Goldenwoods Liquor & Wine Store

Goldenwoods Liquor & Wine Store Golden Woods Liquor And Wine Sdn Bhd (1273843-X) Goldenwoods serves as your ultimate destination for wine, beer, and spirits.

You can place orders online for doorstep delivery across Peninsular Malaysia or drop by our store in Kuala Lumpur. Here's to convenience and top-notch beverages!

🎄 2024 最不能错过的圣诞酒礼!🍷🥃这个圣诞节,给自己和亲友送上无与伦比的酒礼,绝对让人惊艳!我们的限量版酒礼盒,专为节日精心挑选,包含了最优质的葡萄酒和威士忌,每一口都让您感受到节日的温暖与欢愉。✨ 为什么选择我们的酒礼?精选佳品:每...

🎄 2024 最不能错过的圣诞酒礼!🍷🥃

✨ 为什么选择我们的酒礼?

🛒 立即下单,确保您的酒礼在圣诞节前送到! 别让自己错过这个难得的机会,快来体验节日的美好吧!

📍 实体店:24G, Jalan Pandan 3/2, Pandan Jaya, 55100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
📲 WhatsApp联系我们:
#圣诞酒礼 #2024 #美酒佳品 #送礼首选 #节日快乐

The Festival is Approaching, and Whisky Gift Packs Are Now Available! 🐍🥃With the Year of the Snake 2025 just around the ...

The Festival is Approaching, and Whisky Gift Packs Are Now Available! 🐍🥃
With the Year of the Snake 2025 just around the corner, we have prepared limited edition whisky gift packs that are perfect for holiday gifting or personal enjoyment. These exquisite gift boxes not only showcase the unique charm of whisky but also convey New Year blessings.

✨ Limited Edition Gift Packs: Each one is a unique gem, available in limited quantities—first come, first served!
🎁 Various Sets Available: Whether sharing with family or gifting to friends, these sets are an excellent choice.

Hurry and purchase to add a special flavor and blessing to your festive celebrations! 🎉

📍 Our Retail:24G, Jalan Pandan 3/2, Pandan Jaya, 55100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
📲 WhatsApp Us Now:

山西汾酒 汾酒30年🍶✨ 走进历史,品味经典!汾酒30年以其独特的清香与醇厚,带给我们无与伦比的味觉享受。作为中国传统名酒,汾酒承载着千年的文化底蕴,每一口都让人陶醉。品鉴笔记:香气:优雅的清香,伴随淡淡的花果香。口感:醇厚顺滑,滋味丰富,...

山西汾酒 汾酒30年
🍶✨ 走进历史,品味经典!汾酒30年以其独特的清香与醇厚,带给我们无与伦比的味觉享受。作为中国传统名酒,汾酒承载着千年的文化底蕴,每一口都让人陶醉。



📍 实体店:24G, Jalan Pandan 3/2, Pandan Jaya, 55100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
📲 WhatsApp联系我们:

#山西汾酒 #汾酒30年 #中国名酒 #品味生活

诚邀您参加马爹利单一酒庄干邑品鉴盛会与我们一同沉浸在奢华的世界里,品味马爹利的传奇韵味! 🍇🥃 这不仅仅是一场品鉴活动,更是一次感官的盛宴。我们将为您呈现四款独特的单一酒庄干邑,每一款都是风味的杰作:🥃 Martell Single Cru...

与我们一同沉浸在奢华的世界里,品味马爹利的传奇韵味! 🍇🥃 这不仅仅是一场品鉴活动,更是一次感官的盛宴。我们将为您呈现四款独特的单一酒庄干邑,每一款都是风味的杰作:

🥃 Martell Single Cru Fins Bois
🥃 Martell Single Cru Borderies
🥃 Martell Single Cru Petite Champagne
🥃 Martell Single Cru Grand Champagne XO

[ Martell Single Cru Cognac 品鉴盛会 ]
📅 日期: 24th October 2024
🕒 时间: 8PM Onwards
📍 地点: Goldenwoods Liquor and Wine Store

名额有限,快来通过 WhatsApp 联系我们进行预订!
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让你的婚礼成为全城焦点!🎉🍷💍 婚宴红酒之王,人人称赞! 准备结婚的你,是否在为婚宴、过大礼、送礼发愁?我们为你准备了最好的选择!精选优质红酒,让你的婚礼更添优雅与浪漫。🌟 婚宴首选红酒,宾客赞不绝口! 无论是婚礼宴会还是家庭聚餐,我们的红...

