Like grass fed beef butcher cut compared to supermarket shelf…Roca Patron Silver made with Tahona method has a sweeter taste and smooth finish. A little more but so worth it Dads! #passthepatron #simplyperfect #adulteducation #tequila #onetwothreefloor #dadsdrink #qualitytequila #worthit #everydad #dadjokes #tequilamockingbird #salud @patron @reservebarspirits
Everydad should have vodka at home…here is a craft vodka made right in The Adirondack Mountains of New York…at a really good price. Value and quality! @sbhf_distillery @craftspiritsus @drinkdistiller @drinknycraft @tasteny #craftspirits #dadjokes #dad #everydad #vodka #adulteducation #awesomevodka #dadslearn #adirondacks #thinknydrinkny #boozefordads #booze #wheatvodka #wheat #dadrocks
Absolutely too delicious! Always an award winning spirit…perfect for having one everyday or gifting to a loved one!! It is so easy going…be careful! @the_everydad @sagamorespirit @sgwinespirits @reservebarspirits #sagamorespirit #dadknowsbest #adulteducation #dadknowledge #whiskeydad #ryewhiskey #ryeit #giftwhiskey #everydad