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Wijnkelder 4U We hand-pick the best wine for an affordable price and bring them to your house, so you can enjoy a


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How to understand that the wine is spoiled❓It is almost impossible to buy counterfeit wine in liquor stores, but it can ...

How to understand that the wine is spoiled❓

It is almost impossible to buy counterfeit wine in liquor stores, but it can be low-quality drink. Wine can be made violating technology and hygiene requirements, it can be oxidized, and also have other pitfalls.

After opening the bottle and filling the glass with wine, you should take a closer look at the appearance of the drink. It is better to highlight the poured liquid with a bright lamp or flashlight. High-quality wines, even rich reds, should be transparent and without extraneous inclusions.

VIsually evaluating young white wines, it is not only purity and transparency, but the shade is also important. Such wines should be slightly golden, perhaps with a slight greenish or lemon tint. If a young dry white wine casts amber this indicates that it is most likely oxidized, i.e. prematurely aged.

High-quality wines are not characterized by vegetable smells. If there is a "shade" of cauliflower, green peas or potatoes in the aroma of the drink, this may indicate mistakes made during its production. For example, for red wines, if the manufacturing technology is not followed, the aroma of boiled beets may appear.

For white wines, an indicator of poor quality is the presence of light smells of a soaked apple, an old cellar or rotten foliage. These tones in the aroma of the wine indicate that it has "inhaled" oxygen and deteriorated.

Also, a strong smell of wet cardboard can give out unsuitable wine for consumption. It signals not about the issue with the wine itself, but about the defect of the cork.

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☀️ Why is the sunlight dangerous for wineThe sun rays can spoil any wine in just a few hours.If you don't want the smell...

☀️ Why is the sunlight dangerous for wine

The sun rays can spoil any wine in just a few hours.

If you don't want the smell of boiled cabbage, wet cardboard and wet dog to appear in your bottle instead of fruit and floral aromas, make sure that the wine and sunlight are far from each other.

🍇 What happens to wine in the sun

The light affects the wine when the ultraviolet rays reach the bottle. This activates the riboflavin (vitamin B2) and pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) contained in the wine. The active molecules react with amino acids, which are also present in wine. As a result, sulfur-containing compounds are formed, which give the wine an unpleasant smell.

🍾 Does the glass protect from sunlight

A lot depends on the type of glass: amber-colored bottles, which are rarely used by winemakers, almost completely protect the wine from UV rays, in transparent bottles the wine spoils after 3 hours in the sun; in green ones after 18 hours.

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What is a bouquet ❓🍇 A bouquet is a combination of all the aromas that wine gives us. All the original aromas of the win...

What is a bouquet ❓

🍇 A bouquet is a combination of all the aromas that wine gives us. All the original aromas of the wine are formed into a complete bouquet after fermentation – during the aging process. It can take place in stainless steel or cement containers, in clay amphorae, in oak barrels and in a bottle.

We perceive the bouquet through the nose and through the larynx. In the professional environment of sommeliers, there is also their own slang, so the stages of recognizing a bouquet in wine are simply called "nose".

The first nose.
Evaluation of the aroma of the wine immediately after it is poured into a glass, without stirring. This is only the first impression of the wine, because under such conditions the aroma has not yet fully opened.

The second nose.
It takes a few seconds to shake the wine in the glass in a circular motion to give it the opportunity to quickly get enough oxygen. In this way, we can estimate the intensity of most of the aromas of the bouquet.

The third nose.
A glass of wine should stand for some time so that it can be determined how the aromatic components of the wine will change after interaction with oxygen and which flavors are most stable.

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🍷 How the wine list looks like and why it is neededIn any restaurant there is a menu, a list of dishes offered. In decen...

🍷 How the wine list looks like and why it is needed

In any restaurant there is a menu, a list of dishes offered. In decent establishments there is also a wine list that informs about drinks.

Nowadays, the quality of the wine list is evaluated not by the number of items and prices, but by the matching with the food offered.