💍 婚宴红酒之王,人人称赞! 准备结婚的你,是否在为婚宴、过大礼、送礼发愁?我们为你准备了最好的选择!精选优质红酒,让你的婚礼更添优雅与浪漫。

🌟 婚宴首选红酒,宾客赞不绝口! 无论是婚礼宴会还是家庭聚餐,我们的红酒都能为你增添光彩。多款经典红酒,满足不同口味,让每一位宾客都感到宾至如归。

🎁 过大礼必备的体面之选! 过大礼时送上一瓶高档红酒,不仅显得有面子,还能体现你的用心与诚意。我们的红酒品味高雅,是送礼的绝佳选择。

💒 结婚送礼,不用再头疼! 还在为结婚送礼发愁吗?来看看我们的红酒礼盒吧!精美包装,高档品味,让你的礼物在众多贺礼中脱颖而出。

📣 促销活动火热进行中!
🍷个性化红酒咨询服务: 帮助您选择适合婚礼或特别场合的完美红酒!

📍 实体店:24G, Jalan Pandan 3/2, Pandan Jaya, 55100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
📌 立即下单:点击链接,选购属于你的婚礼红酒。数量有限,售完即止!
📲 WhatsApp联系我们:

#红酒 #优惠 #结婚 #婚宴 #过大礼 #送礼 #红酒促销 #结婚季 #婚礼准备 #高档红酒 #完美婚宴 #红酒优惠

嘿,朋友们!你没听错,我们正在清货,最低由RM25起的高品质红酒简直比一顿快餐还便宜!🍔🍟为什么选择快餐,而不是在家享受一杯醇香的红酒呢?无论是和朋友聚会,还是一个人的悠闲时光,这款红酒都是你的最佳选择。🎉怎么办?买它!📦 清货大甩卖,手慢...



怎么办?买它!📦 清货大甩卖,手慢无!


📍 实体店:24G, Jalan Pandan 3/2, Pandan Jaya, 55100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
📲 WhatsApp联系我们:

#红酒 #优惠 #清货 #快抢 #高品质



📍 实体店:24G, Jalan Pandan 3/2, Pandan Jaya, 55100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
📲 WhatsApp联系我们:

🏀 Hennessy XO NBA Collector Edition 限量版 🏀Hennessy XO NBACollector Edition 限量版融合了Hennessy品牌的传奇和NBA篮球的激情,呈现出一款独特而珍贵的陈年干邑。每...

🏀 Hennessy XO NBA Collector Edition 限量版 🏀

Hennessy XO NBACollector Edition 限量版融合了Hennessy品牌的传奇和NBA篮球的激情,呈现出一款独特而珍贵的陈年干邑。每一口都散发着奢华和精湛工艺,带给您无与伦比的品味体验。

🌟 特色:独特醇香、激情篮球

🍷 口味:Hennessy XO NBA限量版展现出浓郁的橡木、香草和果味,伴随着丝滑的巧克力和坚果的余味。每一口都如同篮球场上的完美投篮,令人陶醉。

无论您是干邑爱好者还是篮球迷,Hennessy XO NBA限量版都将成为您收藏或享用的绝佳选择。让我们一同感受Hennessy与NBA的完美融合,品味这款令人心驰神往的陈年干邑!

📍 实体店:24G, Jalan Pandan 3/2, Pandan Jaya, 55100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
📲 WhatsApp联系我们:

🥃 Dalmore 15年 🥃Dalmore 15年威士忌以其独特的口感和丰富的风味而备受赞誉。这款威士忌经过15年的陈酿,呈现出浓郁的橡木、巧克力和果味,每一口都充满深邃而细腻的层次。🍇 味道特点:橡木、巧克力、果味无论您是享受威士忌的新...

🥃 Dalmore 15年 🥃

Dalmore 15年威士忌以其独特的口感和丰富的风味而备受赞誉。这款威士忌经过15年的陈酿,呈现出浓郁的橡木、巧克力和果味,每一口都充满深邃而细腻的层次。

🍇 味道特点:橡木、巧克力、果味

无论您是享受威士忌的新手还是资深爱好者,Dalmore 15年都能带给您独特而难忘的味觉体验。品尝这款经典威士忌,感受Dalmore带来的精湛工艺和醇厚口感!

