Vavin 酒盒子

Vavin 酒盒子 Wine Cellar & Shop Vavin is a metro station in Paris, where the two founders of the company met.

As "vin" means "wine" in French, this is where the idea of ​​the name of our company was born. Now based in Taipei for 2 years, we want to introduce you to unique wines that you won't find anywhere else in Taiwan. Our team in France is in direct contact with our partner domains in Europe in order to send you our products without intermediary.

我們很榮幸能夠連結各地豐富多元的文化,並將稀有且精緻的歐洲葡萄酒介紹給台灣為使命。🌍🤍 Vavin 每天都有營業,歡迎您隨時過來與我們沉浸在美酒的世界中!🕒🙌We began with a mission to introduce Taiw...


Vavin 每天都有營業,歡迎您隨時過來與我們沉浸在美酒的世界中!🕒🙌

We began with a mission to introduce Taiwan to rare and exquisite European wines, and we are honored to connect these rich cultures. 🌍🤍

Open every day of the week, Vavin invites you to immerse yourself in the world of fine wines whenever you desire. 🕒🙌

🇫🇷 Vavin法國國慶DJ音樂派對來襲! 🇫🇷// 𝟬𝟳𝟭𝟯 ( SAT) ・𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐄 x 𝐃𝐉 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐘 //Vive la France!來到Vavin與「Studio 9」、「Grey Area」的合作音...

🇫🇷 Vavin法國國慶DJ音樂派對來襲! 🇫🇷

Vive la France!來到Vavin與「Studio 9」、「Grey Area」的合作音樂家𝐃𝐉 𝐃𝐎𝐌𝐃𝐎𝐌一起享受充滿熱情、微醺的音樂狂歡派對!每位來賓將可享一杯免費迎賓香檳以及任選兩杯特選法國葡萄酒(紅/白),讓我們在這特別的週六夜晚認識不同的台灣、異國朋友!❤️ 👯‍♀️👯‍♂️ 🍷

░ 更多活動資訊與 𝐃𝐉 𝐃𝐎𝐌𝐃𝐎𝐌 作品:

This Bastille Day, come to Vavin to have an exuberant and slightly tipsy music party. The event will feature DJ DOMDOM, a collaborative DJ from « Studio 9 » and « Grey Area ». Each attendee will enjoy a free welcome glass of champagne and two glasses of selected French wine (Red / White).

░ More Information and 𝐃𝐉 𝐃𝐎𝐌𝐃𝐎𝐌’s musical works :

// 𝟬𝟲𝟭𝟵 • 𝙒𝙀𝘿 //Let’s have a wine pairing dinner in Vavin with Michel Bru !Vavin第一場法式 Wine Pairing dinner 完整菜單、酒單:https:...

// 𝟬𝟲𝟭𝟵 • 𝙒𝙀𝘿 //
Let’s have a wine pairing dinner in Vavin with Michel Bru !
Vavin第一場法式 Wine Pairing dinner 完整菜單、酒單:

On this date, on the menu :

✨ Welcome drink : Anne Gros Sparkling la Fun en bulle

– Amuse bouche

✨ Aubert et Matthieu Pays d’Oc Kate Sauvignon Blanc 2022

– Salmon tartare & avocados, melba toasts

✨ Douhairet Porcheret Monthélie Cuvée Miss Armande VV 2019

– Confit Duck Parmentier, Roast artichokes and confit onions

✨ Cèdre Cahors Extra Libre 2020

– Cheese

✨ Domaine de L’Agly Côtes Catalanes Les Neiges de l’Agly 2017

– Dessert Red berries Crumble, vanilla ice-cream

✨ Casa Ermelinda Freitas Moscatel de Setúbal


// 𝟬𝟲𝟭𝟵 • 𝙒𝙀𝘿 //Let’s have a wine pairing dinner in Vavin!​「請問店裡提供什麼熱食?」「這瓶酒適合搭配什麼餐點呢?」​是Vavin的夥伴們時常被問到的問題。為了讓大家在店裡有不同的法...

// 𝟬𝟲𝟭𝟵 • 𝙒𝙀𝘿 //
Let’s have a wine pairing dinner in Vavin!


