Please read and start shopping at your local Mom and Pop Liquor Stores!
It’s about time someone stood up for the Mom and Pop Liquor Stores.
Apparently, Southern Glaziers has been violating Oklahoma State law by selling products to Walmart, Sam’s, Costco, Walgreens, Crest, etc at much cheaper prices than they sell to Mom and Pop Liquor Stores!
This is the reason the “Corporate Monsters” can sell the same products much cheaper than any liquor store! The Big Box “Corporate Monsters” have been violating the law and purchasing products for 1/3 - 1/2 the price that we can purchase the same products. They have also been cited for selling their products for less than they purchased them for. By Oklahoma State law, all parties with a license to sell spirits, wine, and/or beer are required to post a markup of a minimum of 6%.
Just a little FYI, for those who don't know;
liquor stores can not get loans to start this business. Why? Well, if a liquor store owner were to default on the loan, a bank could not sell the product to recoup their money. The bank is required, by Oklahoma law, to have a liquor license to sell the product. Therefore, banks will not loan money to start this particular business.
Every mom-and-pop store owner is required to have resided in Oklahoma for a minimum of 10 years, and are required to pay cash on delivery of all products delivered to their store. We have all taken our savings and invested them into our businesses.
Did you know? When Oklahoma changed the liquor law to allow corporations to sell wine and 6-point beer, Mom and Pop stores lost 30-35% of their sales. Not to mention, Mom and Pop liquor stores pay higher taxes than any other business. Yes! Mom and Pop are required by Oklahoma law to file as “Sole Proprietors” and are banned from having any type of LLC! This means we get zero tax breaks. Mom and Pop are required by the State of Oklahoma to pay a $1250.00 license fee every year, and in the City of Norman, we are required to pay a $950.00 license fee each year as well, just for the pleasure of doing business in this town. A grocery store license fee is $50.00. Go figure! Not many
Mom and Pop grocery stores around anymore, which would explain the reason for the break on a business license for the “Monster Corporation.”
Have you ever wondered why liquor store prices fluctuate all of the time? Well, the prices per case go up and down every single month (see example in the comments section). One example…
This month GlenLivet Founders Reserve is down $48 a case. That price will go back up in January $48 case. Anytime we “break a case” and just order a few bottles, we are charged a bottle handling fee for each bottle. The price range varies by the size of the bottle. The prices range from the smallest .200m (or 1/2 pint) added bottle handling fee is .40c per bottle, and goes up from there to $3.20 per bottle for a 1.75l (or handle). Most of us try to order up on product, for the next month, when the price is down so we can keep our prices low! However, it's hard to order that much extra product for an entire month in advance. We do our best to try and order the top-selling items while they are down for the month the prices are on the high, but this gets harder to do with rising prices of everyday business expenses.
So… I said all of that to say, Please support your local liquor stores! Every liquor store in Oklahoma has taken their life savings and invested it into their small businesses and we will lose it all if you continue to support these huge “Monster Corporations” who are actively doing everything they can do to put us all out of business.
Please stop buying your wine and beer at the corporate stores, and continue or start supporting your friends, neighbors, and the longtime residents of Oklahoma! Our money stays in Oklahoma and supports this State! The “Monsters” take their money out of this state!
Thank you for your support. I have added snapshots in the comments showing the ups and downs of 2 products.
The Federal Trade Commission sued the largest U.S.