📍 实体店:24G, Jalan Pandan 3/2, Pandan Jaya, 55100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia



📍 实体店:24G, Jalan Pandan 3/2, Pandan Jaya, 55100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
📲 WhatsApp联系我们:

✨ 获奖无数的苏格兰超级好喝威士忌!✨🥃 Glendronach 12 - 入门级经典 🥃Glendronach 12年威士忌展现了浓郁的雪莓和橡木风味,伴随着香草和姜味的混合。口感醇厚柔和,带有甜蜜水果的余味,是一款令人回味无穷的经典威士...

✨ 获奖无数的苏格兰超级好喝威士忌!✨

🥃 Glendronach 12 - 入门级经典 🥃

Glendronach 12年威士忌展现了浓郁的雪莓和橡木风味,伴随着香草和姜味的混合。口感醇厚柔和,带有甜蜜水果的余味,是一款令人回味无穷的经典威士忌。

🥃 味道特点:雪莓、橡木、甜蜜水果

🥃 Glendronach 15 Revival - 经典复苏 🥃

Glendronach 15年Revival威士忌在12年基础上进一步锻造,呈现出更为复杂的风味。您将品尝到浓郁的橡木与咖啡的交织,伴随着杏仁和橙子的香气,带来丰富且平衡的口感体验。

🥃 味道特点:橡木、咖啡、杏仁、橙子、薄荷


📍 实体店:24G, Jalan Pandan 3/2, Pandan Jaya, 55100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
📲 WhatsApp联系我们:

✨ Hennessy Master Blender Selection N°5 ✨限量版珍藏,不容错过的奢华体验!🍾Hennessy的酿酒大师们精心调配出第5号精选,完美融合了香草、焦糖和橡木的独特风味,带来前所未有的品饮乐趣。🌟 高雅醇厚...

✨ Hennessy Master Blender Selection N°5 ✨



🌟 高雅醇厚 🍷 独特风味 🍇 精选原料


📍 访问我们:24G, Jalan Pandan 3/2, Pandan Jaya, 55100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
📲 立即通过WhatsApp联系我们:

#限量版 #奢华体验 #品味生活

如果你是红酒爱好者,这篇帖子千万不要错过!我们精心挑选了10款高CP值的葡萄酒,每一款都值得你细细品味。🥂 高性价比 🍇 口感顺滑 🌟 评价超高无论是聚会还是小酌两杯,这些葡萄酒都能为你带来极致享受。快来看看我们为你精选的10款必喝葡萄酒吧...


🥂 高性价比 🍇 口感顺滑 🌟 评价超高


📍 实体店:24G, Jalan Pandan 3/2, Pandan Jaya, 55100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
📲 WhatsApp联系我们:

#红酒推荐 #品味生活 #葡萄酒爱好者

🥃 Dive into the depths of flavor with Talisker 11 Special Release 2022. This limited edition whisky offers a unique blen...

🥃 Dive into the depths of flavor with Talisker 11 Special Release 2022. This limited edition whisky offers a unique blend of smoky richness and subtle notes of sea salt, creating a truly unforgettable tasting experience. Explore the complexity and craftsmanship of this exclusive release today! 🌟🥃

😱🌸 Bobal Milk Tea Wine?! ☕🍷🤔🍷🌹🥂 Introducing the Vicente Ganda Bobal Wine Collection: Bobal Rosa, Bobal Blanco, and Bobal...

😱🌸 Bobal Milk Tea Wine?! ☕🍷🤔

🍷🌹🥂 Introducing the Vicente Ganda Bobal Wine Collection: Bobal Rosa, Bobal Blanco, and Bobal Negro! 🌟

Dive into the world of exquisite flavors with our exceptional Bobal wine range. From the delicate blush of Bobal Rosa to the crisp elegance of Bobal Blanco and the bold richness of Bobal Negro, there's a perfect pour for every palate.

🌹 Bobal Rosa: Experience a symphony of floral notes and refreshing hints of summer fruits in every sip. This rose wine is perfect for those who love a touch of sweetness with a burst of flavor.

⚪ Bobal Blanco: Crisp, clean, and oh-so-sophisticated, our Bobal Blanco offers a delightful harmony of citrus and tropical fruit flavors. A white wine that's sure to brighten any occasion.

