In the late 1960s, Gary Gunderson, the father of Brian Gunderson, started racing Figure 8s at Evergreen Speedway. Since then a lot has changed but the racing bug has now been passed down to three generations of the Gunderson family. Father, Brian Gunderson, got his start racing Figure 8s in the 1990s and then moved on to racing a late model for 2 seasons. In 2003, Brian's oldest son, Ryan Gunderso
n, got his start in racing Figure 8 and took home Rookie of the Year and Sportsman of the Year. A year later, Brian's youngest son, Nick Gunderson also began racing Figure 8 and also took home the Rookie of the Year award. Before he knew it, Brian was not only watching his son's race but was back in the driver's seat of his own Figure 8 car. Over the years, the Gundersons have built many different Figure 8 cars and assisted other racers with building their race cars resulting in some of the best looking, best performing and more unique cars on the Figure 8 track. All three drivers have taken the checkered flag and placed within the top three of many races at Evergreen Speedway. They have also traveled to California and taken part in the Outlaw Figure 8 West Coast Championship and the Lucas Oil West Coast Championship and to Indiana for the 3 hour World Figure 8 Championship where they have placed in the top 5 multiple years with Corey Turner at the wheel.