
Letreez Manufacturer of Corporate and Premium Gift Letreez is a Malaysian manufacturer specializing in corporate gifts made from wood veneer.

We create a variety of gifts including frames, plaques and door gifts. With a focus on craftsmanship and design, Letreez utilizes the natural beauty of wood veneer to produce elegant and unique art pieces. Our products are customizable and can be personalized with engraving. Our creations are rare renowned for our timeless appeal and attention to detail, making them cherished tokens of appreciation and recognition.

Ideal house warming gift.

Ideal house warming gift.

我们想邀请您参加我们的餐饮网络活动 - ”保留员工的技巧“ 是我们这次的活动主题,此外您也可以利用这次的平台与大家分享你的经验,详情如下:-日期:2022 年 11 月 10 日星期四时间 : 2.30pm- 5pm地点 : 七号佐岸 Zu...

我们想邀请您参加我们的餐饮网络活动 - ”保留员工的技巧“ 是我们这次的活动主题,此外您也可以利用这次的平台与大家分享你的经验,详情如下:-

日期:2022 年 11 月 10 日星期四
时间 : 2.30pm- 5pm
地点 : 七号佐岸 Zuo An (7, Jalan Awan Jawa 1, Taman Yarl, 58200 KL)
门票 : RM 55 (RM10 礼券 T&C*)

*如果您以前没有参加过我们的活动,您可以将应用程序添加到 +601123782029 - 您的姓名、公司和您的工作。

请在 11 月 6 日星期四之前回复,并将机票付款转至:


Remark: -
1.在交易中注明“Estage 名字”
2. WhatsApp 付款证明给我们
3. 已购票不可退票
4. 门票可转让 - 需要最少 2 天通知
5. 名额有限,先到先得


We are from E Stage team. Thank you for your interest in our F&B related activities which aim to educate and empower ent...

We are from E Stage team. Thank you for your interest in our F&B related activities which aim to educate and empower entrepreneurs.

We are glad to inform and invite you to our F&B Networking Event - Tips for Staff Retention, details as follow :-

Date : Thurs 10th Nov 2022
Time : 2.30pm- 5pm
Venue : 7, Jalan Awan Jawa 1, Taman Yarl, 58200 KL
Location : https://goo.gl/maps/9q17Cf42Wd6BGRk98
Ticket : RM 45 (with the one time RM10 voucher*)

*You can whats app to +601123782029 - your name, your company and what you do, if you have not attended our event before.

Kindly RSVP by Thurs 6th November and ticket payment transfer to :


Note -
1. State "E Stage TFSR and your name" in transaction
2. WhatsApp proof of payment to us here
3. Ticket purchased is non refundable
4. Ticket is transferable - min 2 days notice is required
5. Limited seats, available on first paid first served basis

We look forward to meeting you soon 😊

新年要到了,要送什么给长辈呢? 难道又要送礼篮吗?有点无聊, 不如我们推荐你,精致礼盒还有附上美味可口的烘培曲奇或高山花茶。还有还有,雕刻对方名字让一个小小的礼物带来更有意义的回忆。我们今年有四款精选, 新年快乐, 虎虎生威, 福虎鸿运和2...

新年要到了,要送什么给长辈呢? 难道又要送礼篮吗?有点无聊, 不如我们推荐你,精致礼盒还有附上美味可口的烘培曲奇或高山花茶。还有还有,雕刻对方名字让一个小小的礼物带来更有意义的回忆。
我们今年有四款精选, 新年快乐, 虎虎生威, 福虎鸿运和2022福任你挑选, 分别中盒,大盒和红酒盒。 我们会帮你传递这份温情到对方手中。

中盒 @ MYR68
+ 美味可口的烘培曲奇一盒或高山花茶15包装, 任你挑选
+ 雕刻对方名字
+ 附上双用途精油格子

大盒 @ MYR 118
+ 美味可口的烘培曲奇一盒
+ 高山花茶15包装
+ 雕刻对方名字
+ 附上双用途精油格子

红酒盒 @ MYR89.90
+ 雕刻对方名字 (*不包括红酒)

邮寄西马半岛 @ MYR5, 东马 @ MYR9.50

第一: https://www.letreez.com/product-category/collections/cny2022/
第二: 下单
第三: 转账 Hong Leong Bank 24300018183 Letreez Manufacturer Sdn Bhd
第四: 等待好消息
📨电邮 - [email protected]
🗨️Whatsapp -
Mr. Brian Lai https://wa.me/60122036029
Ms. Jo Lee https://wa.me/601255555348

Every Chinese New Year also given out same gift, why not this year try something special, affordable and presentable gif...