Usually the wine list start with a page with a small list of wines that you can order by the glass. This is convenient if you want to try a new wine for yourself, but you are not willing to take a whole bottle. For example, for a light snack, you take a glass of white, and for a meat - a glass of red. Then everything is also logical: a section of white wines representing several wine regions of different countries, indicating at least for each position the corresponding producers and the year of harvest. Then the same with red wines.

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🍏 Dried fruits aroma of the wineOxygen in small doses enters the wine through micro-cracks in oak barrels or through a c...

🍏 Dried fruits aroma of the wine

Oxygen in small doses enters the wine through micro-cracks in oak barrels or through a cork. Under the influence of oxygen, sometimes very unusual aromas appear in wine.

For red wines, fresh ripe fruits begin to turn into dried fruits – raisins, dried cherries, slightly smoked prunes or figs. Along with them, more piquant aromas appear – to***co, earth and rotten foliage, mushrooms, and even animal notes.

The aromas of dried apricots, orange marmalade, notes of almonds and candied fruits begin to develop in white wines. In some dessert wines, aromas of dried pear or dried apple may appear during aging. This is the result of the action of oxygen in the wine during aging. Sometimes similar aromas appear in young, not yet aged wines, but then they are a sign of a defect, because young wines should show fresh, bright primary aromatics. The excessive influence of oxygen makes them flat and faded.

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What is organic wine❓🔹 The meaning of organics is to get everything from the earth to the maximum, without forcing it wi...

What is organic wine❓

🔹 The meaning of organics is to get everything from the earth to the maximum, without forcing it with non-decomposing and poorly decomposing inorganic fertilizers. The main attention is paid to the chemical purity of the land and grapes. All fertilizers, of course, are natural.

🔸 If in biodynamics, for example, it is necessary to plow on horses and collect grapes by hand, then in organic it is not necessary to— you can plow with a tractor and collect with a special equipment.

🔹 The main thing is to confirm the biochemical purity of the earth in the relevant committees. But this is not so simple: if the land was in agricultural use before, it most likely that it was fertilized with non-organic substances, and it takes years to get rid of it.

🔸 Organic wine can be recognized by the certificates on the label, they are distributed by organizations which will certify the ecological purity of your vineyard. In most European countries, special units are engaged in this. Organic products are not so rare on the shelves of our supermarkets — just take a closer look at the labels.

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💰 The dependency between the price of the wine and its taste. New researchResearchers at the University of Basel in Swit...

💰 The dependency between the price of the wine and its taste. New research

Researchers at the University of Basel in Switzerland conducted an experiment during which 140 volunteers tasted three brands of Italian red wines from the 2013 harvest. Scientists have come to the conclusion that the cost of wine affects the perception of its taste qualities: the drink becomes more pleasant for the taster when he/she thinks that the wine is more expensive.

Each participant of the experiment received six glasses. Three of them had experimental wines without specifying the price, and three had the same drinks, but with price tags. Moreover, the correct value was indicated on some, and the false value was indicated on others. The volunteers had to rate the "pleasantness" and "intensity of taste" of each sample on a scale from one to six.

As a result, all three wines were rated as equally pleasant, when there was no price information on the glasses. The tasters did not feel the difference. At the same time, the cheapest wine seemed tastier when it had a label with an inflated price: the pleasantness of the cheapest wine, for 10 francs, increased by 20% when a price tag of 30 francs was attached to the bottle.

At the same time, the underestimation of the price of a drink for 65 francs did not reduce its rating. It turns out that false information about the cost of a bottle can make the taste of cheap alcohol more pleasant, but does not worsen the taste of expensive.

However, the criteria "taste intensity" turned out to be more stable: the more expensive wine was rated higher regardless of whether the participants were provided with true or false information. The wine for 65 francs was recognized as having the most vivid taste.

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Why wine "choke" ❓Oxygen and wine are an inseparable couple who are always close to each other. When they are balanced, ...