🍇 Bobal Negro: Indulge in the deep, velvety richness of our Bobal Negro, a red wine that exudes complexity with every taste. Notes of dark berries and spice make it a true delight for wine enthusiasts.

🌟 Whether you're a wine connoisseur or looking to explore new tastes, the Vicente Ganda Bobal Wine Collection has something special waiting for you. Cheers to moments filled with flavor and finesse! 🥂✨

📍 Visit us at: 24G, Jalan Pandan 3/2, Pandan Jaya, 55100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

🌸 Spring into the season of renewal and celebration with us from April to May 2024! As the flowers bloom, so does our sp...

🌸 Spring into the season of renewal and celebration with us from April to May 2024! As the flowers bloom, so does our special Spring Fling promotion, designed exclusively for our cherished patrons. 🍷🥃

🌟 What’s on Offer?

Free Wine Tasting: Every Friday and Saturday, join us for a complimentary wine tasting experience. Dive into a world of exquisite flavors and discover your new favorite from our handpicked selection.

Mix and Match Bundle Deals: Creativity meets value in our Mix and Match Bundle Deals. Pair your preferred wines and spirits to perfection and save big! Whether you’re hosting a spring soirée or enjoying a quiet night in, we’ve got you covered.

Buy 1 Get 1 Free Promotion: Double the joy this spring with our Buy 1 Get 1 Free offer on select wines and spirits. Stock up on your favorites or gift a bottle to someone special.

✨This spring, let’s toast to new adventures and shared moments. Whether you’re a connoisseur or curious about exploring the diverse world of wines and spirits, our Spring Fling promotion has something for everyone.

📍 Visit us at: 24G, Jalan Pandan 3/2, Pandan Jaya, 55100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

🍇🍷 Dive into the story of our Smalltown block, nestled in the premium Ebenezer District of the Barossa Valley. 40 hectar...

🍇🍷 Dive into the story of our Smalltown block, nestled in the premium Ebenezer District of the Barossa Valley. 40 hectares of 28-year-old Shiraz and Cabernet vines, a true gem of the region.

🌿🍷 The Good Luck Club, crafted with precision, this wine was aged in a blend of new and tertiary French oak for 24 months. The result? A bright, varietal Cabernet that beautifully balances fruit and oak. Subtle notes of shoe-leather lead to a palate bursting with fresh cassis, hints of vanilla, a touch of cream, and a lolly-stick texture that delights the senses.

🥂✨ Experience the marvel of this super fresh and delicious wine. It's not just a sip, it's a journey through flavors that will leave you craving more. Cheers to moments that are simply extraordinary! 🍷🌟

📍 Visit us at: 24G, Jalan Pandan 3/2, Pandan Jaya, 55100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

🎉 Unveil a World of Flavors at GoldenWoods Liquor & Wine Store this March! 🌟🍸Step into our store for an exclusive FREE G...

🎉 Unveil a World of Flavors at GoldenWoods Liquor & Wine Store this March! 🌟🍸

Step into our store for an exclusive FREE Gin and Whisky Tasting Event featuring our latest arrivals. Let your taste buds dance with delight as you sample these premium spirits.

But that's not all! 🎁 Participate in our Lucky Gatchapon for a chance to win exciting prizes, including Sparkling Sake and exquisite wines. With every purchase over RM150, you'll earn a draw entry for a shot at these luxurious rewards.

Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your spirits game and win big with GoldenWoods. Cheers to a month filled with new discoveries and delightful surprises!

📍 Visit us at: 24G, Jalan Pandan 3/2, Pandan Jaya, 55100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia



24, Jalan Pandan 3/2, Pandan Jaya

Opening Hours

Monday 11:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 11:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 11:00 - 19:00
Thursday 11:00 - 19:00
Friday 11:00 - 19:00
Saturday 11:00 - 19:00




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About Us.


Golden Woods, previously known as Grand Asian Liquer (M) Sdn Bhd and Avin Asian Wine and Liquer (M) Sdn Bhd. We have been in the liquor and wine industry since 2008. Both companies have recently merge into one.

Golden Woods got it's name from the amber gold spirits and inspired from the shape and material of a wood barrel. We, Golden Woods, look between the lines to bring you the freshest selection of liquor, wine and other alcohol beverages. When it comes to our curation of brands at Golden Woods, we select the best of those to give you the biggest variety, amazing exclusives and coolest collaborations. There are no rules – just endless ways to be you.