I was about to resign from my previous employment when this idea started. Before Christian bookstores were few and no gift items were available. Since I love art, I always went to Baguio and took pictures of flowers, leaves, and scenic views. I was selling my photographs to Alemar’s Bookstore. I thought, perchance, Christian Bookstores might be interested in the idea of selling non-book items in t
heir branch offices. Reassured by this verse that spoke to my mind and spirit, I obeyed the Lord’s call:
As the rain and snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, SO IS MY WORD THAT GOES OUT FROM MY MOUTH: IT WILL NOT RETURN TO ME EMPTY, BUT WILL ACCOMPLISH WHAT I DESIRE AND ACHIEVE THE PURPOSE FOR WHICH I SENT IT. Isaiah 55:10-11
This is another way of presenting the Gospel to people. What a happy occasion every time I hear a story about a person changed his/her life because of the Word in our bookmarks. It speaks to people. There was a time when a person was about to end his life when he read our poster. His life was transformed. I started selling cards to OMF Literature. Since it was only a single inspirational line then, and the management was testing the products, it moved slowly. That was the first risk I had to take, but it was a calculated one because God’s promise was there:
Not one of all the good promises the Lord your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled. -Joshua 23:14
With much prayer, one of my friends helped me to manage the very small enterprise. Up until now, my debt of gratitude to this woman, Mila Yu, is extraordinary. She was the first employee of Easter Morning while I concentrated on the artistic side of the company. Mila graduated from FEBIAS College of Bible, and was a missionary to the orphaned kids in Bukidnon. Mil was kind, loving, motherly, prayerful, and had a heart to serve. She was a true reflection of what it meant to be a follower of Christ. She was my confidant and most beloved sister in the Lord. Her presence had a very positive influence on all our staff. Her contribution to the growth of the company is immeasurable. The Lord took her home on February 17, 2004. By God’s grace, the market grew. We hired a salesman and a bookkeeper. We could not keep up with the customers. Orders kept coming in from different regions in the Philippines, Australia, England, USA, Singapore, Malaysia, and one big travelling ship Doulos. It was God’s spirit that made the difference. How true that when “the Spirit is given to us from heaven, desert will become orchards thick as fertile forest” -Isaiah 32:5
-Ms. Esbelita Go, Founder of Easter Morning