是Vavin的夥伴們時常被問到的問題。為了讓大家在店裡有不同的法式餐飲體驗,0619 (週三)我們邀請了曾為各國米其林餐廳、知名酒店、皇室、政治人物與歌手服務的法籍主廚Michel Bru帶來一場Wine Pairing Dinner的饗宴。

Content: Vavin Wine Pairing / 3 French Courses / Cheese / Dessert


時間:PM 07:00, 2024.06.19 (Wed)
加入官方客服 Line 報名:

Bru MichelBru

品酒人為之著迷的布根地(Bourgogne)的白酒,除了百變女王夏多內(Cahrdonnay)外,還有近來重新開始為人所欣賞,數量卻相當稀少的阿里哥蝶 (Aligoté)。生產比例小於布根地所有葡萄的10%以內的Aligoté為歷史相當悠久...

品酒人為之著迷的布根地(Bourgogne)的白酒,除了百變女王夏多內(Cahrdonnay)外,還有近來重新開始為人所欣賞,數量卻相當稀少的阿里哥蝶 (Aligoté)。


現在在VAVIN我們也可以品嚐到低調卻清新迷人的Aligoté白酒。出自Domaine Jean-Marc Boillot之手,該酒款除了可以感受到Aligoté特有的白肉水果、白花、桃子、檸檬花香與清脆酸度,輕盈的滑順奶油口感讓整體更為舒服。


Besides Chardonnay, Aligoté is also a Burgundy White Wine variety which deserve people’s applause.

Aligoté, which constitutes less than 10% of all Burgundy grape production, is a variety with a long history. Its lively and refreshing acidity make it an excellent choice for summer drinking.

Now in VAVIN, you could also find Aligoté white wine.

Produced by Domaine Jean-Marc Boillot, this Aligoté cuvée’s unique aromas of white-fleshed fruits, white flowers, peach, and lemon blossom, coupled with a crisp acidity and conformable creamy texture.

Now available in VAVIN with few stock. Don’t hesitate any more for the unforgettable tasting experience.

「品嚐自然酒最迷人之處在於其風味就如同新鮮採摘葡萄果實時的味道」// The beautiful part to taste nature wine is its flavor just presents the freshly picke...


// The beautiful part to taste nature wine is its flavor just presents the freshly picked grape//

很開心上一週能與CHÂTEAU PUECH REDON 才華洋溢的釀酒師Cyril Cuche向大家介紹其家族酒莊各款自然酒。CHÂTEAU PUECH REDON 歷史可回朔至1950年,而於Cyril Cuche開始將葡萄園轉以有機與生物動力法栽種。



It was a great pleasure that we have Cyril Cuche, the owner and winemaker of CHÂTEAU PUECH REDON, to introduce his nature wine in Taiwan.

The history of CHÂTEAU PUECH REDON can be traced back to 1950, and Cyril Cuche began transitioning the vineyards to organic and biodynamic farming practices.

The fresh vitality and terroir character of each bottle are not only from the privileged conditions of vinery (warm sunshine and cool night), but also from a dedication to preserve traditional culture and minimizing the intervention by using indigenous yeasts, controlling SO2, and very little filtering on vinification.

Come to VAVIN to find and taste the beautiful wines of CHÂTEAU PUECH REDON!

端午獨家禮盒・與VAVIN增添不同的儀式感 🚣🏮**限時優惠價  Special Offer:NT$1860** (原價 Original Price/ NT$2480)°°°你試過以葡萄酒和粽子、端午聚會一起佐餐嗎?今年我們推出的端午禮盒...

端午獨家禮盒・與VAVIN增添不同的儀式感 🚣🏮
**限時優惠價 Special Offer:NT$1860**
(原價 Original Price/ NT$2480)


Have you ever tried pairing wine with rice dumpling? VAVIN specially selected 1 red and white wine bottle which pair well with rice dumpling and Chinesse cuisine!
With mature apricot flavors, full-bodied, nutty taste and delightful acidity, the selected Riesling white wine presents an elegant and smooth texture. 🍙🎏

Characterized by the juicy texture and solid structure, the selected red wine is from Cahors in Southern France; you could find the typical spicy note and black berry flavor of its primary variety, Malbec, from this cuvée.