Why wine "choke" ❓

Oxygen and wine are an inseparable couple who are always close to each other. When they are balanced, everything is fine. But as soon as the oxygen gets out of control, problems begin.

Oxygen can have both a positive effect on wine and a negative one.

😬 If there is too much oxygen, this is a problem

This situation is called "oxidation" - the wine is strongly saturated with oxygen and begins to age sharply. It loses its freshness and aroma: white becomes like sherry, and red-gradually turns into port.

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to save your precious drink anymore. It is better to use this wine for some delicious sauce.

🙏 If there is not enough oxygen – then what?

The wine begins to "choke". Very unpleasant odors appear in it, similar to boiled cabbage or even spoiled eggs.

But don't worry! The situation can always be fixed – you need to use a decanter. Pour the wine into a decanter and let it "breathe" for 30-40 minutes. This will help to erode the bad smell, get rid of the sediment and improve the overall aroma. The wine is saved – everyone is happy.

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What is a gravity winery❓🔹 A gravity winery is built on the slope of a mountain or a hill so that the wine moves by itse...

What is a gravity winery❓

🔹 A gravity winery is built on the slope of a mountain or a hill so that the wine moves by itself from the press to the place of fermentation and subsequent aging — gravity acts on it.

🔸 The winemaker does not have to pour the juice — it flows down through special gutters or pipes. The less a person interferes in the process of winemaking, the better it is, according to biodynamists.

🔹 Designed by Basque architect Iñaki Postadasu, the Spanish bodega Baigorri from Rioja is the world's first modern gravity winery, its production process does not use pumps.

🔸 Too simple at first glance, the structure, a glass cube among endless vineyards, is just the tip of the iceberg. There are 6 more levels below it. We can say that the building is implanted in the hill.

🔹 The features of the technology were taken into account when designing the lower level of the winery, where the production itself is located. Its architecture is inscribed in a hilly landscape and goes deep into the ground, where there are cellars for storing barrels of wine.

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🍷 Wine storageExperienced collectors know that it is better to buy wine for storage at the young age, because in this ca...

🍷 Wine storage

Experienced collectors know that it is better to buy wine for storage at the young age, because in this case the owner can fully control the process of its maturation, and because young wine is always more accessible. At the same time, it is necessary to be driven not only by the fact that the chosen wine tolerates aging well, but also by the possibility of improving its qualities with each year.

The ability of wines to age, and therefore to develop over time, depends on the soil, the vine, the production technology, the year of harvest and the skill of the technologist. Each particular drink has its own "finest hour" – the time when it becomes the embodiment of all the best that was given to it by nature and the caring hands of the winemaker. And this peak depends on several factors: the proportion of sugar, acidity, alcohol level and the amount of tannins. Each of them plays the role of natural preservatives in wine.

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✨ Buying a wine - we buy the feelingsThe owners of wine collections in this sense are really lucky people who create the...

✨ Buying a wine - we buy the feelings

The owners of wine collections in this sense are really lucky people who create the opportunity to get a variety of impressions from a whole range of noble drinks. Wine is, perhaps, the best of all possible investments in pleasure, bringing impressive dividends over the years.

Creating a wine collection is an extremely exciting business, on the one hand, and does not tolerate frivolity, on the other. To start collecting you can just buy a couple of bottles of your favorite wine.

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The advantages of different wine packaging.🔸 BottleAlthough humanity got acquainted with glass much earlier, but it was ...

The advantages of different wine packaging.

🔸 Bottle
Although humanity got acquainted with glass much earlier, but it was only the beginning of XVII century when they began active usage of it for the production of wine bottles.

- neutral material
- relative strength
- traditional look and feel

🔹 Plastic bottle
It turns out that you can pour not only lemonades and milk into plastic bottles, but also wine. A plastic bottle opens up an unlimited possibilities for imagination in terms of its shape, color, design, etc.

