The Founder of Coal Grove (originally called Petersburg).
Here find this interesting portrait of John Peters Sr., Iron Master and founder of present day Coal Grove. He was born in Fayette County, Pennsylvania, on February 18th, 1814. His parents were Henry Peters and Rebecca Wilhelm, both natives of Pennsylvania. John Peters, at the age of nineteen, began learning the molder’s trade at Pine Grove Furnace, Lawrence County, Ohio. Having followed this business for two years he began to manufacture charcoal at Mount Vernon Furnace. He followed this business for five years. He then associated with J. 0. Willard and leased the Buckhorn Furnace, and for two and a half years was manager of that concern. In 1844, he built Greenup Furnace in Greenup County, Kentucky, now called Honeywell Furnace, and after managing the same for one year, he returned to Ohio, and joined John Campbell, Madison Cole, William Clements and J. L. Thompson in erecting Olive Furnace. Peters became superintendent. After its construction, he continued as the active manager of it for about six years.
He then moved to Ironton, and joined a company consisting of Samuel McConnell, Isaac Peters, John Campbell, W. M. Bowles and Thomas McGovney, to build the Washington Furnace. He served as the construction superintendent. In 1855, he superintended the building of the Monroe Furnace in Jackson County. The company consisted of S. McConnell, Thomas McGovney, Isaac Peters, W. M. Bolles, Professor Mathers, John Campbell and John Peters. The last two owned a controlling interest in this furnace. In 1855, he built the Madison Furnace in the same county. The owners of this furnace were J. P. Terry of Portsmouth, J. Bentley, M. R. Tuksbarry, F. Duduit, John Campbell and John Peters. He disposed of his interest in the Madison furnace in 1867.
In 1865 he formed a partnership with his brother, Isaac Peters, and opened a banking house in Ironton under the firm name of J. Peters & Co., and continued this business for three years, when he engaged superintending the building of the Monitor Furnace, owned by Isaac Peters, Joseph Bimpson, F. E. Duduit, William Simington, John Ballard and himself. He afterwards bought, individually, the Lawrence Furnace from Culbertson, Means & Co. This was an older furnace, built in 1834, and, when a young man, Peters was employed as laborer in it. In addition to these enterprises, he was one of the principal men who laid out the town of Ironton, and built the Iron railroad. Also one of the originators of the old Star Nail Mill, under the firm name of Peters, James & Co.; the establishment changed to the Bellefont Iron Works. He served as one of the original owners of the Olive foundry and machine shop, later operated by the Lambert Brothers. He likewise laid out the town of Petersburg, (now called Coal Grove) four miles above Ironton, and built the Monitor Furnace at that place. The town was named for him.
After disposing of the Washington and Monroe furnaces, he purchased three hundred acres of land and laid out an addition to the town of Portland in Jackson County, Ohio. He was twice married. His first wife was Sarah McDannel, who died August 30th, 1842, having been the mother of four children. His second wife was Mary C. Duduit, whom he married December 23d, 1843. That marriage produced six children. Three of the sons worked at the Lawrence Furnace. George was the manager, Charles served as bookkeeper, and Ptolemy operated the company store. William H. Peters, another son, served as superintendent of the ore mines at Bartle's Station on the Iron railroad, for Bellefont Iron Works Company. John Peters, Jr., worked as superintendent of the Car Wheel Iron Company at Petersburg. James F. Peters, the youngest son, enjoyed the insurance business in Ironton. The oldest daughter, Mary A. Peters, married Dr. C. H. Spaler of Jamestown, Ohio; and her sister Rebecca, wed the eminent divine and vocalist, Chaplain C. C. McCabe of Chicago; Martha A. married M. S. Bartram, who served as auditor of Lawrence County, Ohio; and Josephine married A. B. Cole, a lawyer of Chillicothe, Ohio. The Peters offspring live throughout the Midwest of the US today.