🎁 禮盒內容 Content
Wolf Birkweiler Pfalz Riesling 2018
(原價 Original Price/ NT$1090)
醇厚紅酒:Château du Cèdre Cahors 2021

#端午節 #臺灣 #賽龍舟 #美酒

With Vavin, find the ideal venue for your next event, where you can enjoy a curated selection of the rarest European win...

With Vavin, find the ideal venue for your next event, where you can enjoy a curated selection of the rarest European wines. 🍇
Our elegant wine bar is designed for intimate gatherings of up to 50 guests, providing the perfect ambiance for corporate events, celebrations, and private parties. With a sophisticated setting and unparalleled wine offerings, your event will be truly memorable.✨
Pre-booking is required. Please contact us for more details and to reserve your date.🗓️🙆🏻‍♀️

Add our official LINE:




除了是一間酒窖以外,還是一個提供人們放鬆和休閒的空間。您可以在Vavin Bar店裡發掘我們豐富的葡萄酒種類。🧑🏻‍🎨我們開店的主要目標是讓台灣能夠接觸到稀有的歐洲葡萄酒,且很榮幸地在兩種文化之間搭建了橋樑。🇹🇼💫Vavin平日週末皆有營業...

除了是一間酒窖以外,還是一個提供人們放鬆和休閒的空間。您可以在Vavin Bar店裡發掘我們豐富的葡萄酒種類。🧑🏻‍🎨



In addition to our cellar, Vavin is a space for relaxation and unwinding, where you can discover our extensive wine selection on site. 🧑🏻‍🎨

Our primary focus when opening the store was to provide access to rare European selections in Taiwan, and we are now proud to bridge the gap between these two cultures.🇹🇼💫

Vavin is open seven days a week, allowing you to dive into the wine culture anytime. ⌚️💁🏻‍♀️

◤VAVIN名師講座◢   François Villard 酒莊介紹酒莊主 François Villard 的職涯出發點為一名廚師...

◤VAVIN名師講座◢ François Villard 酒莊介紹

酒莊主 François Villard 的職涯出發點為一名廚師,然而這並不影響他追逐自己的熱情。著迷於葡萄酒的魅力、夢想著經營著一家自己的酒莊的他於Tain-l’Hermitage養成其侍酒師專業。1987年到88年間於馬貢取得「酒類種植釀造」證書(brevet “viti-œno”)。

先是於法國北隆河最重要的釀造者之一的Yves Cuilleron酒莊學習,從1989年開始於De Poncins葡萄園種植到今天,François Villard酒莊已涵蓋北隆河最重要的經典地塊:CONDRIEU / SAINT JOSEPH / CROZE HERMITAGE / CORNAS。

秉持著「優質葡萄酒孕育自葡萄園,而非釀造於地窖」的精神,François Villard 紅酒盡量降低產率,白酒嚴格要求其成熟度, 讓葡萄園保有最自然的狀態。對於葡萄酒嚴謹的態度,讓酒莊連獲美國Wine Spectator 高分與法國 La R***e du Vin de France "Le Classement des Meilleurs Vins de France" 年鑑二顆星的超高評價。

◤講師介紹◢ David HSIAO 蕭希辰
// 台灣侍酒師協會-首席顧問 //

蕭希辰(David HSIAO)為台灣葡萄酒界具有影響力的侍酒師之一,並於2018年成為法國在台協會商務處的「法國美食推廣大使」。世界 50 大酒莊 (World’s Best Vineyards - Top 50) 南亞區暨印度-評審主席、各大國際葡萄酒競賽評審 (International Wine Challenge、Decanter Asia Wine Awards、Berlin Wine Trophy...等)。現任台灣侍酒師協會-首席顧問及國際侍酒師協會-教育&考試委員會。

// 由台灣侍酒師協會首席顧問—蕭希辰帶領大家認識法國北隆河重要地塊:CORNAS / CROZE-HERMITAGE / SAINT-JOSEPH / CONDRIEU,透過專業角度學習品飲經典Syrah紅酒與Marsanne、Roussanne、Viognier白酒滋味。現場品飲將使用 Jancis Robinson手工杯。活...

上週末我們參加了2024年台北國際奧林匹克的路跑活動,感受到了這座城市滿滿的活力。🏃🏻‍♀️同時也在星期天的母親節那天被窩心的暖流所觸動。💐✨我們非常感謝所有來品嚐Vavin’s Wine的人們所傾注的愛意!🫶🏻能夠認識新朋友並且分享我們的...