Every Chinese New Year also given out same gift, why not this year try something special, affordable and presentable gift to you loved ones?
We have very unique wooden gift box bundle with premium flower tea and cookie, personalized name on the box. Even though the content in the box finished, the gift box itself can be an essential oil storage box or jewelry storage box and most importantly the memory remains forever.
We have 4 designs for you to choose and each designs for gift box size M, size L as well as wine box. Small gift but great impression. We will assist in sending your warm regards to your loved ones on your behalf.
Step 1: https://www.letreez.com/product-category/collections/cny2022/
Step 2: Place your order!
Step 3: Make your payment
Step 4: Wait for surprises !
If you require further assistance or enquiries, do not hesitate to contact us:
📨Email - [email protected]
🗨️Whatsapp -
Mr. Brian Lai (https://wa.me/60122036029)
Ms. Jo Lee (https://wa.me/601255555348)

Let's celebrate every single achievement we have and keep the feeling as well as keep the momentum. I love that feeling ...

Let's celebrate every single achievement we have and keep the feeling as well as keep the momentum. I love that feeling also.

[ Celebrate your wins, everytime … ]

When I first started my career in sales, I had a great mentor. I always looked up to him for advise. There was this one time, when I successfully close my first maiden deal (back then, a closed deal does not mean successfully collected payment). However it was pretty major for me. So, my mentor said to me, “Take the rest of the day off, and go celebrate it with your special someone”. Then I told him, “But, I have not received any payment from this client of mine, best to celebrate when I complete this project.”

I still remember what he said to me till this very day, “Sean, you are to celebrate your victories every step of the way. You don’t have to be lavish in your celebration, but do it to recognise your achievement. This recognition serves as your energy source and more importantly to motivate you to move on to the next goal, the next pitch and the next. Make sure you remember this great feeling when you achieve something that you have set out to achieve.”

It is through this celebratory art form, that you will find your next energy to push on further and to excel in whatever you do. At Big Bath, we practice this through and through; Our culture encourages our team members to recognise each other and to celebrate our wins. Eg. A newbie having able to close a deal (big or small) calls for a celebration with the team. A lorry driver able to get good comments from the customer, we celebrate and encourages his/ her attitude.

I highly encourage all to share this celebratory message out to the people you care the most.

Shared by Sean Toh, Headmaster at Big Bath www.bigbath.com.my

Interesting Sharing, please read through

Interesting Sharing, please read through

[Why some children learn faster and some children learn slower]
Many children may struggle in school with some subjects or skills from time to time. When children try hard and still struggle with a specific set of skills over time, eg. reading, understanding, spelling, Math and more, it could be a sign of a learning disorder.
Having a learning disorder means that a child has difficulty in one or more areas of learning, even when overall intelligence or motivation is not affected.
Some of the common symptoms of learning disorders are:
• Difficulty telling right from left
• Reversing letters, words, or numbers
• Lacking coordination when moving around
• Difficulties doing tasks with the hands, like writing, cutting, or drawing
• Difficulty understanding the concept of time
• Difficulties recognizing patterns or sorting items by size or shape
• Difficulties understanding and following instructions or staying organized
• Difficulty remembering what was just said or what was just read
Children with learning disorders may feel frustrated that they cannot master a subject despite trying hard, and may act out. The combination of problems can make it particularly hard for a child to enjoy learning and inhibit their learning potentials.
The best window for intervention is before the age of 8 (the golden window) when the brain is still malleable. Finding the actual root cause of each learning struggle is crucial, so that the child can get the right kind of help as early as possible especially when learning disorders can easily hide behind symptoms we usually described as ‘lazy’, ‘not focused’ or ‘always forget’.
Note : Children need up to 39 learning abilities to help them learn efficiently in order to do well in school and in life.
Different combinations of learning abilities help form the fundamentals of learning in different areas.
Feel free to reach out to me at wa.me/60124789155 for a free trial to experience the efficacy of how our brain process information if you sense that your child is struggling.
Shared by : Junny Cheong, Principal Consultant Cognitive Development Services PLT https://www.facebook.com/Junny.NeuroLAT