- light weight
- easy to recycle
- variety of shapes and sizes
- modern look
- lower cost price

🔸 Tin can
A popular packaging for soda, the tin can is gradually gaining an increasing market share as a packaging for wine. Large chains around the world are actively introducing wine in tin cans into their assortment.

- light weight
- easy to recycle
- modern look
- lower price
- easy to open
- neutral material

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What is the difference between horizontal and vertical tastings ❓🍷 Horizontal tastingCompletely different wines can part...

What is the difference between horizontal and vertical tastings ❓

🍷 Horizontal tasting

Completely different wines can participate in the horizontal tasting. But more often a specific topic is chosen, for example, "Comparison of Pinot Noirs from around the world" or "Sparkling wines using traditional technology".

In the horizontal tasting, a large variability is possible. Wines may differ in prices, relate to different levels of quality, have different vintages. The organizer of the tasting, of course, can narrow the choice, for example, to "Budget red wines of the south of France up to 20 euros".

🍇 Vertical tasting

Vertical tasting involves comparing different vintages of the same wine. In this case, both vintages with the weather conditions difference, or the best vintages of this particular wine can be selected. In the first case, the taster himself will have to understand the difference between the years, since each will be at least a little different from the other.

Another kind of vertical tasting can be a comparison of the wines of several wineries from the same appellation, but different vintages.

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👀 Wine can be good for your eyes👁 Scientists have found that moderate wine consumption can reduce the risk of cataracts....

👀 Wine can be good for your eyes

👁 Scientists have found that moderate wine consumption can reduce the risk of cataracts. The study says that the amount of wine that potentially benefits should not exceed 14 servings per week. One serving is roughly equal to 80 ml of wine with 13% alcohol.

🙌 This joint study was conducted by Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and University College London's Institute of Ophthalmology. Two groups of people took part in it: the first drank wine five times a week and more often, in the second they did not drink wine. In the first group, the risk of cataracts decreased by 23%. The indicators of those who mainly drank beer, cider or strong alcohol did not change.

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Which countries drink wine the most ❓👐 The statistics below are presented for 2020, compared to 2019.- USA – 33 million ...

Which countries drink wine the most ❓

👐 The statistics below are presented for 2020, compared to 2019.

- USA – 33 million hectoliters
- France – 24.7 million HL
- Italy – 24.5 million (an increase of 7.5%)
- Germany – 19.8 (an increase of 0.2%)
- United Kingdom – 13.3 million (an increase of 2.2%)
- China – 12.4 million (a decrease of 17.4%)
- Russia – 10.3 million HL (a rise of 3%)
- Spain – 9.6 million HL (a decline of 6.8%)
- Argentina – 9.4 million HL (an increase of 6.5%)
- Australia – 5.7 million (a decline of 3.7%)

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What is the use of oak for wine ❓🔹 Contact with oak wood makes the wine softer. As a result of oak influence, the taste ...

What is the use of oak for wine ❓

🔹 Contact with oak wood makes the wine softer. As a result of oak influence, the taste generally becomes better.

🔸 After keeping wine in barrels for some time, the Romans, and later other wine lovers, discovered that oak barrels give wine new interesting qualities. Some wines become simply more pleasant to drink, and some good wines acquire a special character.

🔹 Notes of cloves, cinnamon, vanilla develop in the aroma under the influence of the oak and tones of the same vanilla, caramel and butter appear in the taste.

🔸 As the practice of storing and transporting wine in barrels set up, both winemakers, merchants, and the military began to notice that during transportation the wine changes under the influence of wood. And practice on conscious aging in oak barrels began.

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🙎‍♀️ Women and wine🍷 What attracts women to wine? What kind of wine do they prefer? The organizers of Vinexpo tried to g...

🙎‍♀️ Women and wine

🍷 What attracts women to wine? What kind of wine do they prefer? The organizers of Vinexpo tried to get answers to these questions.

🍖 As a result, it turned out that for 85.5% of women, wine is an attribute of a balanced diet.