我們非常感謝所有來品嚐Vavin’s Wine的人們所傾注的愛意!🫶🏻能夠認識新朋友並且分享我們的熱情對我們來說意義重大。很高興這週末在眾人們積極且友善的反饋下畫下了句點,我們已經迫不及待的想讓與多人分享我們的旅程!🍇🌎

Last weekend offered a perfect mix of activity and connection. 🫶🏼💞
We energized ourselves participating in the 2024 Taipei Olympic Run, feeling the city's vibrant spirit. 🏃🏻‍♀️

Sunday brought a touch of reflection for Mother's Day, but it was also incredibly heartwarming. 💐✨
We were so grateful for the outpouring of love from everyone who came to discover Vavin’s Wine! It meant the world to connect with so many people and share our passion.

The weekend ended on a delightful note, as we received positive feedback on our selections – we can't wait to share it with even more people! 🍇🌏

#台北國際奧林匹克 #路跑活動 #母親節 #溫馨時刻 #感謝愛意 #熱情分享 #積極反饋 #旅程分享

|VAVIN名師講座| François Villard 北隆河經典地塊紅白酒巡禮||講師:蕭希辰(David HSIAO) / 台灣侍酒師協會首席顧問|由台灣侍酒師協會首席顧問—蕭希辰帶領大家認識法國北隆河重要地塊:CONDRIEU / ...

|VAVIN名師講座| François Villard 北隆河經典地塊紅白酒巡禮|

|講師:蕭希辰(David HSIAO) / 台灣侍酒師協會首席顧問|

由台灣侍酒師協會首席顧問—蕭希辰帶領大家認識法國北隆河重要地塊:CONDRIEU / SAINT JOSEPH / CROZE HERMITAGE / CORNAS,透過專業角度品飲經典滋味。

現場品飲將使用英國著名產品設計師“Richard Brendon”與知名葡萄酒評論家“Jancis Robinson” MW OBE 跨界合作的Jancis Robinson手工杯。讓您可以最細膩的方式品飲法國北隆河的Syrah紅酒與Marsanne、Roussanne、Viognier白酒風味。



。講座時間:2024.05.26 (SUN)15:00-17:00
。活動費用:NTD$ 1500/人
(優惠價限VAVIN LINE OA報名,加入 )



紅酒 Red Wine :
François Villard Cornas Jouvet 2018
François Villard Croze-Hermitage Certitude 2017
François Villard Saint-Joseph Poivre et Sol 2018

白酒 White Wine :

François Villard Saint-Joseph Fruit d'Avilleran 2019
François Villard Croze-Hermitage Cour de Récré 2019
François Villard Condrieu Deponcins 2018


報名連結 Sign Up Link:

更多活動詳情 More Information:

🌸 母親節特別獻禮 Premium Gift Box for Mother’s Day🎁 精選香檳酒款 x 布根地 Monthélie 紅酒🥂 特惠價 SPECIAL PRICE:NTD$2990……….在母親節,一份禮物不僅僅是一份感謝的...

🌸 母親節特別獻禮 Premium Gift Box for Mother’s Day
🎁 精選香檳酒款 x 布根地 Monthélie 紅酒


禮盒包含一瓶國內各大知名米其林、Fine Dining餐廳選用之香檳,以及兼容優雅酸度與穩重杉木風味的布根地蒙蝶利紅酒

◎ 組合一般售價:NTD$4240 / 活動特惠:NTD$2990

On Mother's Day, a gift is not just an expression of appreciation but also a perfect moment to create beautiful memories with loved ones. On this special occasion, VAVIN presents Premium Gift Box for Mother’s Day.

The box includes a bottle of champagne selected by various renowned Michelin-starred and Fine Dining restaurants in Taiwan, along with a Burgundy Monthélie Red Wine which harmonizes elegant acidity with the flavor of cedar wood.

