The more you learn and listen the better you are
Dear CEOs and Managers, have you ever wonder why your people can’t be creative with their solutions? Why you have to often jump in to offer help?
Wait, chances are you are jumping in too fast. Read this to learn to ask some powerful questions on how to draw out the gem in your people.
⭐ Firstly, shift your mindset from KNOWING ALL to BEING CURIOUS.
⭐ Secondly, believe that your people are resourceful and creative.
⭐ Thirdly, hold your desire to give solutions and learn to ask powerful questions.
Have you ever experienced sharing an idea with another person and before you finish your sentence, the other person jump in with his/her opinions? It is very normal for human being to form stories in their mind with limited information. Human beings make assumptions. When this happens, our brain block or reject additional information that does not match the story we create. If we are in the position of power, it will prevent people from sharing their thoughts, ideas and information.
There are 3 advantages of being curious and wanting to listen more. These are:
1. We encourage conversation and hence build rapport.
2. We discover different view points and enjoy the diversity of ideas.
3. We get a more rounded picture and make better informed decisions.
By being curious, we ask questions that enable our people to discover more about themselves. It also helps to assess the maturity of their thinking, reasoning and knowledge level and thereby know how to help.
Therefore, it would be extremely helpful for company CEOs and Managers to act as a coach. To do it successfully, to adopt useful mindset for coaches is the first step. The mindset are:
“The more curious I am, the more I learn.”
“Curiosity can help to pause my judgment.”
“Being curious can help to build relationship.”
Here’s are some examples of powerful questions:
"How is your team progress on ABC project?"
"Wonderful. I am excited to hear that. What did you do to accomplish that?"
"Hmm. What else?" (What else is a good technique to encourage deeper exploration and thinking)
"What is one challenge you anticipate that could throw your planning out in the next few weeks?"
"So what contingency plan do you have for that?"
"It looks as if you have discovered something significant. Can you tell me more?"
"Before I share some of my thoughts, I’d like you and your team to look at that area and then we can bounce around some ideas together. How does that work for you?" (When your team ask for idea, refrain from offer your idea too fast.)
In a nutshell, remind ourselves to BE CURIOUS is the first step towards quality conversations. It helps to build relationships, discover wider range of perspectives and draw out creativity.
When you change your conversations, everything else changes.
By Jade Lim,
Founder, Beyond Image/ Certified Coach
Reference: Empowering Asian Mindsets though Coaching, Wai K Leong, MCCDear CEOs and Managers, have you ever wonder why your people can’t be creative with their solutions? Why you have to often jump in to offer help?
Wait, chances are you are jumping in too fast. Read this to learn to ask some powerful questions on how to draw out the gem in your people.
Firstly, shift your mindset from KNOWING ALL to BEING CURIOUS.
Secondly, believe that your people are resourceful and creative.
Thirdly, hold your desire to give solutions and learn to ask powerful questions.
Have you ever experienced sharing an idea with another person and before you finish your sentence, the other person jump in with his/her opinions? It is very normal for human being to form stories in their mind with limited information. Human beings make assumptions. When this happens, our brain block or reject additional information that does not match the story we create. If we are in the position of power, it will prevent people from sharing their thoughts, ideas and information.
There are 3 advantages of being curious and wanting to listen more. These are:
We encourage conversation and hence build rapport.
We discover different view points and enjoy the diversity of ideas.
We get a more rounded picture and make better informed decisions.
By being curious, we ask questions that enable our people to discover more about themselves. It also helps to assess the maturity of their thinking, reasoning and knowledge level and thereby know how to help.
Therefore, it would be extremely helpful for company CEOs and Managers to act as a coach. To do it successfully, to adopt useful mindset for coaches is the first step. The mindset are:
“The more curious I am, the more I learn.”
“Curiosity can help to pause my judgment.”
“Being curious can help to build relationship.”
Here’s are some examples of powerful questions:
To encourage your team member to share progress:
How is your team progress on ABC project?
Wonderful. I am excited to hear that. What did you do to accomplish that?
Hmm. What else? (What else is a good technique to encourage deeper exploration and thinking)
To help your people anticipate possibilities:
What is one challenge you anticipate that could throw your planning out in the next few weeks?
So what contingency plan do you have for that?
To encourage team to explore creativity:
It looks as if you have discovered something significant. Can you tell me more?
Before I share some of my thoughts, I’d like you and your team to look at that area and then we can bounce around some ideas together. How does that work for you? (When your team ask for idea, refrain from offer your idea too fast.)
In a nutshell, remind ourselves to BE CURIOUS is the first step towards quality conversations. It helps to build relationships, discover wider range of perspectives and draw out creativity.
When you change your conversations, everything else changes.
By Jade Lim,
Founder, Beyond Image/ Certified Coach
Reference: Empowering Asian Mindsets though Coaching, Wai K Leong, MCC