Sonko Junior Foundation maintains this page to provide a forum for sharing research, ideas, and opinions regarding our philanthropic work. All statements and materials posted by contributors reflect the views of the individual contributors and do not reflect the views of the foundation. Below are the general community guidelines that allow us to interact productively and respectfully as a
community. These reflect the Facebook Community Standards (; therefore, content and comments that break any of the following will be removed:
#1 Rule: Treat each other with respect. You can debate points without disrespecting your fellow community members. Do not harass or degrade others. What We Do Not Allow:
- Profane, defamatory, offensive or violent language
- “Trolling”, or posting deliberately disruptive statements meant to hijack comment threads or throw discussions off-track
- Multiple postings from the same person with the same content meant to spam the page
- Attacks on specific groups or any comments meant to harass, threaten or abuse an individual
- Hateful or discriminatory comments regarding race, ethnicity, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation or political beliefs
- Links or comments containing sexually explicit content material
- Discussion of illegal activity
- Spam, link baiting or files containing viruses that could damage the operation of other people’s computers or mobile devices
- Acknowledgement of intent to stalk an individual or collect private information without disclosure
- Commercial solicitations
- Violations of copyright or intellectual property rights
- Content that relates to confidential or proprietary business information
- Content determined to be inappropriate, in poor taste, or otherwise contrary to the purposes of the forum
- Personal promotion
- Links to dubious websites or content containing misinformation
We appreciate our community and look forward to great conversations in our comments.