◎ Regular Price: NTD$4240 / Special Offer: NTD$2990

🎁【禮盒內容。Content of Gift Box】

-Marquis de Pomereuil Brut Sélection NV
-2021 Douhairet Porcheret Monthélie Cuvée Miss Armande

🎁【購買方式。How to Buy】
Contact VAVIN Official LINE:

#母親節快樂 #禮物推薦 #家庭第一 #慶祝母親 #葡萄酒 #酒盒 #酒窖 #台北 #台北饮料

在Vavin發現香醇的花香,品味Château de Maligny Chablis Premier Cru。✨ 由100%霞多麗釀造,其結構豐富的口感喚起了春天盛開的本質。🌸🌸由Durup家族代代相傳,像一束白花在清新的礦物質背景下綻放。...

在Vavin發現香醇的花香,品味Château de Maligny Chablis Premier Cru。✨



Discover at Vavin the floral elegance of Château de Maligny Chablis Premier Cru. ✨

Crafted from 100% Chardonnay, its structured palate evokes the blossoming essence of the season. 🌸🌸
Crafted by generations of the Durup family, unfolds like a bouquet of white flowers against a backdrop of refreshing minerality. 🍇

Enjoy this 2022 vintage, a hallmark of Chablis, while its round character and subtle structure perfectly complement lighter springtime fare. 🥂

// VAVIN ANNIVERSARY Party Wine List //**All You Can Drink**4/21 的無限暢飲派對即將來臨,快點來搶先看看當天酒單!還未報名的快點選表單🏃 🏃 🏃✨Booking Link: h...

// VAVIN ANNIVERSARY Party Wine List //
**All You Can Drink**

4/21 的無限暢飲派對即將來臨,快點來搶先看看當天酒單!還未報名的快點選表單🏃 🏃 🏃
✨Booking Link:

👇 👇 👇
░ 迎賓香檳Marquis de Pomereuil Brut Sélection
1/3 Pinot Noir、1/3 Pinot Meunier、 1/3 Chardonnay混釀⽽成。細緻的氣泡中帶著適宜的酸度。豐

Blending with 1/3 Pinot Noir、1/3 Pinot Meunier、 1/3 Chardonnay, this portion makes this
champagne have elegance on the bubbles and acidity. The nosing is characterized by the
richness of fruit, especially the aroma of melon, you can feel also the flavor of honey on the finish.

░ 紅酒Aubert et Mathieu Palooza 2020
香氣帶有野莓、藍莓、紅⾊漿果與風乾香草香料的味道。 此酒款為Syrah與芬香型⽩葡萄Viognier混
釀,⾼比例的Viognier(20-40%) 使酒體中的Syrah變得滑順柔軟,並帶有優雅的紫羅蘭花香、蜂蜜與

The wine is medium ruby in colour with a glaze of purple rim. Dense and “wild” on the nose with
mulberry, cranberry, wild berry, blue berry, semi-dried herbs, black pepper, cloves, licorice, wood
smoke, leather, curd meat-like savouriness, violet and a forest floor-like earthiness.

░ 紅酒Marques del Villar Joven 2021

Crafted in the classic Rioja style with a blend of Tempranillo and a small portion of Mazuelo (a.k.a.
Carignan in France). The wine is medium ruby in colour with hint of purple hue. Aromas is subtle and fragrant with red cherry, strawberry, raspberry, cranberry, sweet spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamon), fresh herbs (basil), tomato leaf, red flowers and a hint of toasted wood.

░ ⽩酒Les Vignerons Le Petit Parisien 2019

This wine is light lemon yellow in color and has aromas of peach, yellow apple, cantaloupe with good balance between body and acidity.

░ ⽩酒Deba Vinho Verde 2020

Light yellowish liquid with poor lacing. Intense aroma of citrus, lemon, grapefruit. Highly sour, low
sweetness, low bitterness taste of lime, lemon. Medium body, long lasting acidic aftertaste.

// 歡慶VAVIN周年┃週日葡萄酒無限暢飲派對 ////  VAVIN Anniversary ┃ All You Can Drink Sunday Party//恭喜VAVIN一歲了!🥳🎂在這個特別的日子裡,我們將於04.21(週日)舉...

// 歡慶VAVIN周年┃週日葡萄酒無限暢飲派對 //
// VAVIN Anniversary ┃ All You Can Drink Sunday Party//


派對名額限25人,04.15日前還享獨家早鳥價 1,399 $NTD/人。心動就得趕緊手刀報名!