This is something new to me, I thought the same

This is something new to me, I thought the same

Americano VS Long Black

The Long Black and the Americano are both drinks that may look and even taste similar, but making them are different. Both are made with hot water and espresso, but the ratios and order of pouring are different on both drinks. Let’s take a look at the Long Black and the Americano to see what makes them different:

The Americano is one of the most popular espresso drinks made with espresso diluted in water. The Americano was invented in Italy, and Café Americano translates to “American Coffee” in Italian. The idea is that the Americano was made for Americans because Italian espresso was too strong, so watering down the espresso made it taste more like coffee.

The order in which espresso and water are poured cannot be overstated since most drinks rely specifically on what order they go. For an Americano, the espresso is poured first into the cup, then the water on top. This creates two layers with a small amount of cream swirling in between them. If it’s not done in this order, then it’s not an Americano.

The Americano is the middle ground between espresso and drip-brewed coffee, where it has the best of both worlds. It has the sweet notes and body of an espresso drink, but the water dilutes the bitterness that espresso often has. Americanos are often compared to regular coffee brewed very strong, without the sweetness that espresso naturally has.

The Long Black is an espresso drink first made in Australia and New Zealand, appealing to the American tourists’ coffee preferences. Some people simply pass it off as an Americano, but experienced baristas know the difference. While it is made with water and espresso; like an Americano, the order in which you pour is crucial.

The Long Black is made by pouring hot water first into the cup, then adding espresso on top. This will create two separate layers, with the frothy espresso crema staying mostly on top. If it’s done in the opposite order, it’s not considered a Long Black.

The Long Black will have a similar flavor profile and taste of the Americano, but it will be slightly stronger due to the espresso sitting on top. It will also taste different because the two layers aren’t mixed up as much as the Americano, which is more mixed because of the water being poured after the espresso. Some people prefer the stronger taste of the Long Black, without the bite that a full espresso shot has.

Shared by Coffee Choo Founder CEO of www.purecaffetea.com

The more you learn and listen the better you are

The more you learn and listen the better you are

Dear CEOs and Managers, have you ever wonder why your people can’t be creative with their solutions? Why you have to often jump in to offer help?

Wait, chances are you are jumping in too fast. Read this to learn to ask some powerful questions on how to draw out the gem in your people.

⭐ Firstly, shift your mindset from KNOWING ALL to BEING CURIOUS.
⭐ Secondly, believe that your people are resourceful and creative.
⭐ Thirdly, hold your desire to give solutions and learn to ask powerful questions.

Have you ever experienced sharing an idea with another person and before you finish your sentence, the other person jump in with his/her opinions? It is very normal for human being to form stories in their mind with limited information. Human beings make assumptions. When this happens, our brain block or reject additional information that does not match the story we create. If we are in the position of power, it will prevent people from sharing their thoughts, ideas and information.

There are 3 advantages of being curious and wanting to listen more. These are:
1. We encourage conversation and hence build rapport.
2. We discover different view points and enjoy the diversity of ideas.
3. We get a more rounded picture and make better informed decisions.

By being curious, we ask questions that enable our people to discover more about themselves. It also helps to assess the maturity of their thinking, reasoning and knowledge level and thereby know how to help.

Therefore, it would be extremely helpful for company CEOs and Managers to act as a coach. To do it successfully, to adopt useful mindset for coaches is the first step. The mindset are:

“The more curious I am, the more I learn.”
“Curiosity can help to pause my judgment.”
“Being curious can help to build relationship.”

