In the next class, I took the initiative to ask my students about situations that happened when they spoke words of love to others. I really wish one of the female practitioners here could share this, but to my surprise a man raised his hand, he shared:
- Mr. Dennis, I was really angry with you when I received this assignment last week. At first, I thought that I didn't need to say I love anyone. But on the drive home, my conscience began to speak. Then, I knew exactly who I needed to say that sentence to.
Five years ago, my father and I had a violent argument that had not been resolved. Father and son avoid each other for a long time, except for family gatherings. We hardly said a word to each otherL
At that moment, I realized that I would have to go to my father and tell him how much I loved him. All burdens seemed to be lifted after I made that decision.
When I got home, I immediately went to find my dear wife and told her about today's lesson. For the first time in my life, I cried in front of her. We talked and shared together throughout the night.
The next morning, I woke up earlier than usual. I really want to fulfill my wish quickly. I go to work, try to finish the work and then ask permission to leave work two hours early. I called my dad and said, “Dad, can I come home after work? I want to talk to you about this." My father shouted, “What do you want?” I begged my father that it wouldn't take long, and he finally agreed.
When it was 5:30 p.m., I was there and rang the bell, praying in my heart that my father would open the door. Because if I were a mother, I'm afraid I wouldn't have the courage to tell her instead of my father. Luck smiled, my father was the one to pick me up.
I didn't waste a second - took a step forward and said to my father:
"Father, I want to come to tell you that I love you very much."
There seemed to be an electric current running from me to my father. In front of me, his eyes were gentler, his wrinkles seemed to disappear, and he burst into tears. Father opened his arms wide and took me in his arms and said, “I love you too, son, but I have not been able to say it.”
However, that is not what I mean. Two days after we met again, my father had a heart attack and was in the hospital. To this day, I still don't know if he can make it or not.
And what I want to tell you is: “Don't waste time waiting to do the things that you need to do. What if I hesitate to tell my father? Take the time to do what needs to be done and do it as soon as possible…”
Life is too short for people to realize regret. Appreciate and love those who love you and forget about those who treat you badly. Always believe that everything happens for a reason. If you have a chance again, take it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it happen. Life is never easy, but you can make it more meaningful.