【活動日期 Time】
2024/4/21 (SUN) 15:00~18:00
【活動地點 Place】
Vavin 酒盒子 (台北市大安區忠孝東路三段248巷59號1樓 / No. 59, Lane 248, Section 3, Zhongxiao E Rd, Da’an District, Taipei City)
【活動費用 Fee】
1,399 $NTD/Person
【費用包含 Content】
1 Welcome Glass of Champagne / all you can drink for 2 Red Wine, 2 White Wine and Secret bottles for surprise
【消費方式 Note】

During the activity, besides the all you can drink bottles, participant can enjoy free service charge on all item.

終於到了星期五!💁🏻‍♀️我們都度過了一個忙碌的一周,現在是時候放鬆一下了。🧘🏻‍♀️有什麼比用一杯精心挑選的美酒更好的方式呢?Vavin的門週末一直為您和您的朋友開放直到凌晨2:00。來吧,來打個招呼!🍇🤍Thank god it's F...





Thank god it's Friday! 💁🏻‍♀️

We've all been through a busy week, and it's time to unwind and relax. 🧘🏻‍♀️

What better way to do that than with a delicate, well-selected glass of wine? Vavin's doors are open for you and your friends until 2:00 am on weekends.

Come by and say hi! 🍇🤍

週五晚上還沒有活動嗎?來VAVIN一場美麗的藝術與紅酒之夜吧。慶祝婦女節,每位女性來賓皆可擁有一張屬於自己的水彩肖像畫。Still having no idea how to pass your Friday night? Come VAV...


Still having no idea how to pass your Friday night? Come VAVIN, and start a Special journey with Art and Wine. Salute to every confident and beautiful women, every female guest can get 1 free watercolor portrait for free.

Activity time・活動時間/ 8 March. 19:00-21:30

三八婦女節免費水彩肖像人畫,你預約名額了嗎?Get your own watercolor portrait on this Friday for free ! Reservation at 02-2563-8101 📞活動時間┃19:00...

Get your own watercolor portrait on this Friday for free ! Reservation at 02-2563-8101 📞

活動時間┃19:00- 21:30┃3月8號(週五)

【畫家介紹 / Painter History】


URNAVY 與URSTUDIO 的設計師與主理人,喜歡 探索時尚與美學的各種交匯。台灣與英國藝術設計的學習經歷融合了東方哲學與西 式美學,作品融合了東方細緻優雅和西方大方簡約,展現出獨特的跨文化魅力。

Currently a designer and principal of URNAVY and URSTUDIO, who enjoys exploring the intersection of fashion and aesthetics. Their educational background in art and design in Taiwan and the United Kingdom integrates Eastern philosophy with Western aesthetics, resulting in works that blend Eastern delicacy and Western simplicity, showcasing a unique cross-cultural charm.

👸敬女人們!在3月8號(週五)婦女節的晚上,我們邀請VAVIN的合作畫家Cindy Yang為每位光臨的女來賓畫一張屬於自己的水彩肖像畫!讓我們在這個特別的日子,用畫筆記下最美麗、自信的樣子🎨活動時間┃19:00- 21:30 免付費,現場...

👸敬女人們!在3月8號(週五)婦女節的晚上,我們邀請VAVIN的合作畫家Cindy Yang為每位光臨的女來賓畫一張屬於自己的水彩肖像畫!讓我們在這個特別的日子,用畫筆記下最美麗、自信的樣子🎨

活動時間┃19:00- 21:30 免付費,現場座位有限,歡迎來電預約 (02-2563-8101)


👸Happy Women’s Day! For celebration, we invited the founder of URNAVY and URSTUDIO, Cindy Yang to paint a watercolor portrait for each female guest! Let art capture our beautiful and confident look on this special day.🎨

It's FREE but places are limited! So hurry and reserve now (02-2563-8101)
Activity time: 19:00- 21:30

🎉 優雅迎接新的一年:探索VAVIN精選葡萄酒 🍷🐉 以VAVIN精選15款頂級葡萄酒,更有儀式感地慶祝龍年。 從優雅的白酒到具特色的紅酒,每瓶酒都經過精心挑選,適合搭配各種中式美食,完美您的用餐體驗。 無論是節慶聚會還是尋找完美的禮物,都...