Here’s are some examples of powerful questions:

"How is your team progress on ABC project?"
"Wonderful. I am excited to hear that. What did you do to accomplish that?"
"Hmm. What else?" (What else is a good technique to encourage deeper exploration and thinking)

"What is one challenge you anticipate that could throw your planning out in the next few weeks?"
"So what contingency plan do you have for that?"

"It looks as if you have discovered something significant. Can you tell me more?"
"Before I share some of my thoughts, I’d like you and your team to look at that area and then we can bounce around some ideas together. How does that work for you?" (When your team ask for idea, refrain from offer your idea too fast.)

In a nutshell, remind ourselves to BE CURIOUS is the first step towards quality conversations. It helps to build relationships, discover wider range of perspectives and draw out creativity.

When you change your conversations, everything else changes.

By Jade Lim,
Founder, Beyond Image/ Certified Coach

Reference: Empowering Asian Mindsets though Coaching, Wai K Leong, MCCDear CEOs and Managers, have you ever wonder why your people can’t be creative with their solutions? Why you have to often jump in to offer help?

Wait, chances are you are jumping in too fast. Read this to learn to ask some powerful questions on how to draw out the gem in your people.

Firstly, shift your mindset from KNOWING ALL to BEING CURIOUS.
Secondly, believe that your people are resourceful and creative.
Thirdly, hold your desire to give solutions and learn to ask powerful questions.

Have you ever experienced sharing an idea with another person and before you finish your sentence, the other person jump in with his/her opinions? It is very normal for human being to form stories in their mind with limited information. Human beings make assumptions. When this happens, our brain block or reject additional information that does not match the story we create. If we are in the position of power, it will prevent people from sharing their thoughts, ideas and information.

There are 3 advantages of being curious and wanting to listen more. These are:
We encourage conversation and hence build rapport.
We discover different view points and enjoy the diversity of ideas.
We get a more rounded picture and make better informed decisions.

By being curious, we ask questions that enable our people to discover more about themselves. It also helps to assess the maturity of their thinking, reasoning and knowledge level and thereby know how to help.

Therefore, it would be extremely helpful for company CEOs and Managers to act as a coach. To do it successfully, to adopt useful mindset for coaches is the first step. The mindset are:

“The more curious I am, the more I learn.”
“Curiosity can help to pause my judgment.”
“Being curious can help to build relationship.”

Here’s are some examples of powerful questions:

To encourage your team member to share progress:
How is your team progress on ABC project?
Wonderful. I am excited to hear that. What did you do to accomplish that?
Hmm. What else? (What else is a good technique to encourage deeper exploration and thinking)

To help your people anticipate possibilities:
What is one challenge you anticipate that could throw your planning out in the next few weeks?
So what contingency plan do you have for that?

To encourage team to explore creativity:
It looks as if you have discovered something significant. Can you tell me more?
Before I share some of my thoughts, I’d like you and your team to look at that area and then we can bounce around some ideas together. How does that work for you? (When your team ask for idea, refrain from offer your idea too fast.)

In a nutshell, remind ourselves to BE CURIOUS is the first step towards quality conversations. It helps to build relationships, discover wider range of perspectives and draw out creativity.

When you change your conversations, everything else changes.