🛢 Moreover, in Germany, this figure rises to 87.8%, in the United States-to 96.9%, and in France, on the contrary, it falls to 77.7%. Most women drink wine because they like its taste (79.3%) and because it goes well with food (69%).

🍇 And only 12.3% drink wine because it is good for health, and 10.8% - because it is fashionable. Interestingly, even among French women, following fashion (1.3%) and health (7.9%) is in last place, while more important advantages of wine are pairing with food (65.7%) and taste (62.7%).

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Complex wine, what is it about ❓🍇 The complexity is not about making a bouquet and waiting for it to bloom. With a compl...

Complex wine, what is it about ❓

🍇 The complexity is not about making a bouquet and waiting for it to bloom. With a complex wine, everything is ... more complicated.
Among the remarks about wine that will always flatter the winemaker – " oh, what a complexity!".

🍷 He will nod to this approving your taste and insight. As if you noted the color of his wife's eyes or the good manners of his dog. But what is the complexity of wine? And where does it come from?

👨‍💼 A complex wine has a multi-layered aroma which opens with each sip. It does not have one obvious tone, which is "as nailed, so it keeps", but there is an initial note, development and aftertaste.

❗ Complexity is the main thing that makes wine more interesting than grape juice (in addition to alcohol).

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How do they make non-alcoholic wine❓💨 Non-alcoholic wine is not appearing from nowhere. First, wine is made according to...

How do they make non-alcoholic wine❓

💨 Non-alcoholic wine is not appearing from nowhere. First, wine is made according to classic technology, and then alcohol is getting removed from it. In most cases, by simple heating.

📌 But some manufacturers, in an attempt to preserve as much as possible not only the useful, but also the consumer properties of the drink, use more complex technologies: much more gentle distillation with water v***r and "reverse osmosis" - high-tech filtration based on different sizes of water and alcohol molecules, when wine is not heated at all.

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Who is sommelier❓🍷 If we talk about a modern sommelier-an employee of a restaurant, then it is a person who gives recomm...

Who is sommelier❓

🍷 If we talk about a modern sommelier-an employee of a restaurant, then it is a person who gives recommendations wines and drinks, their pairing with each other and with the food, as well as serving these drinks at the table.

📌 However, the modern profession of sommelier is not limited to the restaurant hall.

Today a sommelier can be defined as👇
An expert who has the skills of wine tasting, knowledge about its production, varieties, storage, serving and pairing with other drinks and food.

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How to hold a wine glass correctly ❓❌ In general, as it suits you. But it is useful to know how not to do it.- It is not...

How to hold a wine glass correctly ❓

❌ In general, as it suits you. But it is useful to know how not to do it.

- It is not customary to hold a glass for a cup at the party and in the restaurant, so not to stain the glass: a dirty glass, especially a large one, does not look comme il faut;
- Etiquette consultants note the sticking out of the little finger: a gesture that is treacherously difficult to control, but it is considered vulgar in decent society;
- It is also not appropriate hold a leg in your fist.

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❗ Fact: The stronger the alcohol, more calories it contains 🙈 The highest in calories wines, as a rule, have the highest...

❗ Fact: The stronger the alcohol, more calories it contains

🙈 The highest in calories wines, as a rule, have the highest alcohol content. Oddly enough, alcohol is responsible for 7 calories per gram of wine, and carbohydrates (sugar) – for 4 calories per gram. This means that some sweet wines contain fewer calories than dry ones!

🔬 It is believed that dry wines have an alcohol content of about 11% to 14%. However, checking the percentage of alcohol in wines at the grocery store shows that many dry wines often have more than 15% alcohol. As a result, a standard 170-gram glass of 15% dry wine contains 175 calories.

✨ Sweet wines with a very high alcohol content (such as port wine, for example) contain twice as many calories - due to both alcohol and sugar.

📌 Port wine usually contains 20% alcohol and about 100 g / l of residual sugar. As a result, a standard 56-gram glass of port wine contains 103 calories.