🎉 優雅迎接新的一年:探索VAVIN精選葡萄酒 🍷

🐉 以VAVIN精選15款頂級葡萄酒,更有儀式感地慶祝龍年。 從優雅的白酒到具特色的紅酒,每瓶酒都經過精心挑選,適合搭配各種中式美食,完美您的用餐體驗。 無論是節慶聚會還是尋找完美的禮物,都能為您的農曆新年慶祝活動增添優雅的氛圍。 🎊

🔥 不要錯過這個迎接龍年的精緻方式!立即探索我們的頂級葡萄酒。 🐲

👉 點擊連結,探索我們的葡萄酒選擇

✨ Accupass價格:NTD$1990/ 人
✨ Vavin LINE會員價格:NTD$1750/ 人

💫 品飲、食物內容
15種酒款品酒組合(25ml/ 杯),總計375毫升的葡萄酒(半瓶葡萄酒)

#龍年 #農曆新年 #頂級葡萄酒 #時尚慶祝

🎉 Welcome the new year with elegance: discover VAVIN’s selection of wines 🍷

🐉 Celebrate the Year of the Dragon in a more ceremonial way with VAVIN’s selection of 15 top wines. From elegant white wines to distinctive red wines, each bottle has been carefully selected to pair with a variety of Chinese delicacies, perfecting your dining experience. Whether it's a festive gathering or searching for the perfect gift, add an elegant touch to your Lunar New Year celebrations. 🎊

🔥 Don’t miss this exquisite way to welcome the Year of the Dragon! Discover our top wines today. 🐲

👉 Click on the link to explore our wine selection

✨ Accupass price: NTD$1990/person
✨ Vavin LINE membership price: NTD$1750/person

💫 Drinks:
Tasting set of 15 wines (25ml/glass),

#龙年 # Lunar New Year # Top Wine # FashionCelebration


從隆格多克·魯西雍的靈感和幻想中,深入了解歐伯與馬修的世界。🇫🇷✨從紅葡萄酒到白葡萄酒和玫瑰粉紅酒,他們的葡萄酒傳達了以生態友好方式種植葡萄的承諾。 🍇歐伯與馬修倡導對生態友好的葡萄種植方式,傾聽大自然,盡量避免在葡萄樹和酒窖中添加合成產品...

從紅葡萄酒到白葡萄酒和玫瑰粉紅酒,他們的葡萄酒傳達了以生態友好方式種植葡萄的承諾。 🍇



Inspiration and fantasy from Languedoc Roussillon, dive into the world of Aubert & Mathieu. 🇫🇷✨
From reds to whites and rosés, their wines express a commitment to eco-conscious viticulture. 🍇

Aubert & Mathieu campaigns for viticulture that makes sense, listening to nature and avoiding the addition of synthetic products to the vines and cellars as much as possible.🌏🤍

It’s available at Vavin, in our cellar in Zhongxiao Fuxing.🛍️🥰

您是一位追求卓越品味的葡萄酒愛好者嗎?我們為您嚴選酒款,為您呈獻來自著名歐洲莊園的頂級葡萄酒。為何選擇Vavin 酒盒子呢?✨ 有來自歐洲最佳葡萄酒莊的獨家葡萄酒款✨ 於我們的商店門市和酒吧享會員專屬福利✨ 便利的配送到府,為您提供無憂的體...


為何選擇Vavin 酒盒子呢?

✨ 有來自歐洲最佳葡萄酒莊的獨家葡萄酒款
✨ 於我們的商店門市和酒吧享會員專屬福利
✨ 便利的配送到府,為您提供無憂的體驗



Are you a wine lover seeking a premium experience? Our selection is made for you, bringing you the best from renowned European domains.

Why choose Vavin Box?

✨ Exclusive wines from the best European vineyards
✨ Enjoy members perks at our Shop and Bar
✨ Convenient delivery to your door for a hassle-free experience

To become a member at Vavin, register on our website via link in bio. 
Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of an exclusive wine community in Taipei!

春季台北國際精緻酒展將於1/19 (週五)~1/22 (週一) 世貿一館展開。VAVIN 酒盒子將帶來多款特別酒展限定優惠之酒款!詳細活動資訊請見下方邀請函。歡迎來攤位C803與我們相見歡 :)*Come to meet VAVIN tea...

春季台北國際精緻酒展將於1/19 (週五)~1/22 (週一) 世貿一館展開。VAVIN 酒盒子將帶來多款特別酒展限定優惠之酒款!