By Jade Lim,
Founder, Beyond Image/ Certified Coach

Reference: Empowering Asian Mindsets though Coaching, Wai K Leong, MCC

Something new

Something new

[Why some children learn faster and some children learn slower]
Many children may struggle in school with some subjects or skills from time to time. When children try hard and still struggle with a specific set of skills over time, eg. reading, understanding, spelling, Math and more, it could be a sign of a learning disorder.
Having a learning disorder means that a child has difficulty in one or more areas of learning, even when overall intelligence or motivation is not affected.
Some of the common symptoms of learning disorders are:
• Difficulty telling right from left
• Reversing letters, words, or numbers
• Lacking coordination when moving around
• Difficulties doing tasks with the hands, like writing, cutting, or drawing
• Difficulty understanding the concept of time
• Difficulties recognizing patterns or sorting items by size or shape
• Difficulties understanding and following instructions or staying organized
• Difficulty remembering what was just said or what was just read
Children with learning disorders may feel frustrated that they cannot master a subject despite trying hard, and may act out. The combination of problems can make it particularly hard for a child to enjoy learning and inhibit their learning potentials.
The best window for intervention is before the age of 8 (the golden window) when the brain is still malleable. Finding the actual root cause of each learning struggle is crucial, so that the child can get the right kind of help as early as possible especially when learning disorders can easily hide behind symptoms we usually described as ‘lazy’, ‘not focused’ or ‘always forget’.
Note : Children need up to 39 learning abilities to help them learn efficiently in order to do well in school and in life.
Different combinations of learning abilities help form the fundamentals of learning in different areas.
Feel free to reach out to me at wa.me/60124789155 for a free trial to experience the efficacy of how our brain process information if you sense that your child is struggling.
Shared by : Junny Cheong, Principal Consultant Cognitive Development Services PLT https://www.facebook.com/Junny.NeuroLAT

Good sharing

Good sharing


Perhaps the biggest draw of poster media is the graphic’s ability to be eye-catching and artistic, but also leave room for text that can have a call to action.

Every successful design piece begins with the pre-design process. For brands and companies, it’s important for the design to stay true to your brand’s image and personality. How do define your ideal viewer? Who is my target viewer? Why would that person be interested in my poster? What kind of content would they most likely respond to? What are their needs, challenges, and pain points? What can my brand/company/business do for them? Your design doesn’t need a lot of text to say something. That could mean using excited and encouraging language, as well as bright colors.

You need to create an outline to ensure any information you’re presenting is clear, clean, and concise. It may seem like a good idea to place as much information as you can on the poster. However, LESS IS OFTEN MORE when it comes to posters. The more information your poster has, the higher the risk that it will confuse and overwhelm the reader.

Your design’s color scheme is probably the first thing your audience will notice about your poster so it’s important to get it right. Color selection recommended using is the 60-30-10 color rule. Basically, you want to pick a shade of a primary color: red, blue, or yellow. Next, pick two complementary colors. Your primary color should take up 60 percent of your poster design, while the two other colors can take the remaining 30 and 10 percent. You can always add one or two more colors, but the point of this color rule is to follow a hierarchy in your design.

The right image can give your design a huge boost in visual appeal. In fact, your image can convey much more than regular text ever will. Use a photograph that can facilitate a balance between your text and image. Look for images with a focal point, which you can then surround with text and other visual elements.

The fonts you choose will also have a significant effect on your poster’s mood and message. You can experiment with decorative typefaces, which allow your headlines to grab the reader’s attention. One thing to remember with typefaces, however, is to avoid combining more than two different typefaces or four type variations (i.e., type size, and bold or italic style). When in doubt, stick to a sans serif font and serif font combination, or a decorative font for your poster headline and sans serif fonts for all other text. You want to use the size and position of your text elements to tell the reader where to look, like your headline and call to action.

If your poster has a call to action, make sure it’s clear and visible to the reader. The whole point of a CTA is to get people to take action, so it only makes sense to draw people’s attention to it, but not so much that it overshadows your headline.

Shared by Brian Lai Founder LETREEZ of letreez.com

Very informative 😊😊

Very informative

Americano VS Long Black

The Long Black and the Americano are both drinks that may look and even taste similar, but making them are different. Both are made with hot water and espresso, but the ratios and order of pouring are different on both drinks. Let’s take a look at the Long Black and the Americano to see what makes them different:

The Americano is one of the most popular espresso drinks made with espresso diluted in water. The Americano was invented in Italy, and Café Americano translates to “American Coffee” in Italian. The idea is that the Americano was made for Americans because Italian espresso was too strong, so watering down the espresso made it taste more like coffee.

The order in which espresso and water are poured cannot be overstated since most drinks rely specifically on what order they go. For an Americano, the espresso is poured first into the cup, then the water on top. This creates two layers with a small amount of cream swirling in between them. If it’s not done in this order, then it’s not an Americano.

