Ask different people how they find their spirits and you will get a lot of different answers. Some people are lucky enough to have a trusted, wine-knowledgeable friend, but most are restricted to their local liquor store or are left to navigate the vast online world of whiskey on their own. The result is often an overwhelming, stressful buying experience for lower quality spirits. Even people in the industry need help finding spirits they love, relying on a trusted network of importers, sommeliers, producers and industry friends.
We set out to improve the whiskey buying experience for everyone - from people newly interested in whiskey to experienced collectors. We believe buying whiskey that fits your budget and taste preferences should always lack judgement, be personal, and fun.
Trusted Selection - Quality Spirits at Value Prices
The most important part of a good buying experience is trusting you will get high-quality spirits and fair prices. This isn’t easy - there are thousands upon thousands of options to choose from, and a lot of whiskies is large scale production pushed by national distributors. Our main focus is to curate whiskies that represent good value at all price points. Finding these whiskies is a full-time job engaging with our industry friends and partners and of course, tasting thousands of whiskies.
Enjoyable Shopping Experience
We believe that buying whiskey should be an experience, not just a transaction. Whiskey have people and stories behind them, they are characters that have history. Buying whiskey should be engaging, sometimes educational, but always fun! This means the people and environment are an important part of the experience. We look for employees who not only understand whiskey but understand hospitality and enjoy engaging with people.
Shop How You Prefer
We know people prefer to shop in different ways. Sometimes you want to pick your own whiskey without help, sometimes you want advice and to engage with someone...