歡迎來攤位C803與我們相見歡 :)
Come to meet VAVIN team "Taipei International Fine Wine Expo 2024 » Open from 1/19 (Friday) to 1/22 (Monday) ! Come to meet us and find our special offer exclusively for Wine Fair.

For more information of Wine Fair, please see the invitation card below.

Look forward to seeing you at booth C803!

Vavin呈獻第四場電影之夜:"Le Diner de Con"Register here, for free ⬇️⬇️

"Le Diner de Con"

Register here, for free ⬇️⬇️




由法蘭西斯·韋貝執導,"Le Diner de Con" 由雅克·維勒雷和蒂埃里·勒米特主演。



Vavin Present the fourth movie night :
“Le Diner de Con"

A classic of the French Cinema.

Wine is ont the Menu !

Pierre, one of the hosts of the dinner, invites François, an awkward and unwitting fool.
As the night unfolds, comedic chaos ensues as François inadvertently wreaks havoc, creating a hilarious and absurd evening for everyone involved.

Le diner de Con is directed by Francis Veber, starring Jacques Villeret and Thierry Lhermitte.

介紹兩道讓您在夜晚念念不忘的新菜色。🍽️首先是使用來自超級波爾多酒莊的Château Port du Roy Quinsac製作的勃艮第紅酒燉牛肉,由頂級安格斯Prime 牛肋條搭配煙燻豬油、胡蘿蔔,以及來自巴黎的蘑菇。再來是我們的法式獵人...


首先是使用來自超級波爾多酒莊的Château Port du Roy Quinsac製作的勃艮第紅酒燉牛肉,由頂級安格斯Prime 牛肋條搭配煙燻豬油、胡蘿蔔,以及來自巴黎的蘑菇。

再來是我們的法式獵人醬汁燉雞肉,搭配來自La Famille K的薄酒萊夏多內白酒,優雅地風味與經典焗烤馬鈴薯一同上菜。


Introducing two new dish to make your evening memorable. 🍽️��Beef Bourguignon, prepared in Château Port du Roy Quinsac Bordeaux Supérieur, accompanied by smoked lard, carrot, Parisian mushroom de Paris, and Finger Rib Prime.
As well as our Poulet Chasseur, featuring White Wine Beaujolais Chardonnay from La Famille K, elegantly served alongside the timeless gratin dauphinois.��What are you waiting for ?

聖誕季節到了,跟我們一起享受非凡的美酒時光吧!🎄Vavin俱樂部會員每個月會送上兩瓶由我們的專業侍酒師精心挑選的美酒佳釀,確保你的酒藏總是一流水準。✨現在就上我們的網站直接搶購吧!👩🏻‍💻It’s christmas season, unw...


It’s christmas season, unwrap exceptional wines with us.🎄
The Vavin Club Membership delivers two carefully selected bottles each month, curated by our expert sommelier, ensuring that your wine collection is always top-notch. ✨
It is available directly through our website. 👩🏻‍💻

**Starting today !!**♨️十二月的 Vavin 變得更加溫馨舒適囉!🎄從12月7日到14日,我們將限定供應熱紅酒。別錯過這個季節美味!✨December just got a whole lot cozier at Va...

**Starting today !!**♨️
十二月的 Vavin 變得更加溫馨舒適囉!🎄


December just got a whole lot cozier at Vavin! 🎄
From December 7th to 14th, we're serving up Vin Chaud (Mulled Wine).

Don't miss out on this seasonal delight ! ✨




✨This wine shows medium ruby color with a ruby hue. You can perceive dark berry aromas such as cherry, blackcurrant, blackberry and blueberry, followed by herbal notes (mint and licorice) and violet flowers. The wine is fresh and round in the mouth: juicy berry flavors (cherry, blackberry and blueberry)alongside mint and a hint of bell pepper. A lovely acidity and silky tannins make this wine very well balanced.🍇🍇
This is a biodynamic wine,showcasing biodynamic farming and nonintervention winemaking. 🍷



Opening Hours

Monday 11:00 - 00:00
Tuesday 11:00 - 00:00
Wednesday 11:00 - 00:00
Thursday 11:00 - 00:00
Friday 11:00 - 02:00
Saturday 13:00 - 02:00
Sunday 13:00 - 20:00




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