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📌 Steel tanks or Wooden barrels✨ Almost any modern winery uses both steel tanks and oak barrels for fermentation and agi...

📌 Steel tanks or Wooden barrels

✨ Almost any modern winery uses both steel tanks and oak barrels for fermentation and aging of wines. Both have their pros and cons.

🛢 Steel tanks are not only easy to use, their design initially includes the ability to carry out strict control of the fermentation temperature. Tanks made of high-quality steel give a stable result from year to year - and this is the main reason why they are chosen by winemakers.

🍇 Wooden barrels are more difficult to maintain, their use period is limited. It is also true that the poor condition of a wooden barrel is often the cause of microbiological problems. But cleanliness and care are only one side of the coin. It's not only difficult to keep wooden barrels in good physical and microbiological condition, it is also more expensive and takes more time. However, it's worth it.

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The smell is not about wine ❗️🍷 This is not a flavoring agent, unless, of course, we are talking about wines not from te...

The smell is not about wine ❗️

🍷 This is not a flavoring agent, unless, of course, we are talking about wines not from tetrapak! You can't even imagine how much effort a winemaker must make to highlight or achieve a certain flavor in a wine.

💨 The wine doesn't smell. Speaking about wine, it is necessary to completely exclude the word smell from your lexicon, and replace it with a fragrance, a nose of wine or even a bouquet.

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Four characteristics of wines that "age" well ❓The bottle, cork and storage method have a great influence on the duratio...

Four characteristics of wines that "age" well ❓

The bottle, cork and storage method have a great influence on the duration and quality of aging of wine, but, in addition, the wine itself must have certain characteristics.

🔸 Acidity
More acidic wines tend to last longer. As the wine ages, it slowly loses its acidity and evens out. A wine that started its life with a lower acidity is unlikely to have a high quality in the long run. As a rule, wine with a higher level of acidity has a longer shelf life as it ages.

🔹 Tannins
Tannins act as a structural stabilizing component, and red wines with a higher tannin content tend to age better than red wines with a lower tannin content.

🔹 Residual sugar
This component of wine is often overlooked due to the popularity of dry wine aging. But it turns out that the wines that age best tend to have an increased sweetness. Such as port, sherry, sauternes and riesling.

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🍷 Wine etiquette🔹 Mankind has been using wine and other alcoholic beverages for many centuries, during this time a uniqu...

🍷 Wine etiquette

🔹 Mankind has been using wine and other alcoholic beverages for many centuries, during this time a unique usage culture has been formed.

🔸 Grape wine and dry champagne are usually drunk from glasses on a thin stem with a volume of 200-250 ml. Glasses for these drinks should have a tulip-shaped shape. Semi-dry champagne and sparkling wines are recommended to drink from high 100-milliliter glasses of a conical shape.

🔹 In order to emphasize the taste and aromatic properties of the wine, it is cooled. For example, table white wines up to 12 degrees, table red wines and cognacs up to 18 degrees, dessert wines and red champagne up to 16 degrees, stronger wines up to 20 degrees.

🔸 Low-alcohol wines should be drunk slowly, in small sips. This way the taste, aroma and other advantages of the drink are better felt. And don`t top up a glass till the very edge, that is not appropriate!

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Where to store wine in the house ❓❄️ It is logical to assume that in the kitchen, but this is a big mistake. In this roo...

Where to store wine in the house ❓

❄️ It is logical to assume that in the kitchen, but this is a big mistake. In this room, perhaps, the temperature changes most often. Can you imagine how hard it will be for a drink? Thinking outside the box and organizing storage in the bathroom is also not worth it. The humidity is too high there.

🙏 Wine bottles feel great in mini-bars and in special racks: floor, table, suspended or built-in. By the way, you can even organize a storage space in the wardrobe. For this purpose, the upper shelves are suitable. It is dark and it is unlikely that essential things are stored there, which means that the bottles will be kept in comfort and peace.