The Americano is the middle ground between espresso and drip-brewed coffee, where it has the best of both worlds. It has the sweet notes and body of an espresso drink, but the water dilutes the bitterness that espresso often has. Americanos are often compared to regular coffee brewed very strong, without the sweetness that espresso naturally has.

The Long Black is an espresso drink first made in Australia and New Zealand, appealing to the American tourists’ coffee preferences. Some people simply pass it off as an Americano, but experienced baristas know the difference. While it is made with water and espresso; like an Americano, the order in which you pour is crucial.

The Long Black is made by pouring hot water first into the cup, then adding espresso on top. This will create two separate layers, with the frothy espresso crema staying mostly on top. If it’s done in the opposite order, it’s not considered a Long Black.

The Long Black will have a similar flavor profile and taste of the Americano, but it will be slightly stronger due to the espresso sitting on top. It will also taste different because the two layers aren’t mixed up as much as the Americano, which is more mixed because of the water being poured after the espresso. Some people prefer the stronger taste of the Long Black, without the bite that a full espresso shot has.

Shared by Coffee Choo Founder CEO of www.purecaffetea.com

Good sharing

Good sharing

The best part of a cattle for your steak.

Which part is the best part of a cattle for your steak? The questions actually depending on type of cooking you want. If it is steak, the best part is the loin part. The purpose of this article to explain a bit on the loin part of the beef, for more people to understand why are this part more expensive and if they pay more, are they getting the best part for their steak?

Loin is divided into 3 parts and it is only 15% of the whole cattle - sirloin/striploin 8%, ribloin/ribeye 4% and tenderloin/filet mignon 3%. This can explain why the demand is higher than the supply. There are multiple way to call them sometimes, with small distinctions but generally it is categorise into this 3 parts.

Striploin is the part that is lesser fats of the loin. The fats are normally attached to one side of the meat. The fats are used to create more flavour when we are cooking our steak. Striploin is tender, leaner and tasty as well. Normally is serve in 1 inch thickness for a normal western beef steak and 0.5 inch for Japanese Wagyu steak.

Ribeye is the part extended from the rib of the cattle. It has more fats and the “eye” in their name means the fats shape is round and in circular, normally. This is the softest part, tender and most tasty due to the fats. It is the part with highest fats level among the loins. This is normally serve at 1 inch thickness and sometimes thicker if it is cook under barbecue.

Tenderloin is the most tender part of the cattle. It is consider the most sought after meat on the cattle. It is round or slight oblong in shape normally. There is not much fats and in fact it is leaner than the first two part above. It has smaller marbling on the tenderloin. For Japanese wagyu tenderloin, It has perhaps more marbling but smaller marbling. Normally serve at the thickness of 1.5 inch or thicker. It’s easily bite and tasty too.

Hopefully, next time when you shop for your steak or when you dine in a restaurant, you have a better understanding on what you are purchasing. Enjoy your steak and do try different part of the cattle to understand the part better.

Note : The photo shown is the USA Prime Ribeye. You may notice the beautiful fats and looks like an eye. This is definitely going to be good steak. USA beef has its own distinctive nice flavour.

Shared by : John Goh, CEO and Founder of www.Kudacart.com

Want to give something special for this Christmas? We have unique gifts for you! First in Malaysia, gifts ever seen befo...

Want to give something special for this Christmas? We have unique gifts for you! First in Malaysia, gifts ever seen before.
Christmas series essential oil storage box and wine box, preparing unforgettable gift this year with personalized name and/or quotes engraving on the box meant a lot more for her, for him and even for yourself! Make this Christmas season a colourful and special to your loved one ever.
Wait no more! Contact us immediately https://wa.me/60122036029

Very informative indeed

Very informative indeed

Espresso is a coffee-brewing method originally from Italian.

It is using a small amount of nearly boiling water (about 90 °C) forced under (9–20 bars) of pressure (expressed) through finely-ground coffee beans. Espresso coffee can be made with a wide variety of coffee beans and roast degrees.

Espresso is generally thicker than coffee brewed by other methods, with a viscosity of warm honey. This is due to the higher concentration of suspended and dissolved solids, and the crema on top (a foam with a creamy consistency).

As a result of the pressurized brewing process, the flavors and chemicals in a typical cup of espresso are very concentrated. The three dispersed phases in espresso are what make this beverage unique. The first dispersed phase is an emulsion of oil droplets. The second phase is suspended solids, while the third is the layer of gas bubbles or foam.

The dispersion of very small oil droplets is perceived in the mouth as creamy. This characteristic of espresso contributes to what is known as the body of the beverage. These oil droplets preserve some of the aromatic compounds that are lost to the air in other coffee forms. This preserves the strong coffee flavor present in the espresso.

Espresso is also the base for various coffee drinks—including caffè latte, cappuccino, caffè macchiato, caffè mocha, flat white, and Americano.

Espresso has more caffeine per unit volume than most coffee beverages, but because the usual serving size is much smaller, the total caffeine content is less than a mug of standard brewed coffee.The actual caffeine content of any coffee drink varies by size, bean origin, roast method and other factors, but a typical 28 grams (1 ounce) serving of espresso usually contains 65 milligrams of caffeine, whereas a typical serving of drip coffee usually contains 150 to 200 mg

Shared by Coffee Choo Founder CEO of www.purecaffetea.com

7 reasons to pamper your partner as well as your business clients

7 reasons to pamper your partner as well as your business clients

7 Reasons why Gift-Giving is Important in a Relationship

Be it the past, present, or future generation, the element of gift-giving is never going to become an outdated one. Words might lose their importance over the years but these small gestures will be evergreen. Gift-giving is an effective way to strengthen the bond in any phase of the relationship. Be it the dating phase, the engagement phase, or years after marriage, this gesture continues to remain credible and influential.

1. For gratitude expression
We should cherish all the small efforts our partner takes to brew our lives into a whole new direction. They are our better halves. It should be the first task in our to-do-list to make them feel adored for completing us. So let’s pick a simple thank you gift to express our gratitude and make our partners feel that they are the only ones all over again.

2. For conveying a heartfelt apology
When it is tough to pacify our partners and they are too hurt to hear out our explanations, gift-giving can do wonders! It is one of the most effective ways to convey our guilt and apologize to them. Let us put in a personal touch to the gift. It will not only portray our efforts but also be symbolic of how truly sorry we are. A unique and personalized gift will be a lot more sincere.

3. For rekindling romance
Our relationship is like raw clay and moulding it is in our hands. But we can give gifts to re-create some of the early memories of our relationships. This will not only sizzle romance but also become a reason to treasure memories of a lifetime.

4. For manifesting emotions
Men tend to express their emotions and convey their appreciation by gifting something meaningful to their partners. Similarly, women who might be too shy to express find gifting a good opportunity to acknowledge their partner’s efforts.

5. For celebrating milestones
Every day is a new experience in our relationships. It is in our hands how to make this journey memorable. Each day will not be the same but it will be worth it if you manage to make even a single memory each day. All we’re saying is that in this hustling-bustling world, we will have to find time for each other and celebrate even the smallest moments. Occasions like birthdays and anniversaries without any doubt are special. But the joy of gift-giving without any reason is simply splendid & special.

6. For simply bringing a smile to their face
Our partners do so much for us. Sometimes, they also sacrifice too much or might take extra care of our likings and comfort. They might tease us but will never let us feel uncomfortable. It is our mission to make them feel the same. By giving gifts, we can project our appreciation for the smallest of gestures they have done for us. After all, their smile is sure to light our world.

7. For felicitations
One of the keys to preserving a relationship is being together in sorrow and ecstasy. Finding small moments to celebrate is essential. But it is equally crucial to find happiness in our partner’s success. Be it an appreciation at their work or getting an appraisal, the happiness will be double when we become a part of their joy. Gift-giving on such occasions will enhance our relationships. Always be their inspiration. We giving gifts will always uplift their mood when they feel low. How about we make them feel like royalty, pamper them, and give them all the happiness we can by treasuring those memories with them.

Prepared by Brian Lai, Founder of Letreez.com


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