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🍾 Storage of open wine🙈 Wine can be stored for many years, improving its taste and aroma. However, after opening, its sh...

🍾 Storage of open wine

🙈 Wine can be stored for many years, improving its taste and aroma. However, after opening, its shelf life is very short. Compared to other types of alcoholic beverages, the storage period of an open bottle of wine is much shorter.

🔹 Sparkling wines: no more than 24 hours. Immediately after opening, the wine begins to run out of CO. Without a good cork, it is unlikely to last more than 4 hours.

🔸 White wines: 1-3 days. Fresh fruit aroma of white wine disappears very quickly as soon as the bottle is opened. For heavier wines, this happens more slowly. For example, Chardonnay aged in oak barrels retains its properties longer than Riesling or Sauvignon Blanc.

🔹 Rose wines: 1-3 days. Light rose wines, like white ones, fade quickly. More dense kinds can retain their sophistication for several days.

🔸 Light-bodied red wines: 1-3 days. Just like white and rose wines, such wines have a fresh fruity aroma that quickly disappears.

🔹 Full-bodied red wines: 1-5 days. Some types, such as Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah, can even improve their qualities within a day or two after opening, especially if they are young and have a lot of tannins. Oxygen softens them and releases aroma. After a few days, this result disappears.

🔸 Sweet and strong dessert wines: 7 days. A high percentage of alcohol and sugar allows such wines to withstand the onslaught of oxygen for longer. Sauternes, Port Wine, Sherry and Madeira can be stored in the refrigerator for a week after opening.

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Why you can't keep wine in the fridge❓❄️ The most unsuitable place in the apartment for wine stocks is the refrigerator....

Why you can't keep wine in the fridge❓

❄️ The most unsuitable place in the apartment for wine stocks is the refrigerator.

🛑 First, the natural processes occurring in wine are suspended in the cold. Imagine, a living drink dies, even falls into a lethargic sleep – it clearly loses everything in taste.

💨 Secondly, the smell. They may leak through the cork and hopelessly spoil the delicate aroma. Only an opened bottle can be stored in the refrigerator. And then not for long – the period depends on the type and age of the wine.

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How long are red wines stored ❓🔸 Red wines, on average, can be stored for 2-10 years depending on the type of wine, the ...

How long are red wines stored ❓

🔸 Red wines, on average, can be stored for 2-10 years depending on the type of wine, the balance of sugar, acid and tannins.

🔹 Among the red wines there are also those that can be aged and developed for 20-50, and even 100 years! We are talking, of course, about the great wines of Burgundy and Bordeaux.

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🍾 Keep the bottles in a horizontal position.💨 If you store wine this way, the cork is in constant contact with it keepin...

🍾 Keep the bottles in a horizontal position.

💨 If you store wine this way, the cork is in constant contact with it keeping it moist and not allowing the enemy of the wine - oxygen - to leak into the bottle. When oxigen comes into contact with wine, it begins to oxidize, its aromas, taste and color deteriorate.

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🍷 Wine storage temperature🔹 The optimal temperature for storing grape wine is 10-12°C, for strong dessert wines — 14-16°...

🍷 Wine storage temperature

🔹 The optimal temperature for storing grape wine is 10-12°C, for strong dessert wines — 14-16°C.

🔸 At a higher temperature, the wine will start to mature too quickly, without having time to develop its best qualities, at a lower temperature, its maturation will slow down.

🔹 The temperature should be constant, since its fluctuations or a significant change can harm the wine.

✉️ If you have any questions, PM me

🔉 The wine should not be impacted by shocks or vibrations.🧪 This significantly increases the rate of chemical decomposit...

🔉 The wine should not be impacted by shocks or vibrations.

🧪 This significantly increases the rate of chemical decomposition.

🤫 Find a place where nothing will disturb your collection. If possible, try not to move the bottles at all while they are being stored.

✉️ If you have any questions, PM me



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